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【#英语资源# 导语】劳动是中华民族的传统美德,在我们的生活中,劳动始终贯穿在我们的各个方面,例如做家务也是劳动的一种,不知道你在家的时候,会不会做家务?下面是©文档大全网整理的《做家务英语作文初中生》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.做家务英语作文初中生 篇一

  Today, my father asked me to do some household chores because as I grow up, I not only have to do my own things myself, but also try to help with household chores as much as possible.

  The first task is to wipe the floor. I brought a large bucket of clean water and a cloth, which was completely soaked before wringing it dry. Then, my eyes scanned the floor like radar, and when I saw small black spots on the ground, I pounced like a lion preying on them, quickly wiping them with a cloth. A few times back and forth, the previously dull floor suddenly became sparkling, but the bucket of water turned black, and I also had a sweaty odor.

  Then I took on a new task - folding clothes. I screamed as soon as I saw the clothes all over the bed. These clothes were piled up like a rolling "mountain range", and some were like "Zhumunama Peak". However, I immediately regained my composure because I knew that fear was useless and needed to be solved through practical actions. So I started cleaning one by one, stacking one by one, and soon I was sweating profusely. Finally completed, although I didn't stack as neatly as my mother did, I still received approval from my parents. The look was strange, why didn't I suddenly feel tired?

  After half a day of labor and observation, I have come to realize how hard labor is. It's easy to see others doing things, but it's difficult to do things on my own. I have made up my mind to start with small things in the future, such as not eating food, keeping the floor clean, and not changing clothes and socks at will. This will reduce unnecessary workload.

2.做家务英语作文初中生 篇二

  I am already a fourth grade elementary school student and should learn to do housework.

  On Tuesday afternoon, my parents went out on business, so I immediately took action. I brought a small bucket, soaked the cloth in water, took it out, twisted it vigorously, and started wiping. After a while, I didn't want to do it anymore, but I remembered a sentence: You can't give up halfway. So, I was full of energy again. After cleaning the glass, I cleaned the desk and bookshelf again, and they were all washed clean by me. Look, they all have their small mouths wide open, smiling happily? I seem to be laughing and saying, "Master, thank you, master. You gave me a comfortable bath!" I stood at the door of the room and looked around, discovering that the books on the bookshelf were arranged in a disorderly and irregular manner, with one on the left and one on the right, looking out of order. So, I took out all the books and placed them on the ground, organizing them one by one. It made me sweat profusely. After about half an hour, I finally finished finishing: the green ones were next to the blue ones, the red ones were stuck to the left of the pink ones, and the white ones contrasted with the black ones

  Then I put the small clips, small cards, pen refills and other scattered items into the box and put them in the storage box. The room immediately became less messy and it was much easier to pick up things.

  Finally, I looked around and wow! It's really clean. Now, I finally realized my mother's hard work. I seem to hear praise from my mother and father. Although I am very tired, my heart is still happy.

3.做家务英语作文初中生 篇三

  Today in class, the teacher asked us to go home and do a household chores, and the students were all discussing and talking about it. What household chores am I also thinking of doing? Wash clothes, dishes, sweep the floor, clean the table, and when I got home, my mother prepared the meal. As I was about to eat, my mother said, "Oh my, my stomach hurts." She quickly finished the meal and went to the bathroom. It was really a godsend for me.

  I quickly finished the food in the bowl, cleared up the table, took another bowl, found a dishcloth, wetted it, put some Dishwashing liquid, wiped it along the edge of the bowl, and washed it again. Then the next washing method is the same. Take a plate, put some Dishwashing liquid, wipe it clean, and flush it again. Ha, wash another one. Oh dear, I have to hurry, there's not much time left. I quickly washed the dishes, tidied up the kitchen, wiped the table clean, and while my mother was still in the bathroom, I tidied up the sofa. I placed the cushion on the chair, pulled it up a bit, and then placed the pillow on the sofa.

  My sister finished her meal and wanted to find her mother. She quickly tidied up and put her sister to sleep. Since I need to do household chores, let's do another one. I went to the room to take a look, and my mother and sister were both asleep. I took another cloth to wipe the table, wet it, wring it dry, and wiped it up. After wiping the table, I also need to wipe the area below it. Oh, how tired! But on second thought, if I can't do housework, I have to finish it. I can't do half of it without doing it.

  So tired of doing housework! I will help my mother with more household chores in the future, so as not to make her so tired.

4.做家务英语作文初中生 篇四

  After school, I smelled the aroma of the food as soon as I got home. My mother was holding my younger brother and playing. It's already autumn, but I can see beads of sweat on my mother's forehead. She must have been taking care of her younger brother while doing household chores and preparing dinner before I finished school. I think she must be very tired. So, I decided to help my mother with some things. I first served the rice, then the vegetables, and set the chopsticks in place. After dinner, I quickly said to my mother, "Mom, please rest for a while, I will tidy up." My mother smiled and agreed.

  I put the bowls and chopsticks in the sink, tidied up the table and wiped it again, and washed all the dishes in the sink clean. Then he swept the floor, and in a moment, he felt warm on his body. It turned out that the beads of sweat on his mother's forehead came from this! I haven't helped my mother wash clothes yet! Isn't it more tiring for a mother to take care of her younger brother while doing household chores on weekdays? I finally realized my mother's hard work. At this moment, my mother said to my younger brother, "Look, my older brother has grown up and become my mother's little helper. My younger brother smiled at me while clapping his hands. Although he doesn't know how to call him brother yet, he can only shout when he's happy, but he's definitely expressing 'brother, you're great'.

  Why sweep the world without sweeping a house? "The teacher told us that at the age of seven or eight, he learned to organize his own room, wash clothes, and help his family share some household chores. Do what you can now in order to help more people and contribute to the country and society in the future. I have decided to start from my own home and come on!

5.做家务英语作文初中生 篇五

  All the household chores at home have been done by my mother, and I feel that she has to work and do the housework very hard. I want to share some household chores with my mother to make it easier and less tiring. Finally, I decided to take on the task of mopping the floor at home during this winter vacation.

  When I woke up in the morning, I didn't brush my teeth or wash my face. I picked up a mop and started to mop it around. As a result, not only did I not clean the dirty area, but I also dirtied it. When my mother saw that I was self defeating, she smiled and said to me: "It's really a waste of time. mopping is also skilful. It can't be both forward and backward. It should be done regularly from front to back, from right to left, like peeling Banana peel from top to bottom. Everything has a rule. In addition, when mops are taken to other places, they should not be dragged on the ground, but carried away, otherwise they will also dirty the clean floor.". Following the steps my mother instructed, I carefully dragged the floor again and finally succeeded.

  I put a mop on my shoulder, like a pig Bajie carrying a nine toothed rake. My mother happily said to me, "Pig Bajie is here, Pig Bajie is here..." Originally, I thought mopping the floor was a very simple thing, but through this experience, I learned that doing everything is not easy. However, as long as you put your heart into it, the fruits of your labor will give you an infinite sense of achievement. During this winter vacation, we need to do more household chores, Reduce the burden on my mother and spend the winter vacation happily. Children, let's go do housework together.
