
时间:2023-09-01 08:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】由中央宣传部、教育部和中央广播电视总台联合主办的大型公益节目2023年《开学第一课》如约与全国青少年观众见面。节目以“强国复兴有我”为主题,立足时代前沿,从传统文化、文明探源、生态文明、乡村振兴、国防教育、科技创新等多个方面,采取多地、多主题实景课堂全新模式,带领学生走入田间地头、国家公园、文化地标,纵览祖国大好河山,在“行走的课堂”中读懂中国历史、感知中华文明。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《2023开学第一课《强国复兴有我》英语素材》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.2023开学第一课《强国复兴有我》英语素材 篇一

  Patriotic, there is no need for everyone to do a groundbreaking thing in a grand manner. For us students, studying hard and seriously is also a patriotic action; At home, I am filial to my elders, abide by laws and regulations, do not do any illegal things, and always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, which is also patriotic. In fact, there are many patriotic examples around us.      Don't traffic police, who maintain traffic despite wind, sun, and rain, also have this patriotic spirit? Sometimes due to rain, people who are anxious to return home are crowded, and traffic police command and guide them in the rain, so that pedestrians and vehicles can proceed in an orderly manner. Some people may ask, "Why do they still do the job of traffic police when it's so dangerous?" Because they have an ordinary and selfless spirit of dedication. Isn't this a patriotic spirit? Some people dedicate their lives to their motherland, not only to the sanitation workers, teachers, but also to great scientists, athletes in our daily lives

  Throughout history, countless Chinese people have sacrificed everything, even their precious lives, in the face of repeated tests, threats, and temptations. They will not compromise. Even if they sacrifice everything, they will still go to exchange for the victory of the new China. They are anti Japanese heroes who build China and revitalize the Chinese nation. They deserve our deep respect and love.

  Patriotism is an unshirkable obligation and the belief of all Chinese people. Because living on this land, what is forever flying is the five star red flag, as bright as blood.

2.2023开学第一课《强国复兴有我》英语素材 篇二

  We were born under the national flag, bathed in the warm sunshine of the Party. The great achievements of these 100 years have been obtained through the sacrifice and dedication of our ancestors. In today's China, the people have faith and the country has strength. Together, we look up and see the five star red flag fluttering in the wind, with indescribable joy in our hearts.

  History has entered the 21st century, and today's motherland has a well-equipped army and brave soldiers who have pledged to defend their territory to the death. The Shenzhou 12 astronauts have successfully returned, and China has made breakthroughs in navigation satellites, surveying satellites, and navigation satellites. The Chinese people have worked hard from standing up, becoming rich, and then becoming strong until now. The heroic Communist Party has created a "peaceful and stable home" for us.

     Although we no longer have to sacrifice our lives on the battlefield like our predecessors, we can still contribute to our country. We are the flowers of our country, and even more so, the future of our country. The relay baton of the times will be passed down by us, as the saying goes, 'A strong youth makes a strong country'. We need to establish a correct outlook on life, values, and ideals. Ideal is not only the driving force for each of us, but also the direction for everyone to move forward.

  Liz once said, "Ideals are like stars, we cannot touch them, but we can sail like navigators by the position of the stars." Ideals are like a lamp in the darkness, illuminating every corner of our hearts. Everyone has ideals, and my ideal is to become a teacher for the people. Because my mother is a teacher, I have always admired the teaching profession. The ideal of becoming a teacher is like a seed, deeply rooted in my heart. As I grow older, this seed slowly sprouts, and my desire to become a teacher becomes stronger.

  Teachers are like red candles, igniting the torch in the hearts of students. Teachers are like ferryboats for students' dreams, watching them sail towards a wider world. I want to be a teacher, caring for the hearts of every student with love, patience, and care, and producing a group of talented individuals for national education.

  No matter how much you say, without practical action, no matter how much you think, it's just a fantasy. I will study hard, work hard, and strive to turn my ideals into reality, contributing to my country.

  Motherland, please rest assured that a strong country has me.

3.2023开学第一课《强国复兴有我》英语素材 篇三

  With the changes of the times, our motherland has gradually grown from standing up, becoming rich, and then becoming strong. After all kinds of hardships, it has reached the most dazzling Oriental Pearl TV Tower in the world, which makes me very interested in the scientific and technological development of our motherland.

