
时间:2023-09-01 07:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】《开学第一课》 是一年一度面向全国中小学生的大型公益节目,从2008年起于每年9月1日在中央广播电视总台央视综合频道播出。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《2023年开学第一课强国复兴有我英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.2023年开学第一课强国复兴有我英语作文 篇一

  I, the son and daughter of China, am extremely proud and proud to be born here! Because behind me is a strong and prosperous China, but behind this beautiful today, there are many unknown stories. They traded their flesh and blood for today's prosperity and prosperity, and they are the cutest people! I am just here to listen to their stories. I cannot do anything for them, but in the future, I will definitely make my contribution to my motherland - my great mother.

  I remember a few days ago, I watched two movies at school - 'Bloody Battle of Ancestral Strikes' and' Hold onto 1200 Seconds'. How did they get through that period of war filled with gunpowder? The enemy has a big meal of fish and meat, and they haven't even had a full meal. Eating cold potatoes with snow is a common practice. The enemy's everything is complete, almost armed to the teeth, and they have created a world miracle with just a few dozen people and dozens of guns.

  There are only a few people fighting on the battlefield, as most of their teammates have been injured, some in rescue or escort. Seeing this, I feel extremely guilty. Usually, when I break a little skin, I scream in pain, but even if they face sacrifice, they don't flinch.

  They have the spirit and courage to fight against the enemy, and I can feel it. Among them, the most memorable sentence for me is "I want future people to know that the path they take is something we trade our lives for." Yes, the path we walk every day is something they spell out and keep. Life is not easy to come by now, so we should cherish every day, serve our motherland, and protect every inch of territory they have preserved.

  I believe we can definitely do it, and we will definitely do it! A strong youth makes a strong country.

2.2023年开学第一课强国复兴有我英语作文 篇二

  Everyone says that we young children are the flowers of our motherland, but I only want to become a small grass of our country.

  When I was still a seed buried deep underground, the land of my motherland suffered greatly. Countless revolutionary predecessors have shed their heads and blood on this land to build a peaceful and beautiful New China for us!

  Now, I have taken root, sprouted, and broken through the soil of my motherland, thriving and growing. I feel the cuteness and warmth of China's prosperous and prosperous times, with its peaceful and peaceful people! This year marks the beginning of a new journey for my country to comprehensively build a socialist modernized country. The strong national self-confidence and unwavering belief of my predecessors have inspired and guided me, and I will also strive for the development of New China!

  Although the current grass may still be very small, I can start with every detail. I want to protect the environment and safeguard the flowers, grass, mountains, and waters of our motherland; I want to study hard, arm myself with knowledge, continuously improve my abilities and literacy, and master the excellent skills of serving the construction of my country and society; I want to truly contribute my own value to the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

  The great rivers and mountains of my country are the driving force for my growth, and the prosperity and strength of my country are the direction of my efforts. A strong youth makes a strong country! Inheriting the red gene, drawing on the power of faith, fearing neither the present nor the future, I, as a small grass of my motherland, also have great aspirations. In the future, I will work hard to grow up, and one day I will grow into a towering tree, sheltering my country from wind and rain, withstanding sadness, and bringing warmth, sunshine, and strength to my country! Dreams are ahead, the road is at your feet, please rest assured that I am here for the rejuvenation of a strong country!

3.2023年开学第一课强国复兴有我英语作文 篇三

  After a long and tedious vacation, I once again welcomed the start of school, which was no longer unfamiliar to me. In the past, I always had to start school. But this time, I am eager to start school and acquire knowledge. After just passing through the junior high school entrance examination, I have clearly felt the scope of my knowledge. I am willing to read more extracurricular books to enrich my extracurricular life. The first part of the student trilogy, I have already felt its mystery.

  Having distributed familiar yet unfamiliar textbooks, facing these complex problems and profound Chinese characters, I immediately felt a hint of joy ripple in my heart, rather than frowning. Because I always feel happy because I want to be busy with fun again.

  The first class was Chinese language class, and the teacher first asked us to read silently. I picked up this Chinese language book without too much color decoration and slowly began to interact with Chinese characters. After reading silently, the teacher immediately asked questions. The students' laziness gradually increased due to the random volatilization of time, and almost everyone's hands were filled with lead, too heavy to lift, but sometimes the class had a "standing out among the crowd" style, A few hands were raised in the classroom.

  Over time, another characteristic of the classmates gradually evaporated - chatting. Whenever the teacher looked at the blackboard, there were always restless people chirping and disturbing others, and the classroom became so familiar. The first class was a circus performance, with brave jumping tigers, timid mice, and mosquitoes responsible for accompaniment

  The teacher talked humorously about the class, and we listened attentively. The bell after class was woven into knowledge and happiness, reminding us that the happiest time has come. However, we still yearn for this memorable class.

  The class is like a forest, with fierce tigers, bulky black bears, flexible monkeys, heavy elephants, cute larks... There are all kinds of animals in the forest, and there are all kinds of people in the class, but they all belong to the forest and belong to the class.

  The first class of school once again gave me endless hope. At the beginning, we had to prove ourselves to others with vigor, such as discovering new areas that brought endless imagination. So, try to make the imagination come true, which is the inspiration that the first class after junior high school gave me.

4.2023年开学第一课强国复兴有我英语作文 篇四

  The happy summer vacation passed with a flick of a finger, ushering in a new September. The school's "rally call" sounded, and students rushed from all directions to join the tense "battle". September 1st is the students' first day of school, and it is also an important day for the broadcast of the favorite "First Lesson" among primary and secondary school students nationwide.

  The First Lesson at the Beginning of School "is a large-scale public welfare program that has been broadcasting since 2008, in cooperation with the Central Radio and Television Administration and the Ministry of Education. Through the first lesson of school, not only can we give children a special gift, but we can also present the deep love and care of the whole society for their growth in vivid and rich forms. Every year, "The First Lesson of School" has a different theme, and this year is no exception.

  As teenagers in the new era, we need to set our sights, take responsibility for our ideals, and take responsibility for our lives. We need to know that our country is becoming increasingly strong, and we need the younger generation to develop and strengthen our country. Therefore, each of us should have hope and plans for the future, so that with ambition and unremitting efforts, we can move forward towards success. If our generation has no lofty aspirations and only knows how to play all day without learning knowledge, what will be the use of it when we grow up in the future? So we, the younger generation, need to set our aspirations for our country, set our own goals, and study hard.

  In short, we should know that in life, we must have aspirations, beliefs, pragmatism, and the courage to take responsibility, because our young generation is the hope of our country, and the future is beckoning to us. Let's start from now on, set our aspirations, hold lofty ideals, and make contributions to our country. Let's be upright young people with aspirations, dreams, and responsibilities!

5.2023年开学第一课强国复兴有我英语作文 篇五

  The long awaited first lesson of school has finally arrived. This is the first time I have watched it with my father, so let alone how happy I am in my heart. Although the first lesson at the beginning of each year is different, I have gained a lot from it. My favorite host supported the opening speech in the first scene, and then said hello to the audience!

  Subsequently, many touching scenes appeared, and as the host delved deeper into the explanation, my eyes involuntarily shed tears. Although the first class every year gave me a profound feeling and harvest, this feeling became even stronger. I finally found a reason to join the Young Pioneers. Previously, I joined with the encouragement of my classmates. From now on, I joined for the future of my country and for my own dreams.

  In the future, my patriotism has become even stronger. I am the flower of China, carrying the responsibility of China's great rejuvenation. At the same time, in the 100th year since the founding of the Party, my heart is full of expectations for my country, and I will double my strict learning for myself. One day, I will contribute to my country!
