
时间:2021-08-14 00:12:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】您用执着的爱,谱写青春无悔;您用质朴的爱,续写生命荣光;您用无私的爱,浇灌祖国花朵;您用全心的爱,温暖莘莘学子。9.10教师节,让真挚的情感化作声声祝福,沁润您的心田:愿您身体健康,幸福永远!下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  I often miss my first teachers with deep gratitude. It was teachers who sowed beautiful seeds in my heart when I was young. They often teach me to love the motherland, persevere and be an honest and trustworthy person. Six years have passed like flying, and teachers' words often ring in my ears.

  My enlightenment school is called Pingliang Tiezhong. When I stepped into the gate of the school, you, Mr. Lu, were the first to meet me. What a beautiful name! I fell in love with this school and its teachers all at once.

  I went to school when I was seven years old. I was very young. I always sat in my seat irregularly in class. Talking quietly and making small moves with my classmates led to a decline in my grades. For this reason, you criticized me a lot. But I just can't listen. Gradually, under your guidance, I gradually understand the truth of being a man.

  When I was in second grade, some children were my 'strengths', but I was criticized by you in this class. Once in a calligraphy competition, you called all the students who signed up to practice calligraphy in the front row, and I said eagerly“ Teacher, and me, "but you said," your handwriting is so ugly, and it's not humiliating to participate in any competition. "Your words hurt me a little, but I'm still convinced, because my handwriting was really bad at that time.

  After six years of study, the knowledge you taught me has benefited me a lot and will be unforgettable all my life; You taught me the truth of life, which made me change my face and seek truth from facts; The love you gave me - criticism impressed and kept in mind.

  Teacher, after being your student for six years, I understand; It turns out that the sun illuminates life in this way, and the rain and dew moisten the seedlings in this way. Teacher, if you are a gardener, I am that small sapling. You raise me, you cultivate me, and you love me. Ah! Teacher, I will always remember you!


  "When I was a child, I thought you were beautiful and led a group of birds flying around..." whenever I hear this song, I always think of my teacher - Wang Ning.

  Mr. Wang is about 30 years old, medium to upper stature. He has a white face with a pair of big watery eyes. He looks very beautiful, loving and kind.

  Miss Wang loves us very much. She regards class 61 as her home and us as her children. She pays attention to teaching students according to their aptitude, is good at capturing the bright spots on us, praises us in time and rarely criticizes us.

  The exhortations, reminders and encouraging words on the homework book all condense the teacher's care and love for us.

  Last autumn, Mr. Wang chose me to recite the poem "Ode to China". I was excited and worried. I couldn't help asking the teacher, "teacher, i... can I?" Mr. Wang said kindly, "self confidence is the cornerstone of success. As long as you have self-confidence, you can succeed." Looking at the teacher's kind and expectant eyes, I think of the original, we must win glory for the class. I made up my mind to practice hard. The teacher let me appreciate the ode to China by Xu Tao and Li Huimin, and taught me to read it sentence by sentence, marking cadence with different symbols. The priorities of poetry have been marked. Under her guidance, I have made great progress. Due to other reasons, the ode to China failed to be read. Nevertheless, I would like to thank my teacher for giving me confidence and courage.

  When I was in grade three or four, my words were very scribbled, like a circle, and even written in ligature. The teacher's class is not only good, but also good at calligraphy. She once served as our writing teacher. She demonstrated on the blackboard and asked us to practice calligraphy one by one. I made progress in calligraphy. Finally, I won an excellent award in Hengshui children's calligraphy competition and won glory for the class. My achievement is inseparable from the teacher's patient guidance. Therefore, I want to thank my teacher.

  Flowers are grateful to rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky makes it fly... I want to thank my teacher, because the teacher taught me knowledge and let me grow up healthily.


  Teacher's Day is coming on September 10. On the eve of the festival, I would like to sincerely wish all teachers "Happy Teacher's Day!"

  From the middle class of kindergarten to the fifth grade of primary school, the teachers who taught me were amiable, gentle and beautiful, and profound, which enabled me to obtain countless knowledge and wisdom. From small to large, I made many mistakes because of ignorance. At this time, teacher, you are like a policeman, correcting me all the time, so that I can become a polite person; I was also arrogant and didn't understand humility. At that time, after you know it, the teacher immediately became my parents and told me my shortcomings and behaviors, so that I could have a good popularity and get the love and appreciation of my classmates. Teacher, the love you pay silently is like air. People can't touch and grasp it, but they accompany us all the time. If you don't have detailed experience and feelings, you will really take everything for granted!

  Since the implementation of the two-day weekly holiday, there has been no holiday on teacher's day. I think the regulations on teacher's Day holiday should be restored. Why do you want a holiday? Because the teacher worked too hard to educate us students. In addition to passing on knowledge and teaching the truth of being a man and doing things, teachers should also pay attention to children's conduct, especially those naughty children. In addition to their schoolwork, they should always care about their bad conduct. These little things that look like sesame seeds and mung beans are enough to make teachers one big and two big. Therefore, on teacher's day, let the hardworking teachers have a holiday in this beautiful holiday time, and let some grateful children see them, so that teachers can get some sweet taste.

  Thank all the teachers. When I was a little seedling, I kept moistening me with great love. The purpose is to make me grow strong and grow into a big tree in the future. The big tree can stand without shaking, not afraid of wind and rain, enjoy the cool and summer for more people and play under the tree. Teacher, I will listen to your earnest instruction and become a person who contributes to the society. Finally, I wish all teachers "Happy Teacher's Day!"

