

时间:2023-09-21 16:42:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

作业1 答案
  III.club member beautiful classmate same
  exciting interesting university vacation actually
  1. 根据课文内容填空。
  club member call Where are you from Mexico beautiful So
  Who’s classmate same Where’s from go hello last name spell
  Retell the text .
  Seoul nice big very exciting club member Mexico interesting big
  2. 用be动词的正确形式填空。
  (1) Is he isn’t (2) Are I’m not (3) are (4) is (5) is
  (6)Are (7) are (8) is (9) are are (10) is is
  3. 用所给代词的正确形式填空。
  (1) She Her (2) they They Their
  (3) My I (4)We our
  (5) her (6)Its
  (7) their (8) Our
  (9) my (10)me
  4. 根据答语写问句。
  (1)How’s (2)Where’s (3)What’s (4)Who’s
  (5)Where’s (6)What’s (7)How’s (8)Who’s
  作业2 答案
  III. semester free really actually
  creative present university brother
  Japan spell smart student
  last shy chemistry cafeteria
  originally sure same boring
  popular change exciting plain
  IV. 1. 81362475
  2. I’m She’s They’re It’s You’re We’re He’s
  Canada a pat on the back
  Japan a hand shake
  France a kiss on the cheek
  Russia a bow
  4. (1) He, His (2) I, My (3) your (4) Their (5) We
  5. (1) Where is (2) Where are (3)Where do (4) Who is (5) What’s (6) Who is
  6. are, have, to learn, watches, China
  作业3 答案
  cousin niece wife nephew married
  government secret photographer traveling couple
  single carpenter project wildlife visit
  IV. 练习题
  1. 根据上下文默写P31 Ex. 3
  brother and sister
  works for the government
  what does she do
  She’s working on a very secret project
  what about
  wildlife photographer
  an interesting not working in the United States
  2. 用所给词的正确形式完成句子。
  (1) is working (2) is drawing (3) is singing(4) Is washing
  (5) are swimming (6) is he waiting is coming
  3. 连词成句。
  (1) What is your brother doing these days?
  (2) Who are you visiting this week?
  (3) He is not traveling now.
  (4) Is your father spending a lot of money
  (5) How are you and Justin enjoying your shopping trip
  4. 根据答语写问句,必要时做简单回答。
  (1) What are they doing?
  (2) Is Linda listening to music? she isn’t.
  (3) Are Lily and Mary playing computer games? they are.
  (4) Who is visiting your parents now?
  (5) Where is Susan working?
  5. 根据汉语完成英语句子。
  1. are visiting grandparents
  2. is teaching university a carpenter
  3. Is nephew working government
  4. am standing elevator stuck
  5. a actress husband couple
  作业4 答案
  III.nowadays , typical ,attention ,share, change, most, happen, tired, spend, marry, because, lonely, present
  1. is /her/being/attention/feels/lonely/lots/of
  is /comes/his/brothers/sisters/are/birthday/presents
  2. 见课本及学案
  3. picture years mother brother birthday watching playing
  4. (1) is going /does…like / likes / doesn’t (2) living/are/are studying
  (3) is/studying/is studying/does/want/to be (4) is singing
  (5) is swimming (6) Is...writing
  作业5 答案
  III. dancer cashier chef pilot server musician receptionist guide
  passenger company restaurant tour university exactly
  1. cashier, cook, musician, pilot, dancer, nurse, waiter, guide, teacher, fisherman
  2. 略(见课本原文)
  3. gets takes loves starts thanks spells lives brushes
  does teaches washes fixes mixes misses guesses flies buys tries enjoys carries
  4. (1) What do, do (2) Where (3) Where do (4) Where does
  (5) What does, do (6) How does, like
  5. (1) Scott and Beth ____work____ (work)in a hospital.
  (2) Tanga ____teaches____ (teach)an art class at a school.
  (3) Where ___does_ your pen pal ____play(play)the guitar?
  (4) What time _____do_ you ____take_(take) a shower?
  (5) Nick and Pam_don’t _teach (not teach) English at school.
  (6) Where _does____he _study___(study) the violin? He studies__(study) in a school.
  (7) My brother __goes____(go) to the University of Texas.
  (8) David ___has___(have) lunch at school on weekdays.
  (9) How _does__ she ____like_(like) it? She _loves__(love) it.
  (10) What ___does___he ____do___(do) there?
  He designs___(design) fantastic Web-sites.

