
时间:2022-07-29 22:52:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】你是灯塔,照亮我们前进的方向;你是彩虹,指引我们绚丽的人生;你是雨露,滋润我们柔弱的心灵。愿天下所有的教师,节日快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Spring is full of gardens, which cannot be separated from the hard cultivation of gardeners and teenagers. Growth is inseparable from the careful nurturing of teachers. I'll know when I see this topic. What I wrote is on Teachers' day.

  On the morning of teachers' day, we came to the playground for a morning meeting. That represents all of us, holding flowers, ran to the rostrum and happily gave them to our dear teacher.

  What impresses me most is in class:

  As soon as the bell rang, the students quickly returned to the classroom, put away their gifts, sat upright, and waited for the teacher with a smile. The teacher came to the classroom with books. Then, the students left their seats and went to the podium. Some sent homemade greeting cards, some bought flowers, and some food.

  The teacher was very happy to give us a lecture. Mr. Bai talked endlessly, and we listened with interest. The whole class was so quiet that they could hear a needle drop on the ground. I don't know who began to be a "talker". Teacher Bai heard it and scanned it with severe eyes. It was really breathless. Finally, teacher Bai locked his eyes on fan ran, "because today is teachers' day, I don't want to lose my temper," teacher Bai looked at him with a reproachful look and said, "please do a good job and listen carefully." Then he began to lecture.

  Here, I want to say to you, "teacher, you've worked hard!"


  Today, we welcome the annual teachers' day.

  Today, teacher, I want to say to you: you have worked hard. Like a hard gardener, you water and fertilize our little seedlings every day. You are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others. Teacher, you want to take care of our parents. Every day, we grow up happily in your arms. In the evening, you are still painstakingly correcting our homework. At this time, the evening breeze quietly reminds you: go to bed early. In the morning, you get up very early. At this time, the wild flowers beside the road gently tell you to sleep a little longer.

  Teacher, you have paid too much for us. Teacher's kindness is unforgettable. Teacher, you are kind. Every time I ask you a question, you always explain it to me kindly. Ah, teacher, every word you say is like rain and dew in spring, moistening my heart. Ah, teacher, you are old plantains, and we are delicate little plantains. You transmit nutrition to us, and you will face haggard yourself.

  Teacher, your mind is full of wisdom. Although you are very strict with us, I firmly believe that strict teachers make excellent disciples. Teacher, you have the supreme glory. You will always be the pride of everyone!

  It's you! It is you who impart wisdom to us! It's you! It is you who taught me the true meaning of the world! It's you! You let me understand the meaning of being a man!

  Teacher, happy Teacher's Day!


  Today is the annual teachers' day. I decided to give flowers to my teachers, math teachers and Chinese teachers.

  I came to school early this morning, but I went to the classroom to have a look, ah! So many people have come. I walked to my seat and saw that everyone else brought a flower. I patted my brain and shouted, "ah! I forgot to bring money to buy flowers." I thought again: forget it, I didn't buy it this morning, but I bought it in the afternoon! After class, I saw others send flowers to the teacher. Although I didn't bring money, I still wanted to go, but this idea was soon stopped by me.

  Finally, I finished cooking at noon. When I got home in the afternoon, I couldn't wait to buy two flowers for my teacher. Now I have sent one of those two flowers. My heart was pounding when I sent the flowers, like carrying a little rabbit. I finished sending the flowers with gratitude, but I was still not happy, because there was still a flower in my hand. I wanted to give it to my beloved Chinese teacher, Mr. Zhang, but now the Chinese teacher was called away by Mr. Li Bin, so I couldn't send it for the time being.

  Now I am very grateful to your teachers. It is you who taught me from a naive primary school student to a sixth grade student. It is you who taught me the knowledge. In the last year, I will study hard. In junior high school, I will often think of you and your teaching to me. I will always remember your love for us, and I will often think of your modified symbols and excellent marks in my diary.

  I bowed deeply to thank the teacher for my education.


  September is a cool season, a season of vitality, and a season of Thanksgiving. The long summer vacation has passed, and the new semester is coming. On this beautiful day, we welcome the first festival of this semester - teachers' Day!

