

时间:2021-08-06 19:31:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】九九重阳今又至,重阳节是中国的传统节日,也是敬老节,我们应该弘扬中华民族的传统美德敬老爱老。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Respecting, respecting, loving and helping the old are always the good qualities that we should all possess. Whenever autumn is crisp and chrysanthemum and osmanthus are fragrant, we welcome this special festival, the Double Ninth Festival.

  The Double Ninth Festival has a history of more than 2000 years. October 7 of this year, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, is China's traditional Double Ninth Festival. Early in the morning, my mother, who was on a business trip in Wenzhou, called and asked me what festival it is today? My mother told me that today is the Double Ninth Festival. Let me do something for grandma to make her happy and unforgettable. I wish her a happy holiday.

  After school, I came home, took out a big red apple from the refrigerator, washed it clean, and took out a fruit knife, ready to cut the apple like my mother. However, it was difficult for me to cut the apple from where I started. I had to find a place at random and insert a knife to cut the apple. After I carefully cut the apple for several circles, I found that the skin of the apple I cut was thick, with a lot of flesh, and the apple was also "thin" for a big circle. However, the skin my mother cut was thin, and the cut apple was round and big. When I was cutting the lower part of the apple, I was very careful and careful, and the speed was very slow, but I almost cut blood. I really hope my mother is by my side, but it's impossible. My mother is still on the way back. It took me about eight minutes to peel the apple. I looked at it for a while and found that the apple was small above and big below, just like a little pear. I cut the apple into thin pieces, put it on the plate, took it to my grandmother, and said to her with a smile, "happy Double Ninth Festival, grandmother!" Grandma's face turned red with joy. Grandma rubbed me and ate the apple with a smile while nodding her head. After grandma finished eating the apple, I took grandma's hand to the small park to enjoy chrysanthemum and osmanthus. How beautiful and gorgeous the chrysanthemums are! Pots of different shapes and colors, pink as rosy clouds, white as snow, yellow as gold, "dragon claw chrysanthemum" like a little girl's curly hair, "ball chrysanthemum" like festive fireworks. Osmanthus like a living elf hiding in the green leaves to play hide and seek, gently a suction, refreshing.

  Unconsciously, it was 8 o'clock, and the beautiful scenery made us forget to return. Back home, my mother has already returned home, with a bag of cakes on the table. It's really icing on the cake: it's printed with flowers and grass. Our family sat at the table, tasting the cake. Grandma laughed, as if she were a few years younger


  I'm looking forward to the annual Double Ninth Festival. For the first time, our school organized students of grade 5 and 6 to go to the field for a climbing activity. In the early morning of this day, we went up the mountain with great excitement, and walked for about half an hour to our destination. After breakfast, I went to watch the kite competition with some of my classmates.

  There are so many people in the kite competition field! It's three layers inside and three layers outside to surround the whole stadium. Suddenly, with a whistle, the kites continued to fly into the sky. Soon, all kinds of kites soared in the blue sky. There are dancing butterflies, busy bees, flying eagles... The most attractive ones are the lifelike dragons and centipedes. The Dragon raised its head, tail high, put on a look. Centipede is not to be outdone. In a short time, it will surpass the dragon! Everyone on the court cheered for it. I just rubbed my eyes, but somehow, the dragon and the centipede are entangled. Maybe the dragon is afraid that he can't compare with the centipede, and makes the practice of losing both sides. After a while, they both broke the line and fell into the valley. All the people present felt sorry for it and complained that the dragon should not be so selfish. Their owners rushed down the valley like arrows to find their kites, but time was very tight. However, their owners were not discouraged at all. They put the kites back on the line and flew them again... In the end, the centipede won the first place and the Dragon won the second place... The kite competition ended in bursts of warm cheers and applause.

  After lunch, it was time for the athletes in our school to show their skills. The mountaineering activities began. We saw the athletes rubbing their hands and fists on the hillside and making preparations. There was another whistle, and the athletes scrambled up. You see, Xiaoling in my class is about to get the red flag. "Oh, what a mess! She tripped over a stone and fell on all fours, which made everyone laugh. She got up and ran again, but it was too late. The red flag was taken away by the students of class 5.

  At this time, the sun gradually set in the west, the golden sun shining on the smiling faces of the students, as if blooming flowers.


  Among the four seasons of the year, I like the autumn when chrysanthemums are fragrant most; Among the many festivals in a year, I think the Double Ninth Festival is more joyful than children's day and Spring Festival. That's because the Double Ninth Festival in the golden autumn is also the "old man's Day", "longevity day" and "respect for the elderly day". In a year, only this festival belongs to my grandmother!

  On the Double Ninth Festival, people enjoy chrysanthemums, eat Double Ninth cakes and climb high to pray. However, for me, the Double Ninth Festival is not only happy, it is more about gratitude!

  Every Double Ninth Festival, I always insist on visiting my grandmother every year. I'm no exception this year. Today, I came to grandma's house with fruits and cakes. As soon as grandma opened the door, her eyes brightened, she picked me up happily and said, "my little granddaughter has come to see me again. That's good. Grandma is so happy." I whispered in grandma's ear: "grandma, today is the Double Ninth Festival. I wish you a happy holiday."“ OK, OK, thank you Grandma's eyes narrowed into a seam, as if a lot younger.

  After dinner, I decided to carry out the plan I had already prepared, that is to wash my grandmother's feet once to make her happy. So, I got a basin of hot water and asked grandma to sit down in front of the bed. Grandma asked me doubtfully, "what are you going to do?"“ Let me wash your feet today! "“ Oh Grandma didn't say anything more, so I helped her take off her shoes. Ah, a peculiar smell came straight out. I quickly covered my nose. Ah, what kind of feet should I wash? Don't wash it! Grandma saw that I hesitated and said with a smile, "what? Are you going to be a deserter? "“ I, i... no, I'm just going to wash it for you! " So I had to take off my socks for grandma, ah! Why is this foot so different from mine? The tendons of both feet are abrupt, and the skin that has lost its elasticity has become brown, so old that even the toenails have changed shape. My heart suddenly like overturned the Schisandra bottle, ups and downs with my heart.

  Touching grandma's cocooned feet, I forced myself to hold back tears and fell into meditation: grandma, you usually look so strong and capable, but these feet show your old and thin. It's you who have worked hard all your life for this family. Up to now, you still work all day, but you are never tired. How hard you are! Grandma, you give me infinite love and care, even if I do something wrong, you never blame me, always treat me with a loving heart, often teach me to study hard, and I, but also often think you nag, live up to your painstaking efforts. Grandma, what's the point of washing your feet once? Even if I wash your feet every day, I should

  Nine nine double ninth love, leisurely children's heart. An ordinary and unusual Double Ninth Festival has passed, but it has profound educational significance for me. Grandma, I must study hard, grow up and honor you, so that you can live a happy life!

