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【手机用户】→点击进入免费试听>>【CET4】 * 【CET6】


  get on it! 去做。。。吧
  I'm just playing!=just kidding 开玩笑的
  no offence(no offense) 别生气 ,(用于事先紧告)
  juses 天呀!
  geeze 天呀!
  gosh = god 上帝呀!我的天呀!!!
  I don't give a shit! 我不在乎
  i don't give a fuck! 我不在乎
  smart 聪明。不用clever
  got disconnected 掉线拉!
  got kicked 被踢拉!
  got power outage 停电拉!
  awesome 另人敬畏的
  take drug = do drug 吸毒
  do weed = smoke 吸烟。
  get high 过瘾的感觉
  what's your number 这用法我只见过一次。你多大拉?
  fuck that! = fuck that shit 去他的吧!
  do you do weed? = do you smoke 吸烟吗?
  don't be so sure about yourself 别太自信!
  don't be so sure about that 别太肯定
  mind your own business 别管闲事
  none of your business 没你的事;别管闲事
  that's a little stronge 有点重了
  hell yeah! 可不是!太对拉!
  I do whatever I like 我干我想干的
  zip it 闭嘴
  you wanna fight? 想吵架?
  you wanna row about that? 想吵架?
  you are so mean 你太没意思拉
  don't be mean about that 别太没意思了啊
  go ahead 可以
  cell phone 手机
  gal = girl
  guy = boy
  toilet 马桶
  laptop 笔记本电脑
  oops 哎幼
  oops I farted again 呀!我又放了个*
  what's your connection 问你是用56K上网还是用宽带
  how is your day 今天怎么样?
  belly button 肚脐眼
  fine 好。有时表示不满。你可以!
  cause ,because, cuz 因为

