
时间:2022-09-18 21:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】建立教师节,标志着教师在我国受到全社会的尊敬。这是因为教师的工作在很大程度上决定着我们国家的未来。教师的工作同每个家庭、每个儿童、少年、青年息息相关。在人类社会的发展和进步中,教师起着巨 大的作用。教师是铸造人类文明的工程师,是人类文明的传播者和建设者。人类文明发展的连续性,有赖于一代又一代的教师的劳动。一个社会、一个国家、一个民 族,如果没有教师辛勤的、有效的劳动,那么,这个社会、国家和民族的文明进程就会遭受损失。所以,一部文明史,离开教师的因素,是不可想象的。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Before the teacher's day on September 10, the students were thinking about what gifts to give the teacher? We all got together after class, chattering and discussing. Some said to send flowers, some said to send pens, and others said to send books. I've been very distressed and don't know what gifts to give.

  Back home, my mother gave me a suggestion: let me send the teacher throat tablets. Ha ha, this is very creative. I decided to give it to Chinese teachers, math teachers, English teachers and music teachers, because they all speak the most and are very tired with their voice! My mother gave me her medical insurance card. I went to the drugstore and bought four boxes of throat tablets myself.

  On teacher's day, I took gifts to the school and gave them to the teacher one by one. After giving them, I was very nervous. The flowers given by other students were only throat tablets given by me. Will the teacher like them? Finally, I heard the teacher say thank you for your gifts. My heart finally fell to the ground. My gift is also liked by the teacher. My gift is unique.

  Thank you very much! My dear teacher, you have worked hard!


  Today is teacher's day. The whole class is going to give a gift to the teacher. I also carefully prepared a small gift with exquisite packaging for the teacher.

  This gift is a yellow flannel pig. Small eyes, like a black glass ball. The big nose extends forward, and the small nostrils are like two black beans. The big ears are triangular and grow on the top of the head, like two triangular fans. There are four short legs under the chubby body and a thin and short tail behind the body. When you move its tail, it will keep shaking left and right.

  This little pig is very cute. I like him very much. I'm going to put this gift in a blue box, wrap the box beautifully with colored wrapping paper, and paste a greeting card made by myself, which says: teacher, thank you for teaching me knowledge. You've worked hard! I wish you a happy holiday!

  I want to give it to the teacher. I hope when the teacher is angry, he will be happy to see the pig and don't be so angry.

  Although it's just a small gift, I hope the teacher can like it.


  Tomorrow is teachers' day. I feel very happy because teachers' day has finally arrived.

  I feel the teacher's love around us. I feel the teacher's love is deeper than my mother's love. Whether they criticize me or praise me, they love me and I love them; When I can't praise, I'm proud; When the teacher criticizes me, I am not convinced, so the teacher will feel sad.

  Next, I want to talk about this problem - how to love teachers: we should accept when teachers criticize us; When the teacher praises us, we should be modest; So the teacher will like us. To be a person, we can't violate the rules. School discipline and teachers' words are our rules, and we must abide by them. If a classmate makes trouble and the teacher criticizes him, don't laugh at him, because each of us has shortcomings; Only by correcting it can we be a good child; If the teacher praises anyone, don't be unconvinced. You also have advantages! You should show your strengths in the school. Don't show your weaknesses in the school, otherwise the teacher will bother.

  Teacher, we love you! love you forever! We will always remember you! Bless you forever!

  Being a good child is my gift to you!


  Whenever I hear the song "whenever I walk past the teacher's window", I always think of the gardener who worked hard to cultivate us - the teacher. Teacher's Day is coming. What gift should I choose for my teacher? After thinking about it, I decided to make a greeting card for the teacher myself.

  A few days before teachers' day, I devoted myself to making greeting cards at home. Mother came up and asked curiously, "what are you doing?" I said proudly, "I want to make a greeting card for my teacher."

  On teacher's day, I came to school excitedly. The students were talking about what gifts they gave their teachers. There was a lot of laughter. At this time, our head teacher came to the classroom and dictated new words to us as usual. After a while, the students sent the gifts to the teacher as if they had agreed. The teacher smiled and accepted our small gifts and said thank you. After receiving the gift, the teacher said, "thank you, students. The teacher hopes you study harder, because your good grades are the best gift to the teacher."

  After listening to the teacher's words, I secretly made up my mind to study harder and get better results to repay the teacher in the future.


  Today is the annual Teacher's day, but this year's teacher's Day is different from previous years. We had prepared a gift for the teacher yesterday. I sent a bunch of flowers and a greeting card. Although it was not very impressive, it was also my heart.

  Today, after coming to school, the students in our class decided to surprise the teacher! So we began to "plan". Finally, we decided on the "plan": write "Happy Teacher's Day" on the blackboard. After the teacher enters the classroom, we call it "Happy Teacher's Day".

  Class, we quickly finished all the arrangements between classes. When teacher X came in, he saw the words on the blackboard and smiled happily. Then, we all shouted "happy teacher, happy holiday!" The teacher was very moved and then went to class. Today, everyone seems to have grown up and become more sensible overnight. Even ye Yongfu, who usually doesn't listen to classes, has changed to listen to classes.

  Today, not only the teacher was moved, but I was also moved. Everyone's concerted action made me feel that our class is more human!

