

时间:2021-08-18 01:44:06 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】又逢中秋节,我用最深的情意改造,用最美的祝福剪裁,为你送上一轮多功能圆月,助你把成功跨“月”,把烦恼穿“月”,常让心情喜“月”,多把快乐翻“月”,和幸福一起吟风弄月。祝你中秋快乐,合家幸福!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. My family is sitting on the sofa and watching my favorite program "Chinese poetry conference". The contestants in the program cut six generals through five passes and answered all kinds of poems with ease. Suddenly, a strange word appeared on the big screen, which baffled him. The opportunity to skip had run out, and he could only regret his failure. Seeing this, I can't help feeling sorry for him. At the same time, I also want to know when I can attend it. You know, I'm the master of poetry in my class. No, madman, I like poetry best. But when I saw my parents on the sofa, an idea came into my mind.

  After eating moon cakes for about a month, our family sat on the swing on the balcony, eating moon cakes and looking at the moon through a telescope. Just then, I said what I thought. I said, "Mom and Dad, you see today's moon is so round, and the Chinese poetry conference has been popular all over the country recently. Why don't we also hold a family poetry conference with the theme of month!" My mother agreed and said, "yes, poetry can exercise people's memory, and poetry is the essence of our China." Dad said, "OK, but I'm a master of poetry. Jianghu people call me" poetic filial piety ". I said, "OK, I'll make you this' Shixiao 'completely ineffective!" At this time, my mother came to ease: "well, don't quarrel first. Look at the name of the great poet Li Bai 'Qinglian resident', what's the name of your two great poets?" I said, "I'm called 'the God of poetry'!" Dad said, "then I'll call it 'Shixiao resident'!" My mother said, "then I'll be called 'mother resident'!"

  The Mid Autumn Festival poetry conference officially began. The rule is that each of the three people take turns to say the poetry with the word "Moon". Whoever can't say it will fail.

  I'll come first: "the moon is crowing and the frost is all over the sky. Jiang Feng's fishing fire is worried about sleep." Dad also has a profound cultural heritage: "the bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone is upstream." Mother is not willing to be outdone: "the moon startles mountain birds, when they sing in the spring stream." It's my turn again. I said, "the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground". In this way, I, the poet, the organizer and my mother, have no poetry, and my father is still shaking his head to recite poetry, "there is a bright moon on the sea, and the ends of the world share this time."“ Hours don't know the moon, call it a white jade plate. " Something. Dad, this Shixiao monk is really great.

  The final competition was won by my father Shixiao. However, I'd better eat delicious moon cakes first!


  When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival, you will think of Su Shi's "water tune song head": people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy, sunny, round and short. This matter is difficult to complete in ancient times. I hope people can live for a long time and share the beauty of thousands of miles. Although there is no moon in this mid autumn festival, it is still a peaceful and beautiful reunion night.

  In the evening, my brother, sister and brother came to my house for dinner. After drinking and eating, adults are busy burning natural incense, and our children are busy playing“ Sister, if there is a moon tonight, will it hang in the night sky like a silver plate? " My brother looked at the sky and asked me thoughtfully. Oh, the little guy thinks of the ancient moon by the great poet Li Bai. Wait... Poetry? An idea flashed through my mind. I said excitedly, "let's have a poetry conference. It's required that the poem contain the son of the moon. My brother blinked and shook his head in imitation of the great poet, "Oh, wonderful, it turns out that your brain also has a time of inspiration." That little man's ambition makes my teeth itch. My sister smiled and said, "I won't lose." The younger brother also shouted in a hurry, "when you don't know the moon, you call it a white jade plate."“ In the Qing Dynasty, the moon was bright, and in the Han Dynasty, the people on the long march had not returned. " My brother said slowly. After a little meditation, my sister also said, "raise a glass to invite the moon, and the shadow will become three." I quickly received: "wild sky, low trees, Jiangqing moon near people."“ The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward. "“ When the moon rises, it startles mountain birds and sings in the spring stream. "“ The desert sand is like snow, and the Yanshan moon is like a hook. "“ The moon hangs in the autumn sky, and the luster dew is wet. " The competition has entered a white hot stage, and everyone's thinking time is getting longer and longer. My sister pondered for a long time before she said, "the sea rises and the moon rises. The ends of the earth are at this time." Oh, shit. That's what I'm going to say. The younger brother came up and said, "if you don't answer in ten seconds, you'll lose! 10、 Nine, eight... Now I'm so anxious that I don't have time to talk to him. "“ With "my eyes lit up," poor third night of September, dew like pearl, moon like bow. "“ Well... "It's my brother's turn to say it this time. I looked at him gloating. He seemed to be irritated by my smile and said, "no, no, we'd better eat moon cakes."“ Ha ha...... "everyone laughed. Speaking of eating moon cakes, we are really hungry.

  So, everyone came into the house with laughter and cut up moon cakes of different flavors: bean paste, coconut, mung beans... We ate them sweetly.

  The moon didn't show up tonight, but it must be staring at us with a sweet smile where we can't see it. Moon, moon, in this reunion festival, please allow me to greedily make two wishes to you. I hope my family will be healthier and happier.


  As soon as I woke up this morning, my mother immediately dragged me to Jiubao passenger transport center and embarked on the journey back to my hometown. The scenery outside the window is very beautiful in the rain.

  When the bus entered the Shengzhou border, a rainstorm came, and our bus was driving in a white world

  "Oh! Little Hangzhou is back! " My aunt was waiting at the door early. As soon as I stepped into my grandmother's yard, she took the suitcase in my hand as she said. The eldest uncle also welcomed me out of the living room and kept asking me, "how's Xiaobao studying, okay?" I shook my head and said, "not much." Aunt two, sister Duoduo and sister Tiantian all gathered around and asked me questions affectionately

  Grandpa coughed twice, pretended to clear his throat and said, "dinner!" As soon as the voice fell, aunts, uncles, sister Duoduo and sister Tiantian all grabbed their positions and sat down at the round table. Eel, yellow croaker, hoof bladder and green vegetable vermicelli were all put on the table. My grandmother kept on serving me vegetables and said with a smile, "Xiaobao, eat more and grow your body."“ Oh! " My mouth was full of vermicelli. I took a piece of eel with my chopsticks and spit out some words vaguely“ Don't worry, eat slowly! " My mother reminded me. As soon as I swallowed, a large group of fans rolled into my throat.

  "I go to Hangzhou at least twice a week!" It turned out that sister Duoduo of my uncle's family went to junior one at Hangzhou Yingte foreign language school and studied very well. His family has just built a five story villa“ If your enterprise is short of funds, please come to me at any time! " The second uncle said to the eldest uncle. My second uncle has just changed into a BMW convertible. Look at his look, not to mention how much he looks! While eating, the aunts chattered about what diet pills to eat... "Now the land has been requisitioned, the fields are almost gone, and the children have grown up. Ha ha, it's no worse than the bitter days in the past!" Grandpa looked at us with heartfelt emotion.

  "Xiao Bao, come and measure your height!" Grandpa stood by the wall at the door of the living room and brought a ruler in his hand. I answered and ran over at once“ Your back is against the wall. Here, this is your height last year. " I turned my head and saw 1 written on it with a black marker. 44 meters. I straightened up and stood with my back against the wall. Grandpa put a ruler on it and said, "OK!" Grandpa put the ruler on the ground and said happily, "it has grown 2 cm in half a year!"

  There were bursts of laughter in the living room and a drizzle in the sky. It is also the annual Mid Autumn Festival. I wish my grandparents health and longevity, and I wish my motherland prosperity!

