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【#英语资源# 导语】如果你开始一个任务,但你不知道从哪里开始,你可能会想试着改变一下,从任务的最后开始入手!©文档大全网整理了相关内容,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

If you're like many students, you sometimes have trouble getting started on a project, because the end result seems so far away and impossible to reach. Sometimes, when you start out with an idea and a blank sheet of paper and look into the future, all you can see is lots and lots of unfinished research, reading, planning, and work. 如果你像很多学生一样,有时很难开始一个任务,因为最终的结果似乎很遥远且不可能达到。有时,当你从一个想法和一个空白的纸开始,展望未来时,你能看到的一切是很多很多未完成的研究、阅读、计划和工作。 Through a process called backward planning, you may be able to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the steps between you and a finished product. 通过这一种被称为向后计划的方法,你可以克服成果和步骤之间难度过大而不堪重负的感受。 It starts with your imagination and a calendar. Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes, and imagine your project completed--and with a great passing grade. Now, open your eyes and write "project completed" on the day before your project is due. 这个方法的开始需要你的想象力和日历。坐在一个安静的地方,闭上眼睛,想象你的任务完成了,并取得了一个很棒的分数。现在,睁开你的眼睛,在任务截止的前一天写下“任务完成”。 Next, take a close imaginary look at your project and analyze the parts. How many sources, paragraphs, diagrams, experiments were necessary?Make a note of each one. 接下来,仔细看看你的任务并且分析每部分。有多少来源、段落、图、实验是必须的?为每个步骤做标注。 Next, determine how much time it took to complete each part. Count the days or hours and write that down. Then count backward from your completed project and mark a deadline for starting each part. 接下来,决定每个部分花多少时间来完成。计算天数或小时,并写下来,然后从任务完成的日期开始倒数并且标记出每个部分的最后期限。 · The point of this method of planning is taking a new look at your work timeline. Deadlines are difficult to assign and even tougher to stick to. 这种方法的关键是用新的方法来审视你的时间规划。最后期限很难分配甚至难以坚持。 If you look at your project from a "finished" point of view, you can see more clearly the necessity of sticking to self-imposed time tables. 如果你从“已经完成”的观点来看你的项目,你可以更清晰地看到坚持自己设定的时间表的必要性。 This method takes some practice and time to get used to, but you may find that it helps you overcome the anxiety of starting from nothing. 这种方法需要一些时间去练习和适应,但你会发现它有助于你克服焦虑,从零开始努力。 If you start with a finished project and count backwards, the hurdles and deadlines may pass more easily. 如果你以已经完成的计划开始,进行逆向计算,可能更容易通过障碍和最后期限。

