

时间:2021-08-02 21:21:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The night before the beginning of school, I went to bed very early, because tomorrow morning is the first day of school, the night before must add good spirit, to meet the new semester. In the morning, I put on my red school uniform, red scarf, new shoes, brand-new schoolbag, rice bag and my mother's hand to go to school happily. On the road, birds chirp, as if to welcome our arrival, the morning glow waves to us in the sky, as if to say: "Hello everyone!" Along the way, I was like a bird flying out of the cage, very happy, and I was like a fish swimming around in the water, free.

  When I got to the corridor of the classroom, I heard the sound of reading from a distance. It was beautiful and melodious. I was fascinated by it. I went into the classroom, the classroom was clean, the ground was spotless, and there was our new blackboard newspaper in the back, with pictures and words, which was eye-catching. The table and stool were placed neatly. I put down my schoolbag. Mr. Wu asked us to read "what color do you love" and "one, two". Today, I heard Mr. Wu's gentle and sweet voice again. When you read "what color do you love", Mr. Wu corrected several points for us. When you read this article, it is more vivid. I think our class has made new progress in reading.

  Today, a new classmate came to class 5, grade 3. His name is Li Qilong. He is strong, his face is plump, his eyes are big and black, and his eyes are shining. He's from Shenzhen. He's good-looking and has the feeling of calligraphy. Today's first class is the opening test of mathematics. As soon as the paper is sent out, everyone begins to answer the questions carefully. In the classroom, it's quiet. You can only hear the sound of "brushing" and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground. When everyone was ready for morning exercises, the command rang through the sky, and the team was uniform. When the president spoke, everyone stood upright, no one spoke, and the students stood like a straight little pine tree. After morning exercises, we have Chinese class and science class.

  In the new semester, I want to become a new self, come on!


  The summer vacation is over and the school begins.

  At the beginning of school, I have reached grade one in senior high school. Naturally, my studies will be busier and more intense than before. The first year of high school means that we are going to enter the first year of high school and face the first important exam in our life. There are also more assignments in various subjects. Quality. Requirements become higher, so every night is racking their brains to do homework.

  School starts, coming under pressure.

  A few days before the beginning of school, the summer vacation is approaching the end, I found that there are still quite a lot of homework not written in the summer vacation, but I didn't find it in the summer vacation. There is only about a week left. For a week, almost every day, I lay paper on my desk and write hard. Homework and pen oil are in direct proportion to the rapid reduction; Once upon a time, there were three or five pens full of water on one side, and one side was a series of homework that had not been moved.

  The beginning of school, came in a hurry.

  The beginning of school, everything has changed. The teacher changed. Vice president Zhao, who was originally kind, left and did not teach us any more. It was because he was promoted to be principal. So president Zhao left us and took over the busy school affairs. With the beginning of school, the classroom has changed: the decorated classroom has become bright, and the bright tiles pasted on the walls have made the classroom more and more bright. All the equipment has become more advanced. The blackboard becomes movable. As soon as the blackboard slides, a white board appears, acting as a screen.

  The beginning of school, in all the changes.


  Time flies, the sun and the moon fly, imperceptibly, that familiar voice once again sounded in my ears. As before, the students ran from the playground to the classroom in a hurry. This month is too fast, the holiday is a month, but why is it in February? I don't understand why this is happening? Sometimes I would ask myself in my heart, ah, since the school has started, I can't think about those useless things, otherwise I really can't explain to my parents.

  On the first day of school, I always thought that the first few classes would not be held. Unexpectedly, even the morning reading class was held. Of course, we had to hold books to serve the class! Who made us so tall. In this week, our class transferred to two new students, one is very tall, but he seems to be a little introverted, difficult to communicate with people. The other is more outgoing. In one break, we got to know each other and became good friends. I hope these two new students can integrate into our class as soon as possible.

  New semester, new atmosphere, in the new semester, I decided to study hard. Strive to achieve:

  1. Listen carefully in class, don't speak disorderly, don't make small moves, abide by school rules and discipline, and don't violate discipline.

  2. Conscientiously complete the assignments of various subjects.

  3. In the new semester, there should be a new atmosphere. I have to work hard in all subjects. If I don't work hard when I am young, I will be sad when I am old. I want to get better grades and repay my parents.

  Finally, I wish the students happy every day in the new semester, success in everything they want, high grades every day and good health!

