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【#四六级考试# 导语】中国有“书读百遍,其义自见”的古谚,一直在强调重复练习的重要性。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Technology and the division of labour have done two things:by eliminating in many fields the need for special strength or skill,they have made a very large number of paid occupations which formerly were enjoyable work into boring labour,and by increasing productivity they have reduced the number of necessary labouring of the population,that is to say, its labourers,will have almost as much leisure as in earlier times was enjoyed by the aristocracy.It seems interesting and relaxing good news at the first sight,but when one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved,the prospect is not cheerful.

  The past aristocracies invented a lot of activities to make fun out of boredom,however, the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass society than it was for aristocracies.The latter, for example, ritualized their time;there was a season to shoot grouse,a season to spend in town, a season to hold a lot of parties, etc.The masses are more likely to replace an unchanging ritual by fashion which it will be in the economic interest of certain people to change as often as possible.Again, the masses cannot go in for hunting,for very soon there would be no animals left to hunt.

  For other aristocratic amusements like gambling, dueling, and warfare,it may be only too easy to find equivalents in dangerous driving,drug-taking, and senseless acts of violence.Workers seldom commit acts of violence,because they can put their aggression into their work,be it physical like the work of a smith,or mental like the work of a scientist or an artist.The role of aggression in mental work is aptly expressed by the phrase “getting one’s teeth into a problem”.


  The United States of America is often seen as a nation in which the pursuit of happiness is not a dream but a reality.The sad truth is that although portrayed as an unusually easy life, life in America is as much of a struggle as in any other nation.For example, higher level education for Americans does not come easy.Although there are scholarships, grants and loans available,if the student fails to meet the criteria he is left with only personal resources to draw from.This takes him into a life with not only a school schedule to follow but perhaps,also, a work schedule and family life.These are often the difficulties that are not portrayed through the TV and movies.These are also the difficulties which many believe they will not encounter by attending an American college.

  In the second place, there is financial security.Many times what is portrayed of life in America is a life where “money is no object”.The fallacy in this is that,Each person has their own personal struggle and money is an object for the majority of the people.in spite of the comparatively higher wages available,the cost of living is also higher.Even though it may seem like one is making more money,just as much is spent in surviving.

  Thirdly is the belief that in the American way of life everyone has a good job.With the increasing advancements in technology,a well-paying job for those currently in the work force is getting harder to find.Those who have not been exposed to computers and other new methods of communication are finding this to be true.As it stands now,the job market is requiring at least a two-year degree from college,in order to make enough to live comfortably.Even then well-paid jobs are not easy to find,as it is sometimes believed because of the portrayal of life in America.


  When you hear the phrase cultural heritage, what comes to mind?Maybe you remember going to see ethnic folk dances with people wearing traditional costumes.Perhaps you were exposed to the music and arts of this culture.Most likely, however, what comes to mind will be the food.It might begin with the recollection of your mother’s cooking,or visiting grandma’s house and receiving a special treat as a reward for good behavior.As you close your eyes, can you picture your favorite dish?Is it a salad with a special dressing, or a scrumptious dessert?Can you smell the aroma wafting through the house?Maybe you’re far away from home and eating your favorite soul foodmakes you feel closer to those you’re separated from.

  Many of us have missed spending a holiday or two with our loved ones,only to find ourselves calling to ask what they had for dinner.It doesn’t matter if it’s the same thing that is served year after year.There’s nothing like food to help us identify with our roots.These recipes, cherished family favorites,handed down from each generation to the next might undergo subtle changes,but there still remains a cable of unity.It is this unity which constructs the bridge between families and generations.Food can be described as the building blocks of this cultural bridge.

  Good food knows no boundaries.It becomes the great equalizer between young and old.Here, in the kitchen the old master works hand in hand with younger family members and friends,passing on traditional skills used in the culinary arts.However, more is taking place than a mere transfer of information about ingredients and mixing instructions.Magic moments are created between child and elder.It becomes an opportunity for a parent to teach family values while passing the sugar and beating the eggs.Confidences can be exchanged along with the natural flow of conversation.


