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【#英语资源# 导语】汽车的飞速发展,给人类带来了文明,也带来了灾难。曾几何时,公路成了扼杀生命的无情杀手,汽车、摩托车就像那锐利的尖刀,肆意地宰割着幸福和安宁,交通事故如同一块沉重的石头紧压在人们的心中。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! I'm XXX from class 5, grade 3. Today, the topic of my speech is traffic safety in mind. December 2 of each year is the "national traffic safety day", with the theme of "refuse dangerous driving, safe and civilized travel".

  What a vivid word "life" and what an old topic "safety" are. At present, 100 million people travel on roads every day, 260 million motor vehicles and 300 million drivers across the country. Travel for 100 million and run on the road every day. It is not only a tool to participate in traffic activities, but also a tool to cause accidents.

  Road traffic accidents include accidents and disasters caused by human unsafe factors, unsafe state of vehicles and unsafe factors of the environment. The rapid development of automobile has brought civilization and disaster to mankind. Once upon a time, the highway became a ruthless killer who killed life. Cars and motorcycles were like sharp knives, wantonly killing happiness and peace. Traffic accidents were like a heavy stone in people's hearts. When the sharp brake sound sounded, there was a touch of red blood on the road. Therefore, another family will be shrouded in sorrow and tears, and their lives will be shrouded in a haze from then on. We have experienced so much pain. So many heavy lessons and the cost of blood have made us deeply realize the necessity of civilized and safe travel. Have you ever thought that maybe you drove after drinking on impulse; Maybe it's when you cross the street fence in a hurry; Perhaps at the moment when you take risks, someone will suddenly stop the happy and passionate movement of life! For the happiness of you and others, please think twice.

  This can not help but make me ponder, why must the growth of traffic safety awareness be watered with blood and tears? Why can we cherish life more only through the comparison of death? Is it that only the parting of life and death and the painful tears of relatives can arouse our respect for life and attention to traffic safety? Valentine's Day split line

  The road of life is long, and long years need peace. Friends, in order that we can finish our life smartly, for the happiness of our family, for the prosperity of our country, for our life to be more wonderful, and for the world to have less sorrow and more laughter, let's take action! Let's start with the little things around us, pay attention to traffic safety, abide by traffic rules, and interpret the meaning of life with actions. Let our youth, let our life bloom!

  That's the end of my speech. Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "traffic safety in my heart".

  What is safety? Safety is the faithful protector, guarding us day and night, making the tree of life tall and green; Safety is an alarm bell, which reminds us to cherish life and pay attention to safety all the time!

  When we come to school every day, our parents always remind us: safety first! In class, teachers often teach us to pay attention to safety inside and outside the school. But we often ignore their words, and this so-called deaf ear is the reminder of our love!

  On the way to and from school, looking around, many students don't obey the traffic rules, such as walking on the motorway, crossing the road, going retrograde, and even fighting on the road with constant traffic flow. What a dangerous behavior!

  I hereby propose: try to ask parents to pick us up to and from school to protect our safety; Abide by the regulations on the implementation of the road traffic safety law and the code for primary school students, and students under the age of 12 are determined not to ride bicycles on the road; When walking on the road, you must take the crosswalk and keep to the right; When crossing the road, take the zebra crossing and pay attention to the traffic.

  There is only one life. Only by cherishing life and paying attention to safety all the time, can we spend our life in peace. Here, I hope you can abide by the traffic rules and enjoy a happy life.

  That's the end of my speech. Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The theme of my speech today is: civilized traffic, safety, you and me.

  Two years ago, at the gate of the community where I lived at that time, a child was hung down by a truck driving from his side while riding a bicycle and was run over under the wheels, and died on the spot. A fresh life fell like a meteor in an instant. Frequent traffic accidents have left countless pain to the world and endless hidden dangers to the society. At present, China has an average of 500000 traffic accidents every year, so the number of deaths exceeds 100000, and about 300 people die in traffic accidents every day. On XX, XX, 20XX, the World Health Organization released a report that traffic accidents have become the main cause of death of teenagers aged 10-24 all over the world. It can be said that "car accidents are more fierce than tigers".

  Life safety is the most basic condition for people to realize the value of life. If personal safety is difficult to guarantee, all social values and personal aspirations will be out of the question. Our young lives not only shoulder arduous social responsibilities and important historical missions, but also carry the emotional sustenance of our parents and family hopes. Therefore, safety awareness and civilized transportation are topics that each of us must face.

