Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really _______ of the reality that they represent.
A) reflections
B) demonstrations
C) illuminations
D) reproductions
注:1. reflection 反射;反映;倒影
2. demonstration *;演示
3. illumination 点亮,照亮
4. reproduction 复制品
It is through learning that the individual _______ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.
A) retains
B) gains
C) achieves
D) acquireswww.Examda.CoM考试就到考试大
注:acquire 习得
Language Acquired Ability 语言习得能力
Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ________ to violence in order to escape.
A) proceed
B) appeal
C) resort
D) incline
注:1. resort 诉诸于,求助
2. proceed with 继续进行 =continue with
3. appeal 上诉
4. incline 喜欢;倾向
decline 婉言拒绝
recline 倾斜,斜躺
Mary once _______ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.
A) merged
B) collaborated
C) coincided
D) constituted
注:1. collaborate (文化艺术方面)合作
in collaboration with 合作
cooperation 合作
2. merge 合并;加强
3. coincide 巧合
4. constitute 构成,组成
During their fist teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the _______ of lessons.
A) observation
B) investigation
C) inspection
D) examination
注:investigation 调查
He attends to the _______ of important business himself.
A) transaction
B) transition
C) transmission
D) transformation
注:1. transaction 交易
2. transition 季节的过度;社会制度的转型
3. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传播
4. transformation 改变
Out of _______ revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.
A) perfect
B) total
C) sheer
D) integral
注:1. sheer 完全的,纯粹的(六级最爱)
2. revenge 报复
3. integral 完整的
integrity 诚实,正直
A most ______ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.
A) trivial
B) delicate
C) minor
D) miniature
注:1. trivial 琐碎的;价值不高的
2. fetch 取 fetch water 打水
3. delicate 【林妹妹的N个特征】精细的(尤指眼科手术)
4. minor 次要的,从属的
5. miniature 缩微的模型
The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons _______ slowly into the sky.
A) floating
B) raising
C) heaving
D) ascending
注:1. ascending 轻的,薄的物体的上升;声音从远处传来
2. floating 漂浮的
3. raise 抚养
4. heave 举重物
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