  This year's teacher's Day is just Monday, and the students came to school early. Several of the most funny boys began to "show their talents" and got busy with enthusiasm. One person organized the girls to draw on the blackboard. Those girls closed the curtains and turned off the lights to create an atmosphere. Even the students who sell flowers are arranged into a bouquet team. The cadre of my class looks like a leader when these boys are busy! But it was soon revealed. "Alas, there is no painting here!" "The curtain is leaking again!" Such words wave after wave, busy really lively! Gradually, there was a faint sound of footsteps in the corridor. We quickly quieted down. As soon as the teacher pushed the door, we shouted, "Happy Teacher's Day!" I can clearly see the teacher's serious tears flashing when I send the prepared gifts one after another.

  When raising the flag, we solemnly salute the national flag. At the same time, our hearts are also saluting the teacher.

  Teacher, we have seen and felt your greatness and commonness. You never care about what you get or lose, because you deeply understand what you are giving and what you are gaining. This is the result of life value and happiness that cannot be calculated by any number!

  On Teachers' day, let's say sincerely, happy Teachers' Day! Teacher, you have worked hard!


  Approaching teachers' day, it is finally the day of performance. The teacher took us to the auditorium. These days' rehearsal can't be in vain. We found a place to sit down and enjoy the performances of other schools. There are stage plays in which kindergarten children cooperate with teachers, as well as junior high school students' affectionate reading of teachers, and plays that show teachers' selfless dedication.

  "Come on! Come on! We're next!" The teacher shouted anxiously, which pulled me back from my dream. We came backstage to make preparations. Although we had rehearsals for many times and already knew the process of the program, I was still nervous. Some students are playing in the background, some students are hiding behind the curtain to watch the performance, and some students are still in a daze, but I am only nervous at this moment.

  When I got on the stage, I stood in formation and the music began, I suddenly became clear headed and jumped up in high spirits. I kept recalling the next moves and tried to make every move to the extreme. Looking at the crowd under the stage and the judges in front of the stage, I gradually forgot my nervousness and kept encouraging myself in my heart: come on! Don't be nervous, you can! In the singing part, we all sat upright and sang the lyrics, as if we were all on the spot at this moment. The judges and teachers' expressions relaxed, and our hearts were relieved. A classmate next to me jumped very well, but there was a mistake in his movement. I comforted him with my eyes: it's okay, come on, jump! The program went well.

  As the last beat of the music fell, the performance ended, and we withdrew. I was in a happy mood, and I believe we will win the first place. A classmate said that I danced so selflessly that I didn't know my ankle slipped. The judges laughed. We went back to the stage and continued to watch the next performance. What impressed me was the stage play performed by a school, which was vivid and showed the great image of teachers' selfless dedication, and many people were moved to tears. There are also performances of teachers' cordial encouragement to students and showing the friendship between teachers and students in the heavy rain. Through this performance, I understand that this is a stage to exercise courage. If we want to win honor for the school, we must overcome our tension and stand on the stage. Show yourself and be better.


  Teachers' Day arrived, and the students prepared greeting cards for the teachers early. Some use colored paper to cut into love, some use colored paper to make small flowers, and some use colored paper to make small fish.      My mother and I went to the seaside, picked up many beautiful shells and made them into a small greeting card of "ocean of knowledge" to give to the teacher, who led us to soar in the ocean of knowledge on behalf of the teacher.

  In order to celebrate Teachers' day, the class held a sushi making activity. First, the teacher led the students to sing "teacher", then Min Xin sent greetings to the teacher on behalf of the whole class, and the third program was to send greeting cards to the teacher in groups

  The long-awaited Bao Shousi activity finally began, and we were divided into five groups. I use the method that the teacher taught us to pack. First, put on disposable gloves, spread the curtain, take a piece of seaweed, spread the rice on it, add two sausage, a carrot and other materials, and finally roll up the seaweed

  The first plate of sushi we wrapped was for the teacher first. After the second set, the students opened their mouths and ate happily. In the teacher's satisfied smile, to help parents sweat happy smile, in our happy laughter, Bao Shousi activity ended. The teacher asked us to pack a box of beautiful sushi and take it home to our dear grandpa to share our success and joy!


  Today, September 10, is the annual teachers' day, and it is also the happiest day for teachers.

  In the morning, I was walking on my way to school, and my eyes were suddenly attracted by a flower shop. WOW! Many people! The owner of the flower shop was very busy. Just after sending a bunch of flowers, the phone rang, "Hello!" "Oh," "I see." Before the phone could be put down, the guests over there began to urge, "hurry up, I want this bunch of lilies! Hurry!" I was stunned: ah! Too many people want to send flowers to teachers!