  Many security teachers in our school found that many of our students have weak awareness of traffic safety during their duty. For example, at the intersection of XX road and XX Road, ignore the red street lights and cross wantonly; Another example is that some students ride bicycles but drive on the fast lane; Some cyclists also talk to others; Some even put their hands on high-speed racing and so on. These behaviors are seriously irresponsible to themselves and others; In the face of the bus that is about to enter the station, many students rush up, and the scene of running with the wheels is even more worrying; At the school gate and after school, we have a personal feeling of the congestion of cars, bicycles and pedestrians.

  In order to keep us away from traffic injuries, I solemnly propose to you: be more careful when cycling; Be more civilized and orderly when waiting at the bus stop; Be patient when waiting at intersections and zebra crossings. Strictly abide by the provisions of Article 12 of the code of XX primary school students: abide by traffic regulations, do not run red lights, and do not cross the street. At the same time, I hope we will mobilize our parents when we go home today, park the car outside the warning line on the north and south sides of the school gate in order when we pick us up every day, obey the unified arrangement of the teacher on duty at the school gate, and jointly create a civilized, orderly and safe school gate environment! This is also an act of being responsible for yourself and others.

  Life first, safety first and traffic first. Please love and cherish your precious life. Don't let illegal traffic hazards and weak safety awareness work together to stifle our beautiful youth, cause the folding wings of dreams and cause a human tragedy of lifelong regret.

  Civilized traffic, safety, you and me! Let's consciously enhance traffic safety awareness and self-defense ability. Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  "Safety affects all people, and you, me and him are safe and happy.". With the development of science and technology, people's lives are getting better. Buildings rise from the ground and cars run on the road. Safety is becoming more and more important to people.

  When I was a child, my mother taught me some safety knowledge, which I still remember vividly: walking on the road should be on the right; When you see the car, don't rush with the car, let the car go first; Stop chasing and fighting on the road; Stop at a red light and go at a green light. I always remember these traffic rules. With the increasingly developed transportation, people's awareness of friendship should also be enhanced. There are more and more cars and more drivers. Drivers must also abide by traffic rules. Drivers should also be responsible for others, themselves and their families. They should not drive drunk and run red lights, resulting in some drivers not abiding by traffic rules. It leads to tragedies, innocent lives and the fragmentation of the original happy family in an instant.

  I remember when I was in primary school, one afternoon after school, when I was walking on the road, a blue windmill sped by. When I was about to turn the corner, I suddenly heard a sound of braking. When I turned my head, the tragedy had happened. When the windmill was driving too fast, it hit a little boy who didn't hurry to dodge because he was playing on the roadside. In this way, a young life was ruthlessly induced to labor. The little boy still had a future and experienced beautiful things in the world, so he left. I saw the little boy's mother crying with the little boy's body. It was because the windmill owner didn't abide by the traffic rules that the tragedy happened, and the windmill owner's family was broken. If the windmill owner abides by the traffic rules, I think the little boy should still play happily and the families of both sides are still happy and warm.

  Abide by the traffic rules, let peace enter all families and unite the world in harmony. Let's learn traffic knowledge together and create a harmonious society. Traffic safety is in my heart and accompany me to travel safely all the time.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Traffic safety education is indispensable for a school and a family. Education is the form and safety is the purpose. Schools educate children in various ways. Safety is very important and there are many forms of education. We see many banners saying: cherish life and travel safely. Comity is virtue, safety is happiness. Safety comes from vigilance, and accidents come from paralysis. One stop, two look, three pass, carelessness is a disaster. We can't just regard it as a slogan, but keep the content in mind. Traffic safety is what we need to warn all the time.

  Every time I go out with my classmates, I will set an example, never run the red light, and timely tell them that I must remember that the traffic rules do not restrict your freedom, but make our travel more smooth. If everyone runs the red light, turns over the railing and drives in the opposite direction according to their own wishes, there are serious hidden dangers. If the driving vehicles can not brake in time, they will regret it too late in case of an accident.

  At noon yesterday, a man riding an electric car suddenly turned the corner at the intersection. At that time, the car had come to the front. Just listen to the bang. When the electric car hit the ground, people were seriously injured, and the emergency ambulance arrived quickly. This is the lesson of blood. Don't look at the car at the intersection, and go where you want to go, depending on the traffic rules. The price paid is also very heavy.

  When talking to someone, I asked, what do you think is the most important thing in the world? She said: "life is the most important, because there is only one time. The first thing to do is to love yourself. Only by protecting yourself can we talk about other things. Learning, sports, tourism and reading are all based on a healthy life."

  Starting from me, do not walk to the right, do not run the red light, do not climb over the guardrail, do not exceed the speed limit, do not stop casually, do not occupy the emergency lane, do not spit and throw garbage out of the window, etc. the details are not trivial, and there is only one life! I hope you should pay attention to traffic safety and travel safely. Because security is more important than Mount Tai.

