
时间:2023-02-12 01:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2月6日,在2022年印度女足亚洲杯决赛中,中国女足在0比2落后的情况下逆转,以3比2力克韩国队夺冠,时隔16年重登亚洲之巅。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  After dinner, I watched the final of the women's football Asian Cup in front of the TV. I was very excited.

  From losing two goals in a row to catching up quickly, and then to the final victory, the Chinese women's football team has brought us not only a visual feast, but also a signal: this signal is like a heartbeat, stirring everyone's pulse and roaring towards the world like a tiger.

  In the case of unbalanced resources, the girls of the women's football team worked hard and lived up to the expected victory. From this moment, it has been engraved in the history of competitive sports in China.

  Sixteen years apart, sixteen years of dream. Tonight, in the deafening cheers and supreme pride and joy, they dream of a happy life on the green field; At the same time, countless spectators' anxious hearts, excited and trembling hands, tense eyes and absorbed brains - when the women's football girls hug each other, wear gold medals and win trophies - all paid off.

  Thank you. Although the Tao is different, we are willing to go hand in hand and continue to move towards our own field.


  This is a game that shows the charm of football incisively and vividly. Despair and hope coexist, cruelty and beauty coexist. In the first half 0-2 behind the South Korean team, in the almost irreparable crisis, the Chinese women's football team caught up and scored three goals in the second half. Xiao Yuyi scored a winner in injury stoppage time, which made the whole stadium boiling and inspired countless Chinese people.

  The turnaround in adversity makes too many people sigh: "sonorous rose" is back! You can always believe in Chinese women's football!

  We admit that the Chinese women's football team played very hard in the Asian Cup, which also reflects the progress of the overall level of the Asian women's football team. The tragic defeat in the Tokyo Olympic Games is a constant reminder that there is still a big gap between the Chinese women's football team and the world-class. But the great women's football girls have made unremitting efforts to add a touch of light and bring hope to the winter of Chinese football.

  This is a victory of respect for professionalism - just six months ago, the Chinese women's football team fell into a low ebb because of the loss of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the controversy over the selection of a coach. Realistically speaking, the current Chinese team does not have the absolute strength to sweep Asia as it did more than 20 years ago. Shui Qingxia, who was ordered in the face of danger, completely changed the face of the team in only three months. Under her leadership, the players worked hard and found a state under reasonable tactics. Such a Chinese women's football team can fight against any opponent in Asia. Such professionalism is the key to the success of Chinese women's football. Chinese football, which is at a low ebb, needs to reshape its respect for professionalism.

  The Chinese women's football team lost the last quarter of the Asian women's football cup, but it was the spirit of the Chinese women's football team to defeat the Vietnamese women's football team in the last quarter of the tournament; In the semi-final, facing the popular Japanese team, Wang Shuang was absent due to injury. Wang Shanshan scored a great draw in 119 minutes in overtime, and Zhu Yu threw points twice, ending the embarrassing record of losing the opponent in seven games

  Spirit is not omnipotent, but the power of spirit is indispensable.

  This spirit has inspired the Chinese women's football team, which suffered a tragic defeat in the Tokyo Olympic Games not long ago, to regain their fighting spirit and climb to the top again; This spirit has inspired generations of sports people to constantly challenge their own limits; This spirit will certainly infect thousands of Chinese people and will never bow to difficulties.


  In the first half of the whole game, the women's football team was 0-2 to the South Korean team. After half-time break, she scored two goals in five minutes, and even scored a decisive goal in the last few minutes of overtime. The women's football girls caught up and turned against the wind, and finally won the Asian Cup 16 years later.

  If faith wants to use a flower to refer to, it must be a sonorous rose; If faith has color, it must be Chinese red. What ordinary people most want to see when they appreciate competitive sports is not necessarily the victory of their favorite team and favorite athletes, but the motivation, courage and passion to continue to work hard in life as an ordinary person in the process of appreciating competitive sports. How many beats can you get in life? Love to fight will win, love to fight will continue to reach faster, higher and stronger places; This is the similarities between the sports arena and the long road of life.


  In this game, the women's football team played hard and resolutely, adjusted their mentality, looked for appropriate opportunities, fought to the end with their own beliefs and good psychological quality, did not give up, did not retreat, and dared to work hard. The women's football team spirit is worth learning from every Chinese.

  You can always trust the Chinese women's football team! This night, we cheer for the women's football team and boil for the women's football team. I also hope that the women's football spirit of never giving up, the heroism of turning the table against the wind, and the courage and determination on the field can infect many ordinary people like the women's volleyball spirit and become everyone's unremitting driving force.


  Last night, in the final of the 20th Asian Cup women's football match in Mumbai, India, the Chinese women's football team scored three goals in the second half after losing two goals first, defeated South Korea 3-2, and won the Asian Cup women's football championship again after 16 years.

  The Chinese women's football team has not failed in the previous seven games against South Korea. But in this battle, the girls encountered the tenacious resistance of the "Tai Chi tiger". In the first half of the game, South Korean players Cui Yili and Chi Xiaoran scored two goals in a row. Yi Bian fought again, and the Chinese women's football team launched a counterattack. Tang Jiali and Zhang Linyan made contributions successively and leveled the score within 7 minutes. In stoppage time, Xiao Yuyi received the wonderful pass from captain Wang Shanshan and then went to the next city. The Chinese women's football team locked the victory and achieved a magical reversal. After winning the championship, after the semi-final, the team refused to throw up her celebration coach Shui Qingxia. This time, the team members threw her up to celebrate.

  The last time the Chinese women's football team won the Asian Cup was in 2006. Now it has returned to the top of Asia after 16 years. The girls swept away the haze of the disastrous defeat of the Tokyo Olympic Games and regained their honor and confidence. As the captain, Wang Shanshan assisted Xiao Yuyi to score the winning goal. She won the most valuable player and the golden ball award with five goals and one assist in this tournament.

  In the last three games, the Chinese team reversed after losing the ball first, demonstrating the tenacious style of "sonorous rose" fearless of adversity. But at the same time, the reshuffle of the competition pattern of the Asian Cup women's football match is also enough to prove that the current world women's football environment is changing with each passing day. In particular, the South Korean team has squeezed into the strong team from the marginal team in Asia. In only a few years, its competitors have come from behind, reminding the Chinese women's football team that it wants to keep up with the rhythm of the world's strong team, More efforts need to be made in all aspects of their own sustainable development and Football Professionalization.

  In any case, last night belonged to the Chinese women's football team and all the people who worked hard for the future of Chinese football.

