

时间:2023-12-25 09:02:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

go on a trip 去旅行
  three-day visit 三天的旅行
  It takes/took/ will take sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 (it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式)
  make a decision 做一个决定 make the decision 做决定
  too…to… 太…而不能…
  find out 找出,查清楚,弄明白
  the cost for(doing)sth. (做)某事的花费
  over the phone 通过电话
  decide on sth. 决定某事
  the best way to do sth. 做某事的方式
  plan to do sth. 计划做某事
  start out 出发
  by train/bus/plane… 乘坐…
  would like to do 想要做某事
  tickets to Mount Tai 到泰山的票
  at +价格 I bought this dress at $50.
  book a train ticket 预订一张火车票
  raise money 筹钱
  think of 认为,想出
  serve sth. to sb. 用某物招待某人 (=serve sb. with sth.)
  Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter is the best time to do sth. 春/夏/秋/冬是做某事的好时候
  places of interest 名胜古迹
  help sb.(to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事
  advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事
  I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 期待着你的来信。(写信时用上这个句子) look forward to doing 期待着做某事
  hear from sb. 收到某人的来信
  leave/left for +地点 动身去某地,for后面接的是要去的地方,而不是离开的地方 On the third day of our trip 在我们旅行的第三天
  so…that… 如此…以至于…
  enjoy (doing) sth. 喜欢做某事
  While A was doing sth., B was doing sth. 当A在做某事的时候,B在做某事。
  On vacation 在度假
  How about/What about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样?
  be busy doing 忙于做某事
  come along with sb. 与某人一起
  work out 算出
  in the center of 在…的中心
  from south to north 从南到北
  Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑
  be meaningful to sb. 对某人有意义
  can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待要做某事
  can’t help doing 情不自禁要做某事
  can’t help to do sth. 不能帮忙做某事
  How far is it from A to B? A到B地有多远?
  arrive at +小地点
  arrive in +大地点
  have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事有乐趣
  obey/break the traffic rules 遵守/打破交通规则
  save energy 节约能源
  get a fine 得到罚款,收到罚单
  be good for 对…有好处
  share A with B 与B一起分享A
  pay attention to 注意,留心
  traffic signals 交通信号
  safety rules 安全准则
  in case of 以防,万一,假使
  first aid 急救
  call sb. for help 打电话向某人求助
  in a word= in short= all in all 总而言之
  lend sth to sb. 把某物借给某人
  empty into 注入
  时间状语从句的引导词:when, while, as, until, not…until, before, after, as soon as Eg: I will stay here until she comes back.
  I won’t leave until she comes back.
  I will go with her when she leaves.
  I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.
  Eg: We won’t go to climb the mountain if it rains tomorrow.
  If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to climb the mountain.
  She won’t come back from the market unless she gets enough things.