  I came to school and glanced at the teacher's office, ah! Teachers are immersed in a sea of flowers. There are flowers in the office: roses, lilies, osmanthus... And many unknown flowers. The colors are colorful:

  Fiery red, snow-white, yellow, blue, pink... A basin next to a basin, a bunch next to a bunch, a lot!

     At this time, several junior high school students came to the front. They were walking towards the English office with flowers in their hands. what? Even junior high school students will return to their alma mater. Happy Teachers' Day! Suddenly, my face flushed, and a burst of sadness flooded into my heart: on Teachers' day, even junior high school students will return to their alma mater to send flowers to teachers, but I didn't! Ah! As the saying goes, good! It's a good saying to be a teacher for one day and a father for life.

  Here, I wish all teachers: happy holidays! I hope you are wearing a bright smile every day!


  Today is teachers' day every year. Here I wish my teacher a happy holiday.

  Ah! Teacher, how great you are to take care of our young flowers like a gardener. I want to thank you for your care and love!

  I still remember that time my key disappeared! If I don't have a key, I can't get into the house. So, you will do whatever you want to find it. Until lunch, you are still panting for it! I said to you, "teacher, my dear teacher, take a rest! Don't be tired, and you have to teach the students! Otherwise, I'll find it with the students, and you can go to dinner!" But you said, "the teacher is fine. You can eat until you are full! Don't ask the students to find it. They will be tired, remember?" This is, I said with tears: teacher, I love you! "

  Ah! Teacher, teacher. What a high price you have paid for us! You wasted your youth and taught us lectures. Is this friendship higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea still unable to express your love for us?

  A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. Ah! Teacher, I love you!


  The annual teachers' Day is coming. In previous years, I have been making greeting cards by myself: painting, coloring, and finally writing my blessings to the teacher. This year I want to prepare a special gift in advance. Anyway, I can save some pocket money during the summer vacation and have it at my disposal. I held up my cheeks and thought about it: what gift should I buy to best express my love for my teacher? Suddenly, a pot of green roses on the balcony came into my eyes. It was green and green all over. It grows very luxuriant, and its leaves cover the whole flowerpot layer by layer, and it is still stretching out desperately. As soon as I patted my head, I suddenly remembered that the book said that the hydroponic cultivation of green pineapple is relatively simple, and placing it indoors is a good helper to purify the air! right! Send a basin of water to raise lvluo and put it next to the computer in the teacher's office. You can enjoy it during recess. Or if the homework batch is tired, look up at the green, and your eyes won't be so sour.

  It's better to move than to move. I want to pull them out one by one, but it took nine cattle and two tigers to "uproot" the green roses, but they broke their waists! Alas! I worked hard to raise it! This pot of green pineapple grows so luxuriant that its roots and soil are completely integrated! In desperation, I had to peel the whole pot of green roses out of the basin, put the roots in the sink and wash them hard, and finally separate the entangled roots one by one. oh dear! I slapped my hands and remembered: what kind of glass vase should I buy? I immediately went to the nearby supermarket to buy it. I fell in love with a small waist shaped vase at a glance, simple and generous. But I think about it. It seems that I still owe something to decorate! By the way, add some colored pebbles to decorate it! When everything was ready, I hurried home happily to continue my small bonsai making journey. I first spread the colored pebbles under it, then divide the cleaned green roses one by one according to their height and curvature, and then insert them into the vase in layers, and finally. Fill in an appropriate amount of water. A beautiful bottle of aquatic green pineapple was born!


  An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold This sentence is really right!

  Time flies. In a blink of an eye, we have entered the study and life of the fourth grade. We are never sensible to sensible, which is inseparable from the teacher's education.

  On the occasion of teachers' day, I sincerely said to the teacher, "teacher, you've worked hard." Then give my most precious gift to the teacher.

  In fact, I think that teachers' Day is not just about giving gifts. In fact, what teachers want is not gifts, but that we can study hard and add luster to the motherland. This is the gift teachers most want. Every teacher is very hard. He goes out early and returns late every day. When he comes home, he has to correct his homework and tidy up his notes. For us, the white hair of the teacher increases day by day.

  Teacher, you are my second mother. You have nurtured us and taught us how to be human.

  Teacher, you are my big friend. You have brought us joy and vitality.

  Teacher, you are our golden key. With you, we can open the door of knowledge.

  Teacher, we will never forget you, your hope for us and your care for us. Teacher, let's say to you again, "teacher, you've worked hard!" At the same time, I also wish all teachers in the world a happy holiday.
