【#英语口语# 导语】正如《大话西游》中的经典台词,我们往往“猜到了开头,却猜不到结尾。”但是,喜欢八卦的小伙伴们还是喜欢猜来猜去。但是,英文中的猜可不止有guess哟~以下内容由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
1 (Right) off the top of one's head
例: Mary: How much do you think this car would be worth on a trade? 玛丽:你觉得这车要是卖的话多少钱? Fred: Well, right off the top of my head, I'd say about a thousand. 弗莱德:呃... 我猜大概1000块。
2 At a guess
人家一开口,你听到了at a guess,就知道对方是在猜测了。这个短语要表达的是“大约、估计”的意思。
例: At a guess, there were forty people at the party. 我猜,有40人参加了派对。
3 Chances are...
猜测总会有很多种可能,想要说出你认为的那种可能,就用Chances are来引导吧!
例: Chances are she has already heard the news. 我猜她八成已经听说了。
4 Take a guess
单说Take a guess,英文里就是让别人来猜猜看。你也可以把它用在你的回答中,表示只是一种猜测,别太当真就好~
例: If I had to take a guess, I'd say she's 30. 如果一定让我猜的话,我觉得她得有30岁了。
5 Shot in the dark
例: We had nothing to go by. It was a shot in the dark, but it turned out right. 我们没什么根据,不过是瞎猜,结果还猜对了。