1. The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.
2. The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.
3. All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.
4. It is better for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails in order to do a project.
5. Young people today are less dependent on their parents for making decisions than they were in the past.
6. The Internet is as important as other service, such as building roads, so government should make the Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.
7. People spend too much money on their pets even though there can other good ways to spend money.
8. People who cannot accept criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group.
9. It is important for government to provide money for beautiful things and not just for practical things.
10. In times of economic crisis, which one or which ones do you think the government should spend less money on? a. arts b. scientific research c. parks and public gardens.
11. Being creative, rather than planning carefully more often results in the best solution of a problem.
12. The most important things people learn are from their families.
13. The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts andvolunteering (help the development of the community)?
14. The reading students do on their own is as important as or more important than that assigned by the teachers.
15. Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?
16. Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.
17. These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they would be given more time to do whatever they want.
18. School should be more focused on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for students than on hiring famous professors.
2017.4.1 托福独立写作试题回顾与解题思路
When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.
1- 与兴趣爱好相冲突的事情,并不影响友谊。
2- 与生活习惯相冲突的事情,并不影响友谊。
3- (转折段)价值观的冲突会影响彼此的友谊,但是可以通过开诚布公的聊天消解彼此的顾虑。