

时间:2021-08-29 07:53:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】每年的农历九月初九就是重阳节。重阳节在秋季,是秋高气爽的季节。每到重阳节,我国都有登高赏秋,敬老的传统。故而重阳节又称老人节。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  September 9th is the annual Double Ninth Festival. Whenever this day, people will insert dogwood to exorcise demons. Now it is also called international day for the elderly.

  Like most festivals, the Double Ninth Festival has its origin.

  During the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Heng Jing whose parents died. It is said that there is a makeup River in front of his house. There is a plague devil in the makeup river. Whenever it appears, someone will die of illness, and his parents will also die of this disaster. So Wang Jing said goodbye to his wife and son and decided to get rid of the scourge for the people. Under the guidance of the crane, he worked hard and finally found the immortal with magical skills. Wang Jing practiced hard and finally developed an extraordinary martial art. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the plague devil came to the world again. Hengjing asked the villagers to take cornel and hide in the mountain. They went down the mountain to fight with the plague devil. After a few rounds, they stabbed the plague devil to death. Since then, the villagers have lived a safe and happy life.

  The day after tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival. Today I decided to make grandpa the noodles I learned in the labor technology center. I first added some water to the flour, kneaded it into a white dough, and then kneaded the dough to enhance the softness of the dough. Then, I kneaded it into a sphere and flattened it. A perfect dough was born. I rolled the dough back and forth with a rolling pin, and it became round and big. At this time, sprinkle some flour on the dough cake, and then fold it so that it won't stick. Then cut it into thin strips with a knife to become noodles. Finally came the most critical moment - cooking noodles. I wash the pot first, then boil the water in the pot, and then I can put the ingredients down. After a while, the vegetable leaves turn dark green, so I can put the noodles into the water and then put salt. When the water boils, it's good to turn on a small fire and put monosodium glutamate! Now, just wait a moment and a bowl of delicious and hot noodles will come out of the pot. Grandpa looked at my quick action and kept praising: "my family has a little chef, so I don't have to worry about making an empty city plan anymore." I filled a full bowl and brought it to Grandpa. I affectionately shouted, "Grandpa, please try my craft and wish you a happy old people's day!" grandpa took the bowl happily, tasted it and praised it again and again: "Delicious! Delicious! This year's Chongyang energy conservation is really happy to eat the meal cooked by my niece. Thank Mengmeng for the heartfelt meal!" I was also happy to see my grandfather eating with relish.

  In fact, the old people have been silently caring for us and loving us, but we haven't noticed it. May everyone care and love the old people and live a happy and healthy life!


  The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the old people's day, should take praying for the elderly as an important part. However, we seldom see such, perhaps because of taboo. In old age, one's mind is not as good as that of the prime of life. What one thinks most is the time of the deadline. The more I think about it, the more I fear it, so I can't bear any stimulation. Not to mention blessing longevity, just turning over the calendar will be silent for a long time. For example, my grandmother's life is seventy and six years old, and her eyes are not good. In our area, a disaster year with a multiple of nine is regarded as ominous. For example, at the age of 298, 8972 and so on. From time to time I hear grandma sigh, 8972, do you want to pay it back. When giving us lucky money on New Year's holidays, it always starts with "it's too late if you don't give it now...". I looked at the sunset, and the sinking sun brought a sting to my eyes. Many old people have such a mentality. They are as stubborn as a cow. It really doesn't make sense for them whether Chongyang or not.

  Gradually found that the current Festival is more like a memorial for forgetting, forgetting the ancient and the past. When we deepen the Festival ceremony with food and the noise of gongs and drums all day, the real spirit and connotation of the festival are drifting away. If we wake up one day and the Double Ninth Festival disappears out of thin air, as if it had never appeared, I don't know whether we will be surprised, lonely or indifferent.

  Perhaps the best ending of a festival is this: the last old man who remembers this day lies on a rocking chair, his eyes gradually close with the sunset. This is like the collapse of a civilization. Don't dream of living with heaven and earth. It's just a dream in the water. When society no longer needs it and there is no more reason for it to exist, it is more important to have a perfect end than how to start it.

  Of course, it may also be derived from this festival, which has been given a new mission and new meaning, both inheritance and innovation. After all, only a few people go to extremes. The probability of completely maintaining Zhongping from assimilation is almost zero. It is more appropriate to integrate, weaken specific concepts and refine the spiritual core.

  So I thought of a question about national harmony. Earlier, I was vague about his concept. Later, brick mentioned to me that the trend of a nation is nothing more than assimilation and assimilation. For today's increasingly integrated world, the emergence of a culture that dominates the overall situation is only a matter of time. Of course, now this problem has turned into a struggle between oriental civilization and Western civilization. In short, it is a war between Chinese civilization and European civilization. Chinese Confucian culture has existed for thousands of years, and naturally has its reason. Mediocrity, moderation, everything does not strive for the first nor fall behind the last, so team operation is particularly important. European civilization pays more attention to competition, which also gave birth to many heroes. The war may be protracted, or it may end quickly because of a small detail. In short, it is an irreversible process. The so-called division and division may depend on unnatural force majeure from outer space. Brick is more inclined to the final victory of the thought of Chinese Great Harmony, but the way to end it will be left to history to confirm.

  The deduction of a civilization depends on remembering and deepening again and again; I hope this time, it will not just be a formality.


  Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional festivals of our Chinese nation. The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Double Ninth Festival every year. The Double Ninth Festival is in autumn, which is a clear and crisp season. Every Double Ninth Festival, China has the tradition of climbing to enjoy autumn and respecting the elderly. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called the old people's day.

  Wang Wei, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem about the Double Ninth Festival, called remembering Shandong brothers on September 9: being a stranger in a foreign land alone, I miss my relatives twice during the festival. At the place where the brothers ascended, Zhuyu was inserted everywhere, and there was one less person. This poem depicts the double thoughts of relatives on the traditional festival of Double Ninth Festival.

  This year's Double Ninth Festival, my parents and I came to Xiangshan, the most famous sitting mountain in Beijing, in order to understand the Chinese traditional festival - Double Ninth Festival. We climbed along the foot of the mountain and saw the beautiful scenery on the mountain. We also saw many old people climbing along the foot of the mountain. We climbed to the top of the mountain and saw many old people celebrating their festival - old people's day on the top of Xiangshan mountain. Some of them sing, some dance and celebrate in different ways. Among them sat an old man and several old women. The old man sat on the stool and played Ode to joy with an accordion. The melody was cheerful, beautiful and intoxicating; The old lady next to him accompanied grandpa with small cymbals, drums and other instruments. The music looked very beautiful under the performance of this small band. Surrounded by many old people, this small band dances and sings heartily, making people seem to be in a fairyland on earth.

  After visiting Xiangshan, my parents and I set out to grandma's house and grandma's house and gave our deep blessings to the old man. According to the annual custom, this year's Double Ninth Festival Village Committee distributed condolences to grandparents, which reflects the concern and love of the whole society for the elderly. The wind of respecting and loving the elderly has spread all over China.

  The scene of "flower cakes are busy everywhere" on the Double Ninth Festival in the past has also disappeared. But when it comes to holidays, I can't help thinking of the warmth of old neighbors eating flower cakes, drinking tea, laughing and chatting in the courtyard, and missing the little partners who laughed and played together in childhood.

