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Lesson 51 notoriously   第51课 (尤指因坏事)众所周知   Predicting the future is notoriously difficult.   众所周知,预测未来是十分困难的。   The Persian Gulf has a notorously bad weather.   波斯湾的天气是出名的恶劣。   This is a notoriously inefficient agency.   这家代理机构的效率之低是出了名的。   mainframe   主机,中央处理机   These were the so-called mainframe machihes.   这就是所谓的“主机”   The mainframe of our laboratory computer broke down   我们实验室计算机的主机坏了,   and we called Harry from Techinical Services to have it examined.   我们请了技术服务部的哈里检修。   full-time   全职的,专职的   Mainframe computers were very large indeed,often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms,   计算机主机体积庞大,往往需要要占据若干间装有空调的房间,   employing full-time technicians and run on specially-written software.   雇用专职的技师,使用专门编写的软件才能运行。   Jimmy is considering the possibility of becoming a full-time cartoonist.   吉米在考虑做一个专职漫画家。   Her twelve-month-old daughter needs her full-time attention and care.   她12个月大的女儿需要她全时照料。   technician   技师   Technicians are needed to keep this equipment in good running condition.   需要技师维护这个设备良好运行。   Only skilled technicians can differentiate these two varieties.   只有熟练的技师能够分辩这两种不同种类。   software   软件   Nowadays many students unthinkingly rely on their PC's spelling software to check every piecethey write.   现在有很多学生不假思索地依赖个人电脑的拼写软件检查自己写的东西。   These days computers almost all come with built-in mokems and software   目前的电脑几乎全部内置了调制器和相应的软件,   to let you hook up to the Internet straight away.   你可以直接接入互联网。   IBM   (美国)国际商用机器公司   In the early 1980s.the computer giant,IBM produced the world's first Personal Computer.   20世纪80年代初,计算机行业的王牌公司美国国际商用机器公司生产出了世界上第一台个人电脑。   Microsoft   (美国)微软公司   DOS(Disk Operating System)   磁盘操作系统   This ran on an 'operating system' called DOS,produced by a then small company namedMicrosoft.   这种电脑采用了一种被称为磁盘操作系统的工作程序这套程序由一家叫微软的小公司编写。   multimedia   多媒体   user-friendly   容易操作的,好用的   From those humble beginnings,   从这些简陋的初级阶段,   we have seen the development of the user-friendly home computers   我们看到了计算机是怎么发展到现在普及的,   and multimedia machines which are in common use today.   使用简便的家用电脑和多媒体微机的。   Have you read this user-friendly guide carefully?   你仔细读过这本简明易懂的用户指南了吗?   alternative   可供选择的   Bagrit foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand,   巴格瑞特预言有一天计算机可以小到盈握,   when they would be capable of providing information about traffic jams and suggestingalternative routes,   可以提供堵车信息,提出可供选择的其它路线,   when they would be used in hospitals to help doctors to diagnose illnesses,   可以帮医生诊断病症,   when they would relieve office workers and accountants of dull,repetitive clerical work.   还可以使办公室文员和会计摆事实脱那些枯燥,重复的劳动。   The difference can be viewed in several alternative ways.   可以用几种不同的方式考察这种差别。   We have two alternatives.   我们有两种选择。   diagnose   诊断   The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease.   医生对我进行了诊断,认为我得了一种罕见的骨病。   A medical group was set up to diagnose the case.   专门成立了一个医疗小组诊断这个病例。   relieve   解除,免除   Your coming relieved me of the bother of writing a long letter.   你来了,省得我费事写长信了。   For the first time he was relieved of the strain of earning his own bread.   他第一次被解除了生计的压力。   accountant   会计   His accountant prepares his tax returns every year.   他的秘书每年为他准备税收报表。   A good accountant can be defined as one who saves you in taxes almost as much as hecharges in fees.   好会计的定义是:为你节省的税费和向你索取的劳务费几乎持平的人。   repetitive   重复的   Typing involves repetitive motions of the fingers and thumbs.   打字需要手指来回移动。   You will be sorry if you make him your secretary.He has not the patience for repetitive work.   选他当秘书你要后悔的,他没有耐心做重复性的工作。   clerical   办公室工作的,文秘工作的   The routine clerical work in an office includes typing,   办公室的日常工作包括打字,   faxing,making and answering phone calls,receiving guests and so on.   传真,接电话,打电话,接待客人等等。   Internet   互联网   Of course,Leon Bagit could not possibly have forseen the development of the Internet,   当然了,莱昂,巴格瑞特不可能预见到互联风——即把计算机连接到电话线路上,   the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantly with anyone in any part of theworld   以便和世界上任何一个地方的人进行即时联系——   by using computers linked to telephone networks.   