

时间:2023-06-09 16:12:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




  Some people like to get advice from parents or grandparents, while some people like to get help from their peer. Which do you prefer and why? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  Which do you think is better? Making a good career plan before going to university, or to decide it after a period of learning in the university.


  Some people play games for enjoyment. Some people play games just for winning. What about you? Please give your opinion and explanation.


  Do you agree with the following statement? students who hand in their homework after the deadline should be marked.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should always wear fashionable clothes. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



  【学生建议】:有封写给学校的信,建议add the kitchen in the student dormitory,理由:1、有足够的空间安置厨房设备;2、cooking skill is useful.

  【学生态度】 conversation部分:gg反对,理由:1、放厨房的空间原本可以用来watch tv,or taking social activities. 2、不认为cooking is a useful skill and 大部分学生很busy,而学习新的技巧,演习菜谱都会占用学习。


  有人写信建议让学生提前知道textbook list,原因一:留出时间让同学们去买便宜的书 原因二:可以提前做reading assignment

  对话中男生同意这个观点 第一 学校书店很贵,有便宜的书也很快卖完了。所以这个proposal可以给学生省钱,让他们去网上买到便宜的书 第二 每个学期一开始总是很忙啊,所以学生可以提前做准备,读一些书

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