
时间:2023-05-03 00:30:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节是我国古老的传统节日,主要以扫墓、烧纸钱等形式寄托人们的哀思。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The annual traditional festival Qingming Festival is always accompanied by drizzle, and people's mood will be silent in the misty rain. This year is no exception. Sitting in the car reminds me of Du Fu's poem: it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

  We came to the cemetery in Beilun and soon came to Grandpa's grave. Grandma quickly put some prepared offerings on the table: Qingming fruit, cakes, fruit and wine... My father and I added some soil on the grave, and my mother inserted flowers on it. Light incense and we'll kowtow to Grandpa.

  At this moment, I can't help but think of the happy time when I was with my grandfather. At that time, my grandfather took me to see the sea and catch crabs every day. Every time I lay on my grandfather's shoulder, I was always so happy and happy! Now I can't see Grandpa anymore. I can't help feeling sad. The grave sweeping ceremony was over. Although it was very brief, it was very solemn. "Grandpa, I wish you a happy life in paradise. We will come back to see you today next year!"


  On Tomb Sweeping Day, my father and I set out early and ran to grandma's Cemetery - Weishan cemetery. Our hearts were heavy all the way. After an hour's drive, we came to the foot of Weishan mountain. We selected several objects to worship our relatives outside the cemetery, and then walked slowly into the garden.

  On the steps of about ten meters, my father and I found grandma's tombstone. At the moment of seeing grandma's photo, my tears couldn't help flowing down. As I presented the flowers in front of the monument, I said what my mother told me: "grandma, today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My father and I came to see you. Don't worry about me and grandpa, I will study hard, and my parents will be filial to Grandpa..." I choked and stood staring at Grandma's picture for a long time. Grandma has taken care of me for 8 years. Now I really want to spend more time with Grandma!

  After a while, dad said softly, "let's go. Grandpa will be worried if he gets back late." Then he took my hand and I bowed deeply to the tombstone for three times.


  My hometown is a small country with beautiful scenery. There are green mountains and verdant trees. The annual Qingming Festival is a festival for people in their hometown to sacrifice their ancestors. Therefore, on Tomb Sweeping Day, I will go to my hometown to visit the tomb with my father and mother.

  Every time I come to grandma's tombstone, I want to cry, because I always think of a story my father told me: a little boy's parents died when he was seven years old. From then on, he and his elderly grandmother depended on each other. As a child, he didn't wear a new dress or eat a full meal. He finished secondary school with the support of his relatives and school, and was admitted to normal school with excellent results and became a glorious people's teacher. This little boy is my father. My father is a strong man. He didn't give up his studies because of the ups and downs of fate and the poverty of life. My father told me this story when I had the least confidence in learning. I know that my father is to let me understand that I can't give up my ideal because of a little difficulty.

  On Tomb Sweeping Day, I came to visit my grandmother I had never met. I want to tell them: ", grandma, rest in peace! Your son is very happy now. He has traded his strength for a happy family. Your granddaughter will also be a strong person and fight for her ideals!"


  It is another Tomb Sweeping Day, another holiday to worship our ancestors, and another spring outing. A year later, China's most important festival - Qingming Festival, has come again.

  Recalling the war, how many heroes threw their heads and shed blood, opening up a safe sky. In the Tomb Sweeping Festival, we think of those martyrs and heroes again. We should go and see them.

  The unforgettable Qingming Festival, the noon sun is very dazzling, while the monument rises to the blue sky. At the beginning of the memorial, we need to look at the monument with respect. The sun made us unable to open our eyes. We really wanted to close our eyes to avoid the fierce sun. When my eyes collided with the monument, my eyes opened unconsciously. I think this is our Chinese children's subconscious obedience to the party. When we held white flowers in our hands, browsed the relief of martyrs and presented flowers, the whole team moved very slowly. Everyone hung their heads and silently put the white flowers on the cypress. Everyone is remembering the revolutionary martyrs who created peace for us. Our hearts have already become very heavy.


  When the annual Qingming Festival comes, the sky is overcast and the wind keeps blowing. The weather makes our heart heavier. We went to visit his wife's grave.

  Everyone came to the foot of the mountain and carried up the mountain with everything they needed. The mountain was very steep. Along the way, sad songs played by birds came to our ears from time to time, which made our hearts heavier. When we came to our wife's grave, our uncle removed the weeds from the grave, and then opened the paint box. I, my third aunt and others, took a brush and painted my thoughts on the words one by one. When we were writing, grandma took the candle and lit it, but it couldn't be lit. Finally, Grandpa covered his hand and lit the candle.

  Then, the eldest aunt put her wife's favorite snacks and fruits on the table. After we finished writing, we put cushions on the ground and knelt down in turn. In front of my wife's grave, I "communicated" with my wife with missing, and muttered to myself, "madam, I'll come to see you today. Please bless our health and my academic achievements." Just as we knelt down, the sky began to rain, which seemed to be sister Yun's sad tears. Everyone's heart is sour.


