
时间:2023-03-19 02:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节,是个让人伤感的日子,因为在那一天里,我们要祭祀祖先、上山扫墓、怀念已经逝去的亲人。诗人有云:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”,正是道出清明特别的情感。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." every year in this solar term, we will silently recite this poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.

  On this day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings to our loved ones, and silently pray for them in our hearts. We wish them to live happily and happily on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help thinking of the years they spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still fresh in our eyes. Thinking of these, I can't help crying.

  The scenery of spring in the distance came into my eyes. The birds were singing the sonata of spring. The peach blossoms and willows were green all over the mountains, and the golden rape flowers were everywhere. "The tender buds blew and the leaves fell". The green tender buds grew out. Everywhere was a scene of spring and the recovery of all things. This was a season full of expectations and blessings. Qingming Festival, let us in such a special day, while remembering the past, we should also be full of hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a beautiful life. We should also have a new understanding of life and make our every day full, so that we can not regret ourselves and be worthy of others.


  Mother bought wormwood on Tomb Sweeping Day. First take off the Wormwood Leaves, wash them, drain the water, then use the juicer to squeeze the wormwood into juice, then filter out the small residue, finally take out the glutinous rice powder, scoop two bowls into the basin, gently pour in the wormwood juice, keep stirring by hand, and then knead it into dough.

  There are many fillings for making green dough, including bean paste fillings, bamboo shoots fried meat fillings, and peanut fillings... My mother makes peanut fillings. She pulls out a little dough and makes it into a small bowl shape, mashes the peanuts, adds some sugar, and then scoops a spoonful into the green dough. After putting it in, she rubs the dough into a round, smooth ball, and a small green dough is ready, Then wrap them one by one until the dough is gone.

  It's time to steam green dumplings. My mother uses a steamer. She puts a small piece of oil paper under each round green dumpling. It's not easy for the green dumplings with oil paper to stick to the steamer. By the way, put water in the pot, cover the pot, steam for about 20 minutes, and the fragrant green dumplings will come out of the pot. I can't wait to take one of the green regiments and eat it. The hot green regiment tastes soft, like eating marshmallow. It melts at the entrance, and there is a faint wormwood fragrance. I think the green regiment is very delicious. I can eat several at a time. The soft, waxy and delicious taste is unforgettable.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." The annual Qingming Festival is coming. It is also a traditional festival in China and the most important ancestor worship Festival.

  That day, our family got up early, and started to set up the new Fang Shan with tools such as brooms, shovel and so on. I'm going to visit the grave for my grandparents today.

  The paper money is folded. We're going to insert incense candles. I'll light it with a lighter and then blow it out. I found a white smoke rising from the blown candle. We held the candle tightly in our hands, and then raised our heads to worship three times. Then he put the candle in the soil in front of the monument of his grandparents.

  We started burning paper money. We squatted in front of the tombstone, lit folded paper money, and then burned the paper money on it! Paper money represents our thoughts and blessings to our loved ones! And silently pray for them in my heart, and bless them to live as happily as we do on the other side of heaven.

  At the end of the day's tomb sweeping, our family sat in the car. The car was very quiet. No one spoke. My heart was a little more missing and sad. On this special day, I realized the value of life.


  When it comes to Qingming Festival, we all know that it is a traditional festival in China. On Tomb Sweeping Day, we have to sweep tombs, go outing and eat Youth League.

  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, I returned to my hometown. My grandparents and aunts came to the airport to meet me. Instead of going sightseeing, we went directly to the ancestral temple to worship.

  We came to Grandpa's ancestral hall. First, we offered tribute, including chicken, fish, fruit and green ball. Then grandpa lit incense and gave each of us three incense. We worshipped three times in front of the ancestral tablet, knelt down and kowtowed three heads to our ancestors, and then burned paper money to our ancestors. There is a small stove on the side of the ancestral hall, which is specially used for burning fire. We light the fire first, and then relay the paper money to burn it. Grandpa kept fiddling with the fire with a wooden stick, so that the paper could burn away. Standing aside, I couldn't open my eyes because of the smoke. But grandpa kept fiddling with it. Finally, there is the link of setting off firecrackers. The whole family dare not light firecrackers. At this time, grandma volunteered to order, crackling, what a loud voice! Grandpa said, this is to tell our ancestors that we have come to see you!