这个覆盖全球通讯系统的发展。   The Internet,the Information Superhighway,Cyberspace,the World Wide Web   互联网,信息高速公路,电脑空间,万维网——   all describe the same simple idea:camputers linked by telephone lines.   说的是同一个简单的意思:就是用电话线连起来的电脑。   Once,computer users were sad,isolated people,spending solitary lives at keyboards   过去, 一个个沮丧、孤独的电脑用户在键盘前浪费着寂寞的生命。   Now,the Internet has put everyone's computer in contact with each other-   如今,互联网把大家的电脑连接起来了   so we can all be sad,isolated people spending solitary lives at keyboards.   这样我们大家可以一道沮丧、孤独地在键盘前浪费寂寞的生命。   network   网络   Experts put the event as ' a mosquito bumping into the railway network.'   专家们把这次事伯形容为“一只蚊子撞进了铁路网”。   They set up a worldwide intelligence network.   他们建立了一个世界范围的情报网。   permanent   永久的   My cousin,Harry,keeps a large curioously-shaped bottle on permanent display in his study.   我的堂兄哈里在书房里一直摆着一个形状古怪的大瓶子。   There is nothing permanent except change.   除了变化以外,没有任何东西是永恒的。   The reform may be seen as temporary rather than permanent.   改革可能被认为是暂时的,而不是永久的。   tint   给...染   Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green,an observant visitor wouldsoon notice   瓶子是嫩绿的,不过细心的客人很快就会发现瓶里装的是一种看上去黏稠、   that it is filled with what looks like a thick,greyish substance.   颜色发灰的东西。   The girl tinted her hair green.   女孩把头发染成绿色。   The doll's eyes tinted azure.   娃娃的眼睛是天蓝色的。   delicate   娇柔的,娇嫩的   The green buds covered the branches like a deliocate rain.   绿芽盖满枝头,像娇柔的雨珠。   Rose thinks she is the most delicate flower in the garden.   玫瑰认为她是花园里最娇嫩的一朵花。   shade   色度   The human eye can distinguish one thousand different shades of color.   肉眼能分辨出一千种不同的色调。   The setting casts a different shade on the stone.   背景使石头的色彩浓淡发生了变化 。   observant   敏锐的   He passed through the streets with a hasty step but an observant eye.   他过街的时候步子很急,可是眼睛什么都没放过。   He has to be observant in his line of profession.   干他这一行的,观察力当然得敏锐了。   greyish   浅灰色的   A thick greyish mist was all round.   四周尽是灰蒙蒙的雾。   The living room wall turns greyish.   起居室的墙变得灰灰的。   dispel   驱散的,消除   This brief experiment would dispel any further doubts you might have.   这个简单的试验会消除你可能存在的一切疑虑。   If I have caused the cloud,it is my duty to make an effort to dispel it.   是我造成的乌云,我就有责任努力驱散它。   Pen presently tried to dispel the silence by making a rattling noise.   潘为了冲淡冷场,嘻嘻哈哈地大声谈笑起来。   outlandish   希奇古怪的   How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff   哈里搞得这件古怪的东西还有个有趣的故事,   make an interesting story which he is fond of relating.   而且他还挺爱讲给人听。   The monkey was dressed in an outlandish outfit of pink pants and green boots.   猴子穿了一套古怪的衣服,粉红的裤子,绿色的靴子。   Whatever crazy and outlandish things you claim to have seen on the net,   无论你在网上看到多么疯狂、奇怪的故事,   someone else will have seen something even more crazy and outlandish.   总会有人看到疯狂、更奇怪的。   acquisition   获得   Furthermore,the acquisition of this bottle   此外,得到这个瓶子   cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years.   还根治了一个他多年养成的坏习惯。   Acquisition and utiliazation of information may become the critical factors   信息的获取和利用可能是   determining whether the farmer of the twenty-first century is an effective decision maker.   21世纪农民成为有效决策者的关键因素。   In the acquistion of power and wealth he lost many dear things.   在争取权力和财富的过程中他失掉了很多同样定贵的东西。   cosmetic   化妆品   Harry used to consider it a great joke to go into expensive cosmetic shops   哈里过去喜欢跑到名贵化妆品商店,   and make ooutrageous requeests for goods that do not exist.   要求买一些压根儿不存在的东西,觉得这是个很大的乐子。   The shop sells lipstick,hair gel,and a whole range of other cosmetics.   这家商店出售唇膏,发胶和一系列其他化妆品。   Cosmetic industry will never die.   化妆品工业永远不会消亡。   fanciful   凭空想像的,希奇古怪的   He would invent fanciful names on the spot.   他会当场编出好多希古怪的名字。   The wind curled the smoke in fanciful whorls.   风把烟卷成一个个奇怪的旋涡。   We love him because he is full of fanciful stories.   