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【#英语资源# 导语】遇到文化的冲击这样的情况你怎么看,如果是英语作文的话题的话你如何写呢?下面是©文档大全网给大家整理了文化冲击的英语作文,供大家参阅!


  How to overcome culture shock

  Some good ways to successfully minimize and overcome culture shock are to read about the place where you will be staying and the things you will be doing, also, if possible, speak with someone already living in the new environment.

  Once you are there, keep in mind that people and customs may be very different from what you are used to. Having realistic expectations and realizing that difficulties and misunderstandings may occur will help you keep a cool head when they do, and keeping an open mind will allow you to find solutions to those problems that may arise.

  When possible interact with the local population. Don't succumb to the temptation to isolate yourself, even if it is within a group of compatriots. Locals will generally be pleased to introduce you to their culture and willing to answer questions. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. When you are eager to learn people are usually more than willing to meet you half-way and learn from you in turn.

  Find ways to keep in touch with family and friends at home. Sometimes you just need to talk with someone who fully understands who you are and feels that your way of being is not strange, or rude. Keeping in touch also makes the homecoming process much easier.


  If there is anything special about my neighborhood,it is that there is a beautiful orchard and all the residents are good neighbors.Far removed from any heavy traffic flows,this neighborhood is also a place of peace and quiet.I can still picture to myself how I spent my girlhood happily here.Besides playing boisterous ball games on the ground we children also played in the trees of the orchard and picked whatever fruits we could lay our hands on.Each of us had his of her own pets,such as dogs,guinea pigs,pigeons and even butterflies.Fast friends we were in those years,Our parents often gathered in one place for a chit-chat after supper and we children were rapt listeners even though we did not really understand what they were talking about.They were never harsh on us kids.Our next-door neighbor Mrs.Wang was especially liked by us because she habitually sent us cookies.Our own grandma was an excellent story-teller and we children often fell under the spell of her fascinating stories.Mr.Chang was also an unforgettable character.Whenever we saw him he was singing and his baby face and soft voice pleased us all.This is my neighborhood,a world unto its own which has remained largely unchanged in so many years.It is nice to live here and my neighbors will surely agree with me.


  How to Deal with Culture Shock

  Culture shock, hard to escape when getting into a new unfamiliar surrounding, may come out as a big problem for a new visitor and breaks down his wonderful expectations about this new country.Anyway,there are always some solutions to arm ourselves to handle the uncomfortable culture shock.

  Since you has grasped the opportunity of going abroad, in the first place, it’s necessary and beneficial to refer to essential aspects about your destination, likeweather, food and culture. Get prepared for what may come around the corner in the new place and make relative responses previously, culture shock probably seems not so overwhelming.

  Meanwhile, it is the positive attitude that makes a great difference.Optimistshave the powerful sword to overcome difficulties and get theirselves adapted to changing situations. When culture shock appears, consider it as a hurdle to easily pass through instead of a really big challenge.

  In addition, seeking assistance and accompany from local citizens ,or even compatriotswho have the same experience, is an excellent shelter to withstand uneasy culture shock. More advices, more strength.It is adorable to seek relief in this very new world.



  In summer of 2015, I was in Helsinki, Finland for an internship. Although, I had read thatFinnish people are reserved and like tostay within their space, I had not expected it to be this:


  At a bus stop: You are alone in the shade of the stop and that is your space. No one will cometo bother you.


  Inside a bus: You enter a bus and see that all the window seats are occupied. You don't havea seat and have to stand. Respect that space! (This is rather extreme, but you definitely getanxious as to where should you sit.)


  You are scared to shout to the driver to stop the bus: I was running to catch the bus andsignaled the driver by my hands to stop the bus. I entered the bus and saw all eyes wereturned to me. I have never felt so guilty of anything.


  I caught my Finnish neighbor sneaking into his room and pretending that he didn't see me inthe hallway:


  There was seemingly no traffic and I decided to cross the road while the light was still red. Ilooked back and saw a man shaking head in discontent. I waited for it to turn green next timeonward.


  Finns don't like small talk. You ask general questions and a long, detailed answer follows.


  In Japan, during my first week here, I had to go through a medical check-up in the universityclinic, a normal procedure for the new students and old ones as well.


  I didn't know where the clinic building was, so I asked another student about it. She told methat she was on her way to the clinic too, and that she could show me the place. While we wereon our way, she began asking me where I was coming from and so on; as I was replying to her,I noticed that she was wearing a face-mask, one exactly like this:


  I thought that perhaps it was a must to wear a face-mask before going to the clinic, as a kindof protection against some prospective infections.


  I asked her: "Is it necessary to wear a face-mask before going to the clinic?"


  She replied: "No, no… I just didn't do my makeup today."


  Squat Toilets.


  Found to be the most common type of public toilet in China, I genuinely thought that I wouldeventually be able to learn how to use these things and become at one with the culture duringmy two-month stay in Beijing last summer.


  I never managed to learn how to use them in my entire two months spent in Beijing.