  Today's weather is very sunny, but it's not a good day, because today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My father and mother took me to the countryside to visit the grave.

  We drove to our hometown, got off and came to a cemetery area, where there was a tomb that belonged to my grandfather. My impression of grandpa has been very vague. Grandpa died when I was very young. Listen to grandma, grandpa loves me the most among my sister and me. My impression of grandpa is that there is a river at the end of the road in front of my hometown. Grandpa often takes me to go fishing with a fishing rod.

  Dad knelt there to burn paper money for Grandpa, and I was helping, but I was still thinking about it. Where is Grandpa now? How did you live there?, Of course, I don't know the answers to these questions, but they contain my thoughts for Grandpa.

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This poem places our memory on our lost loved ones, but time can't go back. They are far away from us, but they will always live in our hearts.


  It was another holiday Thursday, which coincided with the Tomb Sweeping Day. In order for us to worship our ancestors, the whole family drove to the countryside to visit the tomb.

  We went up the mountain. With a heavy heart, we came to the grave to worship our ancestors and ask for their blessing. Let's also let our children who are young and talented get good grades and live up to the expectations of your elders; It also makes the whole family healthy and happy

  We began to set off firecrackers. My father asked my brother and I to arrange the firecrackers. It took us a long circle to set off the firecrackers.

  Father said, "I'm going to start lighting firecrackers." Mother, grandmother, brother and I hurried to one side. My father began to light. My brother and I tied firecrackers together. However, our firecrackers connected by several firecrackers were disconnected, so my father wanted to ignite one by one.


  The weather of Qingming Festival was so good that I pestered my father to visit Kundulun reservoir. Unconsciously, we have reached the Kundulun reservoir.

  Looking around, the reservoir is surrounded by mountains and willows by the water are dancing in the wind; Peach blossoms on the peach tree are in bud; Weeds with spring breath, afraid that people will forget them, rush out of the ground and spit out a faint smell of grass. The little snake that had been waking up from hibernation slipped to my feet. I jumped back a few steps and just saw a small hole. I asked my father, "what hole is this?" "It should be a lizard hole." My father said, I squatted in the hole curiously and looked in, waiting for the little lizard to come out of the hole. Just when I lost confidence, suddenly, a little lizard put out its head vigilantly and looked around, "whoosh" out of the hole and disappeared. Then my father and I climbed a high mountain. From the top of the mountain, we could see the beautiful scenery of the reservoir, and the breath and vitality of spring girl were rippling everywhere.

  It's time to go home. Goodbye, beautiful Kundulun Reservoir! Don't go, beautiful spring!


  Qingming Festival is a very important solar term in China's 24 solar terms. As soon as Qingming comes, the temperature rises, which is a good time for spring farming and spring planting. Therefore, there are agricultural proverbs such as "planting melons and beans before and after the Qingming Festival", "afforestation is better than the Qingming Festival".

  It is said that in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Chong Er fled in exile to avoid disasters. Once, Chong Er fainted from hunger. He faithfully followed his Jie Zitui, cut a piece of meat from his leg, and baked it over fire for Chong Er to eat. Nineteen years later, Chong'er returned home and became a monarch, one of the five bullies in the spring and Autumn period, Duke Wen of Jin.

  Duke Wen of Jin thanked Jie Zitui for this. He wanted to ask Jie Zitui to go to the court and receive a reward. But Jie Zitui didn't want to be sealed. He took his mother and hid in Mianshan. In order to force Jie Zitui to push out of the mountain, Duke Wen of Jin set fire to Mianshan. As a result, Jie Zitui's mother was burned to death. The next year, Duke Wen of Jin led his officials to the mountain to worship and set this day as Qingming Festival. People also regard Tomb Sweeping Day as a day to sweep tombs and worship ancestors.


  April 4 this year is the traditional festival of our motherland - Qingming Festival. Qingming is not only a solar term, but also a day to commemorate our ancestors. My family is no exception. During the holiday, my father, aunt and grandmother and I went back to my hometown to visit the grave.

  We took hoes, shovels, knives, incense, paper money and offerings from home and set out. Our family's ancestral grave is in the dense rubber forest. So we must be careful of insect and mosquito bites. And the glue of those rubber trees. First, take the grass around the grave with a knife. After cutting the grass, dig the earth with a shovel and put it on the grave. Then my grandmother asked me to dig the turf, and I have to move back!

  I saw my grandmother holding several sticks of incense next to the grave, putting the offerings next to the incense, and then burning paper money. I immediately ran over and asked my grandmother to burn a bundle for me. When the paper money burned out, my father set off firecrackers. After a sound passed, the firecrackers were finished. My grandmother and aunt took red paint to depict the tombstone. After that, I specially looked to see if the incense was out and waited until the incense was finished, We're just packing up and going home.