  Qingming Festival is a festival to remember our ancestors and commemorate history. I think that on this day, we should not only commemorate our ancestors, but also the heroes who died for the great cause of our motherland! So Qingming Festival is really a meaningful festival!


  A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Qingming Festival is a festival for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. It is also one of the 24 solar terms.

  Tomb Sweeping Day is also called outing day, and most people will return to their hometown to visit the grave on this day to place their thoughts on their deceased relatives. There is another legend about the origin of Qingming Festival! It is said that the Qingming Festival began with the tomb sacrifice of emperors and generals in ancient times. Later, people followed suit. On that day, offering sacrifices to ancestors and sweeping tombs slowly became a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, due to the relationship of time, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was set as the Qingming Festival. Usually on April 5.

  There are many customs on the Tomb Sweeping Day, including tomb sweeping: Tomb Sweeping on the Tomb Sweeping Day is to respect our ancestors. Long formed customs, but the sweeping ceremony is not held on the day of the Qingming Festival, but on a single day close to the Qingming Festival. It is said that only monks sweep the tombs on Qingming Day. Inserting willows is also a custom of Qingming Festival. When people go on an outing, they can fold down a few wickers and play with them in their hands, weave them into hats and wear them on their heads, or take them home and insert them on the lintel and eaves. Proverbs have; Qingming does not wear willows, and a beautiful woman becomes a bright head;; Qingming does not wear willows and turns yellow after death; It shows that it was a very common custom to fold willows during the Qingming Festival in the old days. In addition to these, there are many customs of Qingming Festival.

  Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival, but also a long-standing living cultural heritage of our Chinese nation.


  Today is a special day - Qingming Festival, also known as outing Festival. It is a traditional festival in China and one of the most important sacrificial festivals. It is a day to sweep tombs and worship ancestors.

  After class, we came to the playground for sacrificial activities. With the singing of "I love the motherland", the host spoke on the stage. Then we raised the national flag and sang the national anthem. The song sounded. All the students took off their hats neatly and looked at the rising five-star red flag. At this time, it was so solemn and solemn. Everyone's heart was full of the memory of the martyrs. Next, teacher Zhang led us to review the oath, Many martyrs are constantly emerging in my mind.

  History constantly tells us that everyone living in happiness should remember that they are martyrs. They have made happiness for us today with blood and life, dedication and sacrifice. The revolutionary martyrs are the pride of our great nation, and they deserve our eternal memory.

  Heroes to us are the backbone of the nation. No matter what era or country, the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs are always the beacon on the way forward for this country and nation, and should always be respected and revered by this country and nation.

  Although the activity is over, the heroic deeds of the martyrs will remain in our hearts forever.


  Qingming has been popular in the distant Zhou Dynasty. The ancients attached great importance to this festival. Poets and poets of all dynasties have described the grand occasion of Qingming Festival. Since ancient times, people have left a lot of Customs on Qingming Festival.

  Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship have a long history. Tomb sweeping is also called tomb offering, tomb sweeping and tomb going. The reason for Tomb Sweeping during the Qingming Festival is that the insects are awakened, the spring equinox is over, the ice disappears and the snow melts, and vegetation sprouts. People think of their ancestors' tombs. Whether there are foxes and rabbits drilling holes, and whether they will collapse due to the rainy season. Therefore, on the one hand, they go to the tombs to remove weeds, renovate branches, and add a few shovels of soil to the tombs; On the other hand, prepare some sacrifices, burn a few pieces of paper money, hang some notes on the branches, and hold a simple sacrificial ceremony to express the memory of the dead.

