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【#英语资源# 导语】“态度”无论是在事业抑或者是学业都是其最重要的,而且也是最不可或缺的,只要有心去做一件事,前方的道路自然会为你开启,反之,如果做事都是以草草了事的态度面对的话,事情不但不会解决,®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Endless complaints in exchange for the wasted time, and an optimistic attitude is the wonderful life. Is a small grass, offer a green letter to the earth; Make a wild flower and send a fragrance to the earth; When a candle brings a glimmer of light to the world. Different attitudes determine different lives!

  Face life with an optimistic attitude, and one day the door to success will open for you. There are always some disappointments in life. When you are unable to change the environment of your life, what you have to do is to change yourself and face everything optimistically! Helen Keller is blind, but she still doesn't give up her confidence. She overcomes the boundless darkness with optimism. Jobs was optimistic about everything in the darkest time of "apple". He didn't complain and he didn't give up. Finally, he turned "apple" into a religion. Although Zhang Haidi is physically disabled, her heart is still very strong. She has also translated many works and created her own life legend with optimism. They are all looking for opportunities with optimism. They don't complain and always chase their dreams in the face of difficulties!

  However, pessimism can destroy a person. Too heavy heart and endless complaints about things will undoubtedly cause great harm and heavy burden to the heart. When your heart is too depressed, when you lose the vitality of youth, when the positive energy is buried by darkness and backlight, when a person has no upward passion, then his remaining time can only be spent in mediocrity. Become a passer-by in the vast sea of people, and the name will eventually turn into clouds and smoke with the passing of life.

  So attitude determines your life. Whether your environment is good or bad, whether your heart is heavy or light, you should maintain a positive attitude and face everything optimistically. Even if you suffer, face challenges, or bear unimaginable burdens, optimism should be your firm choice. Whether you are ordinary or great, an optimistic attitude can always make you shine. Instead of complaining with optimism, create brilliance with struggle!

  What destroys a person is not a bad environment, but a cowardly heart. What makes a person is not a mediocre life, but a strong heart that is not afraid of heaven and earth. Stop complaining endlessly, refuse to waste time, choose an optimistic attitude and create a brilliant life!


  A good attitude is an indispensable element of success. How many people lose at the critical moment of life not at the starting line, but in this bad psychological effect. Those who achieve great things are not necessarily better than us in all aspects. They are often more calm and sophisticated than us. It is precisely because of this flattering attitude that they can achieve success. The same is true for doing things. If you don't have inherent advantages, you can only maintain this positive state to complete it the day after tomorrow, so you can see the bright sunshine.

  In the 21st century, everyone will encounter such tests, some are the pressure of employment, some are the irritability of the college entrance examination, and some are facing a turning point in life. Then we need to adjust our attitude to face him. At a job fair some time ago, three college students broke out of the siege and entered the interview. The degrees of these three people were different, a graduate student, an undergraduate student and a college student, but the unexpected interviewer chose this college student who was not outstanding in all aspects. The three of them didn't expect this result. Only the interviewer knew that he was chosen because he didn't have the arrogance and complacency of graduate students, and didn't have the attitude of being afraid of wolves before and tigers after undergraduates. It was precisely because of his calm and sincere attitude of trying. As a result, he succeeded.

  It can be seen that it is indispensable to have a good attitude in the face of success. Smart people always make two plans before doing something. One is to complete it with the determination to win, and the other is to anticipate how to face it after their failure. Things are nothing more than these two results. Only by realizing the possibility of them in advance can we maintain a good attitude to complete them. The same is true on the battlefield. If a soldier does not have good quality at ordinary times, he will feel shrinking when he really starts fighting, and he will think of how to save his life, then the army will surely fail.

  Things always have two sides. The good cannot always be good, and the bad cannot always be bad. Xiang Yu was able to win the battle of the giant deer with a few because he dared to break his way back and was determined to die. As a result, he won. But in the end, the overlord of Chu was forced to commit suicide, not because he didn't listen to the advice of virtuous officials and had a arrogant attitude.

  So when you decide to do something, whether it is easy or difficult, you should maintain a good attitude. Improper attitude is our stumbling block. Let's lose half because of psychological instability before we start. Some things as long as we really do it with our heart, even if we lose, there is no disgrace, which will only strengthen our faith.

  Friends, let's learn to adjust our attitude and meet every difficulty in life. Learn to fly like an eagle in bad conditions.


  Once upon a time, I have been very laissez faire in doing things. Unless I am burning my eyebrows and have to do well, I will conscientiously complete them. Many things have an indifferent attitude. Although I don't want to do this in my heart, there is a vicious circle, from one thing to many things. I have this awareness in many aspects such as work, emotion, painting, writing and yoga, I don't know why I am so laissez faire. I really lack a belief and positive attitude towards life. I don't have determination and perseverance. I can't stick to it and take it seriously.

  Now that we are aware of the essence of the problem, we should clean up our hearts, figure out what kind of life we want, what position we want to reach, what kind of love we want, make a feasible plan, accumulate step by step from small to large, don't indulge ourselves, start with small details, I believe we can gain a lot from a lazy attitude to a positive and serious attitude towards life.

  Ma Yun, chairman and non-executive director of Alibaba group, said: "the life attitude of never complaining is the first!"

  Excellent people are people who don't complain, which is the working attitude respected by the world's top 500 enterprises. A perfect life does not exist. We should not pursue a perfect life too much. Life is like a movie, not all happy endings. If we live too tired, we not only don't get a perfect life, but also miss the beautiful scenery on the road.

  Whether it's complaining about their grievances, complaining about unfair fate, or complaining about others' missing. Complaining is like a trap set for yourself. It will sink deeper and deeper. It is like throwing a stone at your own feet. It is not good for others, bad for yourself, bad everywhere and dissatisfied everywhere.

  Mutual suspicion is the biggest curse of complaint. The most important thing is mutual trust between husband and wife, colleagues and colleagues. There are no absolute bad people and no absolute good people in the world. We should treat everyone with a broad mind. I think so. The disadvantage is that everyone will have, others' own, but take it as a scenic spot of life, and different people will have different views. Be kind to everyone and everyone will treat you the same way.

  People who are demanding perfection always feel that there are too many disappointments in life. Blessed people have money but no health; The poor have health but no money. No matter whether we have money or health, our attitude towards life is always positive.

  The world is so beautiful and ordinary mind is so important. Fame and wealth are like clouds, indifferent to it. Money and other things don't need to worry too much. The world is as big as the heart is. Give the soul a cup of clean water and be the bole of the soul. Be an optimistic and happy person. This is my goal and what I am pursuing.

