
时间:2022-10-11 19:02:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】演讲者把演讲的主要内容和层次结构,按照提纲形式写出来,借助它进行演讲,而不必一字一句写成演讲。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  hello everyone!

  Safety is the guarantee of the happy life of teachers and students, and safety is the premise of the healthy development of the school; Safety is not only related to teachers and students, schools and families, but also to our whole society, the whole country and the whole nation.

  In order to further improve the safety education of our school, the following requirements are proposed, and we hope that all teachers and students can do a good job.

  First, all teachers and students in our school should have a high sense of safety and fully realize the importance and urgency of safety work. If any potential safety hazard is found, it shall be reported to the school in time to prevent it.

  Second, pay attention to psychological safety. Students should be considerate and understand each other, look at the strengths of others and respect their different personalities; At the same time, the self should handle the difficulties of self coping with a peaceful attitude.

  Third, physical education classes and experimental classes must comply with the requirements of teachers, strictly follow the requirements, and do not act arbitrarily. If you feel unwell, you should make arrangements in advance for the teacher. Make full preparations before physical education classes and extracurricular activities, and do not collide violently during sports to avoid bruises or falls.

  Fourth, we should pay attention to the safety of activities between classes. We should not play games in the teaching building. We should walk right up and down the stairs to avoid bumping between students.

  Fifth, we should pay attention to food hygiene and safety. Don't buy food in unlicensed stores.

  Dear students, we love life. We express our vitality on campus and look forward to tomorrow; We cherish life, we pay attention to everything in life and refuse to hurt. Let the sense of security stay in our hearts, and let the splendor of life shine around us!

  thank you.


  hello everyone!

  A harmonious, warm, stable and orderly campus is a paradise for the healthy growth of our students' lives and a palace for us to learn knowledge. The safety of the campus is related to the healthy growth of students and the successful completion of their studies. Students, safety is more important than Mount Tai. Students should supervise themselves, be strict with requirements, prevent problems before they happen, and keep the alarm bells ringing. More importantly, we should strengthen our safety awareness, improve our prevention ability, and pay attention to ourselves and the people around us all the time. Here are some specific requirements for safety:

  1. During the school period, when participating in in class and out of class activities, such as physical education and collective labor, pay attention to activity safety and learn activity protection skills.

  2. Obey the traffic rules and look around when crossing the street. Students under the age of 12 or above are not allowed to ride to school. No person is allowed to ride to school at the age of 12 or above.

  3. It is strongly prohibited to buy dirty food from mobile vendors outside the school and not drink raw water to avoid food poisoning and intestinal infectious diseases.

  4. Do not gather people to fight, set off xx, climb trees on walls; Pay attention to the safety of water and electricity, and do not play with fire and electricity to prevent personal injury; Do not chase, play and swim in dangerous areas such as roads, mountains, ponds, rivers, reservoirs and other places such as high-voltage lines, substations, rock blasting yards, gas stations, liquefied gas stations, construction sites and other places expressly prohibited to prevent accidents. Do not enter the "three rooms and two halls".

  5. Don't chat with strangers, prevent bad guys from kidnapping, and do not listen to strangers, do nothing, take things with them.

  Finally, I wish our campus will be safe forever! I wish everyone on our campus peace and happiness forever!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The beautiful campus is full of laughter and laughter. We should abide by the rules and regulations of the school, so that our campus will always be full of happiness.

  Pay attention to safety and start from our life and study. We ride bicycles and take walks in our daily life, and various sports activities in campus life are closely related to safety. If we don't pay attention, we will return to ourselves. Security is indispensable in our life. Take safety as eating and drinking, and pay attention to safety at all times. On campus, some students fought fiercely because of trivial matters, some were bleeding, some even paid the price of their lives, which could not be saved by an apology, but could not be saved by a lifetime.

  School is where we all live and learn together. There are teachers, students, flowers and trees. We live like a happy family, full of laughter and laughter. We love our campus just as we love our home. Have we noticed any unsafe factors? For example, it is very unsafe for students to chase each other in class. Therefore, students should listen to teachers and parents, go to school happily, walk home safely, and be a good law-abiding student.

  Finally, let's remember "cherish life and pay attention to safety" and wish students progress and healthy growth in a harmonious and beautiful campus. I also hope that every student can enhance their safety awareness, always pay attention to danger, and let laughter and health accompany us forever.

  thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  good morning!

  With safety, we can have a healthy attitude to meet our own challenges; With security, we can have sufficient energy to absorb the nutrition of knowledge; With security, we can have a firm will to climb the ladder of life. Security is like a shining sun, illuminating our life. Security is like a long link, connecting our life and death. For the bright future of the school, for your health and happiness. Let's start with safety.

  Teachers and students, spring is the season when flowers bloom and thousands of sails compete. In the spring of hope, let's sow sweat and harvest a better tomorrow! Let's follow the steps of spring to study hard, work actively, forge ahead, and work hard to establish a school that parents are satisfied with and students like!

  Finally, I wish the students happy study and healthy growth.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  When we were young, we often heard from our parents and teachers about the importance of safety.

  During the holidays, the teacher even told us: Don't play with water and fire, and pay attention to safety during the holidays. When we went out to play, our parents repeatedly said to us: Don't cross the street, stop at the red light, go at the green light, and pay attention to safety. We have listened to the "safety" education too many times, and some students will not take it seriously, thinking it is alarmist. However, safety accidents always happen, and the lessons learned in this regard are painful.

  Once saw a news: a group of children drowned because they were bathing in the river; I also saw a teenager who was disabled all his life because he didn't obey the traffic rules, and could only be accompanied by a wheelchair from then on.

  Do you want to die at a young age and let your parents cry for you? Do you want to be disabled for life and let others take care of you? Don't you want to live freely to realize your dream?

  No, we should let our life shine and make the flowers of happiness in our life more brilliant.

  First of all, we must abide by the traffic rules. Don't step over the fence, don't rush the road. When crossing the road, we must stop and watch three times, so that there is no traffic danger. Secondly, we don't play with water or fire. You should know that fire and water are merciless. Finally, don't go to dangerous places, but learn to save yourself and each other.

  We should remember the earnest teachings of parents and teachers, and let safety education accompany our growth, so that we can have a better future!