我们喜欢他是因为他有一肚子稀奇古怪的故事。   insoluble   不可溶解的   On entering a shop,he would ask for a new perfume called 'Scented Shadow'or for 'insolublebath cubes.'   他进了商店,就会提出买什么“影子”香水或是什么“不溶浴皂”   Oil is insoluble in water.   油不溶于水。   Would you expect this substance to be hard and insoluble in liquids?   你是否认为这种物质质地坚硬并且不溶于液体?   prompt   催促,喜动   Harry does not need to be prompted to explain how he bought his precious bottle of mud.   无须催促,哈里就会跟你解释他是怎么买到这瓶珍稀泥土的。   The spokesman's evasive answerprompted the journalist to raise another tricky question.   发言人含糊其词的回答使得记者又提了一个刁钻的问题。   exclusive   高级的,专为高消费者服务的   One day,he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for Myrolite.   一天,他去伦敦一有高级商店,提出要‘密诺莱特’   The visitor asked to see the most exclusive shop in the city.   游客要求看一看城里级的商店。   Most items in exclusive shops are unimaginative.   高级商店里的东西大多缺乏想象力。   syllable   音节   The shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the world,slowly stressing each syllable.   店员露出迷惑的神色,哈里又慢慢地、一字一顿地重复了一遍。   The speaker tried to enuciate each syllable clearly.   发言的人力图把每一个音节都发清楚。   He didn't utter a syllable,either.   他一言不发。   bewilderment   迷惑,糊涂   When the woman shook her head in bewilderment,   女售货员还是迷惑不解地摇了摇头,   Harry went on to explain that Myrolite was a hard,amber-like substance   哈里便进一步解释,‘密诺莱特’是一种质地坚硬状似琥珀的东西,   which could be used to remove freckles.   可以除掉雀斑。   The expression of bewilerment came back into his eyes.   他脸上又露出了迷惑不解的表情。   She stared in bewilderment.   她糊涂了,瞪大了眼睛。   freckle   雀斑   Freckles are usually formed by sunburnt.   雀斑通常是日晒形成的。   Freckles on his forehead make up a miniature of the Great Bear.   他额头上的雀斑组成了一组小小的北斗七星。   evidently   显然地,明显地   This explanation evidently conveyed something to the woman who searched shelf after shelf.   他的解释显然对女售货员有些启示,她一个货架一个货架地寻找。   Evidently he has been working harder.   他学习显然比从前努力。   Their conversation was evidently about kathy,for they glanced at her from time to time.   他们显然在议论凯茜,不时地瞅她一眼。   weird   奇异的,古怪的   She produced all sorts of weird concoctions,but none of them meet Harry's requirements.   她拿出各种奇异的化妆品,但是没有一样符合哈里的要求。   They heard a weird sound like a cat crying.   他们听到一个古怪的像猫哭的声音。   I was intensely interested in the weird story.   我对这个离奇的故事发生了浓厚的兴趣。   concoction   调制品   They gave me a strange concoction to drink.   他们给我喝了一种味道很怪的调制饮料。   intoxicate   陶醉,得意忘形   Intoxicated by his success,Harry then asked for perfume mud.   哈里为他的骗术得手洋洋得意,又提出要买香水泥。   The word 'dad' delighted his ear and he grew intoxicated with the repetition of it.   “爸爸”这个词记他听着欢喜,他一遍一遍地念着,渐渐陶醉了。   I've never seen my boss intoxicated,not even after he has madethe best bargain.   我从没见老板得意忘形过,哪怕是刚刚做成一笔大买卖也没有。   blank   无表情的,茫然的   He expected the assistant to look at him in blank astonishment.   他原以为女售货员会目瞪口呆地望着他。   Will's only reply was the same blank gaze.   威尔的回答仍是那毫无表情的凝视。   His mind went completely blank and he forgot what he was supposed to be doing.   他的脑子一片空白,连本来要做什么都想不起了。   discreetly   谨慎地   He picked up what seemed to be the smallest bottle and discreetly asked the price.   他挑了一个看上去最小的瓶子,小心翼翼地问了价。   The boss instructed me to approach them discreetly because they were employed by ourcompetitors.   老板要我同他们接触的时候要谨慎小心,因为他们受雇于我们的竞争对手。   He deals with everything discreetly.   他做什么都是谨小慎微的。   clutch   抓住   He was glad to get away with a mere twenty pounds and he beat a hasty retreat,   他庆幸自己只破费了20英镑就得以脱身。   clutching the preicous bottle under his arm.   他把那只宝贵的瓶子夹在腋下,溜之大吉。   The boy clutched at the back of the sofa.   小男孩紧紧抓住沙发后背。   Harlow was so starled that he dropped his brush and cluthed wildly at the ladder.   哈洛吓得连刷子都掉了,死命抓着梯子不放。   adorn   装饰,打扮   The curious bottle,which now adorns the bookcase in his study,   那只为他装点书柜的古怪瓶子就是他第一次   was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics.   也是最后一次购买的稀有化妆品。   Flowers adorn the table adn interesting people adorn the hall.   鲜花扮靓桌子,有趣的人扮靓厅堂。   Nature knows well how to adorn itself.   自然懂得怎么装点自己。