  So classmates, do you know why our society has developed so quickly? That's because more and more people are fighting for their country now. Those who are fighting are doing everything they can to invent more exquisite and convenient things for the country, so that people can use them. Nowadays, society is really very convenient!

  There are some new inventions in our lives, such as sweeping robots. Sweeping robots not only clean the floor at home, but also are very useful for our living environment. If the sweeping robot feels that something is very dirty, it will repeatedly clean it until it is clean. Every day when it returns home, the house is spotless, making people feel relaxed and happy!

  There are also robots living in restaurants, where the boss leisurely looks at his phone on the counter. The robots are busy working as chefs, waiters, cleaners, etc.

  Sometimes they also stay at home, helping their families wash clothes and cook. Especially during the New Year, it sometimes accompanies its siblings to play, and sometimes helps the family serve dishes... We really like it.

  With new development, our country has become stronger, our newborn babies have been well fed, people have been united, and primary school students have worked harder. We all want to work hard for our country and for this bright Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

  We must make China's decoration perfect, the Chinese Dream, my dream. Come on! Youth!

4.2023开学第一课《强国复兴有我》英语素材 篇四

  Dreams are difficult for each of us. But each of us has dreams and will encounter difficulties. We all encounter setbacks. We only need to persevere and be good at observing and thinking. I believe your Chinese dream will definitely come true!

  Only with dreams can there be hope, only with hope can there be passion, only with passion can there be a career, and only with a career can there be a future. In the "Chinese Dream", there are both "strong countries" and "prosperous people". In the "Chinese Dream", there are expectations and practical actions. The "Chinese Dream" has different sizes, and everyone has their own ideals and pursuits.

  In the Chinese Dream, it is a dream of a family, a nation, a country, and even a dream of 1.4 billion people in China. The combination is a great and strong dream.

  Dreams are blue, just like the sky, as people say: the blue of the sea, the blue of the sky, the blue of dreams. Dreams are the driving force for progress and the wings of success.

  I also have a dream - astronauts

  I look forward to it every day, and even in my sleep, I think of the scene of becoming an astronaut. I sit in the Shenzhou spacecraft, and the spacecraft slowly travels through space. My eyes were fixed on the scene outside. Then, I got out of the cabin and planted a Chinese five-star red flag on the moon. Step on the moon and leave our Chinese footprints. That feeling is really extraordinary and comfortable.

  I work hard every day, study hard, and observe carefully. Careful exploration, perseverance, and hope that when I grow up, I will fly into space like Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng, Uncle Zhai Zhigang, and Sister Liu Yang, searching for the mysteries of the universe.

  I don't know if I can become an astronaut, but I always believe in myself! Do you believe me?

5.2023开学第一课《强国复兴有我》英语素材 篇五

  We listen to the bell of the times under the starry night sky, and we wait for the dawn in the long night. How many times have our emotions been restless, how many times have we been tossing and turning, and how many times have we all been dedicated to this extraordinary day - the birthday of our grandparents!

  When the bright five-star red flag rises and the majestic national anthem resounds across the sky, a tall elderly man in flower armor approaches me. The difficult years have honed her into a cold and firm face, standing tall in the east of the world with a strong and unyielding backbone, and she is our greatest and lovely motherland!

  We immerse ourselves in history, sharing the sorrows of the past. Looking into the future, we will find that the road ahead seems even more distant and difficult, but we will not shrink back or be afraid.

  Up and down five thousand, with mountains and rivers, like the charm of the sea, stars and outstanding people, and for half a century, dragons have been singing in the east, soaring in the ever-changing world. Li Taibai is a literary figure, and Sun Wuzi is a martial artist. Since the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, many outstanding figures have been in the land of China. Motherland, we are all part of your 1.4 billion, the total of your 9.6 million square kilometers.

  How deeply and passionately we love you, how we want to do our best to dress you up more beautifully!

  Let us blend the heroic spirit of the Chinese people and the courage of the descendants of dragons into our fiery youth, sing the songs of youth more vigorously, write the poetry of youth with no regrets, and write the chapters of our motherland with grandeur and grandeur! For the beautiful eternal life of our motherland, we will burn our youth, strive and create!
