

时间:2023-08-04 11:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  1 we consume a lot more than we are able to produce.
  a waste
  b buy
  c use
  d sell
  2 as a writer, he turned out three novels that year.
  a refused
  b read
  c produced
  d accepted
  3 winston churchill gave a moving speech.
  a nervous
  b foolish
  c stirring
  d fast
  4 we tried to restrict our conversation to arguments relevant to the topic.
  a put
  b suit
  c confine
  d resort
  5 it doesn't stand to reason that he would lie.
  a seem logical
  b look pleasant
  c appear obvious
  d sound important
  6 the company recommended that a new gas station be built here.
  a ordered
  b insisted
  c suggested
  d demanded
  7 a plastic wheel can be as tough as a metal one
  a useful
  b tight
  c weak
  d strong
  8 of all the planets in this solar system, mercury is nearest the sun.
  a most like
  b closest to
  c hotter than
  d heavier than
  9 if wool is put into hot water, it tends to shrink.
  a disappear
  b expandwww.zcyy8.com
  c break
  d contract
  10 the train came to an abrupt stop, making us wonder where we were
  a an uncertain
  b a slow
  c an unexpected
  d a smooth
  11 almost all economists agree that nations, gain by trading with one another.
  a work
  b profit
  c rely
  d prove
  12 the conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.
  a denied
  b investigated
  c stressed
  d created
  13 the chemical is deadly to rats but safe to cattle
  a fatal
  b hateful
  c good
  d useful
  14 during his lifetime he was able to accumulate quite a fortune.
  a control
  b spend
  c collect
  d exchange
  15 it's impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation
  a leave
  b talk loudly
  c stand up
  d interrupt
  01. c  02. c  03. c  04. c  05. a
  06. c  07. d  08. b  09. d  10. c
  11. b  12. b  13. a  14. c  15. d