  In ancient times, there was the custom of outing on February and March 3. "The river goes up on February 2, and the east wind blows the Sheng on the liver" and "the weather is new on March 3, and there are many beautiful people near the water in Chang'an". It describes the grand scenery of the Tang people's outing. In ancient times, on this day, people gathered relatives and friends, supported the old and children, took a spring outing in the suburbs, and then sat around for a picnic to return at dusk.

  There are also many traditional and colorful cultural and sports activities around the Qingming Festival, such as tug of war, swing, kite flying, polo, cockfighting and so on. The customs of Qingming Festival are rich and colorful, and the records of previous dynasties are very numerous. The poet Huai Qingming's works are even more colorful and unforgettable. In these sense, Qingming is not only a solar term, but also a traditional festival.


  As the saying goes, "it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, a traditional festival in China. It is a day for people to worship their deceased relatives.

  On this day, I got up early in the morning and went back to my hometown to visit the grave with my father. It drizzled on the road, and a few gusts of wind swept through my ears, bringing a few chills. Back home, the rain quietly stopped. Let's get things ready, wear water shoes and go to worship the mountain! My sister and I cheered. On the rugged mountain road, we rowed through the lush weeds and soon climbed the mountain.

  First of all, I'd like to worship Tai Gong first. Adults are busy weeding and cultivating soil for Tai Gong's tomb. I also came to help and put silver bars on Tai Gong's tomb to make it look more beautiful. We placed a lot of offerings in front of the tomb. Some adults were inserting incense candles, some were burning money and paper, some were on an outing, and their hands were combined with "bless the family." Next, let's go to visit the third aunt. My sister and I pulled up our spades and shovel the soil everywhere. In front of the big third aunt's grave, we poured a little wine into a small red cup and sprinkled wine along the tombstone.

  The sun was brighter at noon. After walking all morning, we went home for lunch. This is my fourth year to worship my ancestors. Today, I have a deeper understanding of tomb sweeping in my heart. I should cherish my relatives around me. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is really unforgettable to me.


  On the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents and I came to my hometown together, ready to climb mountains, sweep tombs and worship our ancestors.

  Holding umbrellas and braving the light rain, we climbed up the muddy mountain path step by step. Finally, when we arrived at the tomb of our ancestors, all of us stood in awe in front of their tomb, put flowers respectfully in front of the tomb, took the lighted incense and bowed 90 degrees to show our high respect for our ancestors. Suddenly, my tears came out involuntarily, choking and saying, "grandma, why did you die so early? Your granddaughter didn't meet you once, and you died. If you're still here, I'll listen to you and honor your old man. I wish you a happy life in heaven!" With that, dad asked us to give our ancestors money burned in the underworld. I burned a lot of money for grandma, so that she could never spend it all. When we left, we paid homage to our ancestors again. I couldn't help crying louder with my mother. Finally, I had to leave reluctantly.

  In the Qingming Festival, let us remember our ancestors on such a special day. At the same time, we should also be full of hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a beautiful life. We should have a new understanding of life and make our every day full, so that we will not leave regrets and be worthy of others.


  These days are Tomb Sweeping Day. We have a holiday. The whole family decided to visit Xitang. It's said that this is an ancient town. It's very fun. We drove all morning and arrived at Xitang at noon.

  When you enter the gate, you can see the ancient buildings here. Whether it's a small pavilion or attic, it looks so antique. The tile eaves of the roof are high and stilted, and gray roofs are everywhere. After many years, small bridges and flowing water complement each other. Small boats floated over, with boats full of happy tourists. Tourists were weaving on both sides of the river bank, and there were cries of Hawking in small shops one after another.

  We move forward with the crowded flow of people, and take a look at the small shop next to us from time to time. We have everything we buy, eat, use, wear and so on. Just past a small bridge, I suddenly heard someone singing. I saw someone playing erhu, someone singing, someone ringing the bell, someone playing bamboo board, and someone playing an instrument. I don't know this instrument yet! Dad said, it should be called "se." it's really lively!

  Later, we took a cruise ship in Xitang. The boat swayed and swayed. It was really comfortable! In a word, Xitang let me see many interesting Things, feel the characteristics of the ancient town, it's really a worthwhile trip!

