

时间:2023-07-21 18:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The bond of true affection had pulled us six very different men from six very different countries-across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren't very different __________.
  A) for all
  B) as usual
  C) in particular
  D) after all
  注:1. after all 毕竟,终究
  2. for all 尽管
  3. as usual 平常
  4. in particular 特别,尤其
  Though her parents __________ her musical ability, Jerrilou's piano playing is really terrible.
  A) pour scorn on
  B) heap praise upon
  C) give vent to
  D) cast light upon
  注:1. pour scorn on 蔑视,贬低
  sneer 嘲笑采集者退散
  2. heap praise upon 大加赞赏
  3. give vent to 发泄
  4. cast light upon 明显,显现
  Some children display an __________ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.
  A) incredible
  B) infectious
  C) incompatible
  D) inaccessible
  注:1. incredible 令人难以置信的
  2. infectious 传染的
  3. incompatible 不相容的,相矛盾的
  4. inaccessible 难以到达的,难以接近的
  Bruce Stephen gripped the __________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.
  A) stirring
  B) driving
  C) steering
  D) revolving
  注:steering 操纵,掌舵。方向盘
  Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ____ how great their achievements are.
  A) in spite of
  B) in ways of
  C) in favor of
  D) in terms of
  注:1. in terms of 根据
  2. in spite of 尽管
  3. in favor of 支持,赞成
  4. by means of 通过……方法解决
  The directions were so _______ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.
  A) ingenious
  B) ambitious
  C) notorious
  D) ambiguous
  注:1. ingenious 机灵的,灵巧的,有发明天分的
  2. ambitious 野心勃勃的;有雄心的
  3. notorious 臭名昭著的
  Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ________ areas in Japanese life.
  A) sophisticated
  B) competitive
  C) considerate来源:考试大
  D) superficial
  注:1. competitive 竞争的
  2. considerate 体贴的,体谅的
  3. superficial 表面的,肤浅的

