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【#英语资源# 导语】回首往昔,幸福溢满心间,成绩下降时,老师的一句鼓励是一种幸福;伤心难过时,朋友的一声安慰是一种幸福;栽倒在地时,同学的热心扶起是一种幸福。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Life taught me too much. I didn't understand anything before. Like a madman, I did it in my own way, regardless of the consequences. be cynical? Beyond reach. Who can easily pick up and put down everything in the world? Life is like a cruel game constantly updated. The fittest survive, otherwise it will only be eliminated and erased by this game. The real game, with an inhumane atmosphere, approaches every player and gives people unlimited conditions and feelings. If you play the game well, the more rewards, the wider your experience, and the closer you will be to the peak of the game.

  Smart people can experience a lot of enlightenment in this game, but clumsy people will be gradually erased in this game. Dangers are hidden everywhere in the colorful world. A seemingly insignificant thing can give people fatal harm like a poisonous snake. In this game, there are no rules and constraints. People can do everything they can to hurt others, and others can also do everything they can to hurt themselves. Mortal world, I'm afraid some people haven't understood what this is all their life, let alone see through it.

  I can't ignore the consequences now. I'm growing up and sensible. I must be responsible for my behavior. Even if my parents can settle everything for me, they may not be able to settle it. I am no longer the ignorant child, nor the fanatical teenager. I no longer miss that childhood. Even if I miss it, I will only miss it and can't go back. The cruel reality makes me learn to be calm. I know how to solve problems with reason. I know how to think from an angle. I am not the blind child before. I have my own ability. I have my own wings. Even if my ability is not strong, my wings are not full. However, I can still solve some things with my own ability after all.

  In the world of mortals, I don't want to see through, nor can I see through. I just need to use my wisdom to get enlightenment and learn to survive, which is enough.


  Facing the sea, Haizi has the feeling of spring flowers; Stepping on the high mountains, Wang Anshi has the feeling of "looking at the small mountains"; Living in the countryside, Tao Yuanming has the feeling that "today is not yesterday".

  Seeing lively and lovely children, I understand innocence; Looking up at the birds flying in the sky, I know freedom. Life is a kaleidoscope. Through it, we can see the seven emotions and six desires of human beings.

  Someone once told me what a mistake is. But it's a pity that I don't understand at all. In fact, any feeling should be experienced by yourself before you can understand it from the bottom of your heart. How can you know that feeling without making mistakes; Without losing, how can you know how to cherish; How can you feel satisfied if you don't get it. How boring life is without these!

  Many people always give advice to others. They expressed their feelings. Unfortunately, it was just the product of his experience.

  What in the world can make people understand the truth of things better than personal experience? Experience is the precious wealth of life. How can you deprive others of the right to accumulate wealth? Isn't that like those who copy answers? They do know the answer, but they only know the answer at best. How much do they know about the essence of things?

  The butterfly is very beautiful, which is the result of its efforts to evolve. Who knows that its predecessor is an ugly pupa, and who knows the hard work it pays for it?

  When we get up every day, we will see the bright sunshine, which is very dazzling. But who knows how many chemical reactions it takes for the sun to emit such strong light.

  In fact, life is not thin for mankind. People have only five senses, but they can feel countless emotions. Life is short for decades, and many people say they have already tasted the ups and downs. The child said his life was very comfortable; The young man said his life was very interesting; The middle-aged said his life was very happy; The old man said his life was very leisurely.

  No matter how you live, life is fair from beginning to end. Please don't be stingy to yourself. Go find your own experience. If you have experienced life, you will understand that life lies in experience.


  Happiness is a common pursuit of people. Everyone wants to be happy and happy, but the reality always backfires. Things that are not as good as their wishes in life are often nine out of ten. Therefore, how to make themselves happy has become a knowledge - a practical discipline.

  Happiness is a feeling, happiness is a state of mind. Feeling happy is happy, feeling happy is happy. Feelings are often created by the heart - more sadness in the heart, less happiness; There is much pain in my heart, but there is less happiness, because I always have to be balanced in my heart. Only when I am balanced can I feel at ease. Then, if you forget more sadness, you will naturally have more happiness; Dispel more pain and happiness will naturally be stronger.

  Living is running, and living is pain - clothing, food, housing and transportation, life and death, happiness, anger and sorrow, love, hate and sorrow. Life is like a flower tube. It can't go well all the time. Sadness is always inevitable, and pain is eternal in a sense - almost all people come to the world crying and leave the world in tears. Pain will be an indelible mark of life. Happiness is only a temporary ornament, but pain is an eternal flash.

  Happiness is not that you have more, but that you care less; Happiness is not because you get more, but because you ask less. Discontent is an upward wheel, contentment is real happiness and the greatest wealth; Greed is the greatest poverty and the deepest pain; Pain is often self seeking, and sorrow and distress are often idle. Put aside worry, sorrow and pain, love your own hobbies, like your own likes, and enjoy your own interests. Why not enjoy yourself; There is no free lunch in the world. Falling pie on the roof is just a beautiful dream. People's mouth is short and their hands are soft. "Giving is always happier than taking". Why not help others and have fun with others when you can and have spare power; Happiness is a beautiful possession, and pain is also the best university. Experiencing pain, tasting pain, tasting pain, enjoying pain, surpassing pain, and going through pain will make you stronger. There is a road to the mountain of books. There is no end to learning. Love has changed the sea. Love except Wushan is accompanied by bitterness. Although it is bitter, it is still sweet. Having fun in bitterness is sweet.

  No matter how much money is, it's good to have enough food and clothing; Whether you are an official or not, it's good to have a career and do something; Whether young or old, beautiful or not, handsome or not, health is good; No matter how much pain you experience and how much happiness you feel, just be happy!


  Like wisps of smoke, junior high school life. Smoke curls from the kitchen; Like flowers, charming and moving; Like drizzle, continuous. This is what you have, mixed with trouble, sweetness and melancholy. These three often coincide. Hiding is not a flash, nor does it make me out of control.

  Life in primary school is much worse than that in junior middle school. No repeated supervision and strict discipline. Junior high school life, tense and orderly, abundant time, will bring you unlimited challenges, let yourself rise the mysteries and realize the significance. Surrender, fall, the future will be dark; On the contrary, hard work, enterprising, bright dawn will shine on you forever

  There is no burden on my shoulders. I was sunny, cheerful and carefree in primary school. There is only one belief in my heart: just do what I think is right and worth, never worry about its consequences, and be indifferent even if there are many mistakes. But now it has changed, although it is not thorough enough. Not in the "optimists" before, even the laughter was a little false, and the academic performance plummeted. Is there any better solution for the helpless? Gradually, he realized the consequences of such degradation, so he tried his best to get rid of its entanglement, approached the light a little, left the darkness step by step, and learned to catch up with the top students one by one. Not once, not the second time, not the second time, not the third time... Encourage yourself again and again, and turn the sigh of dusk into power. No matter how difficult it is, I'm not afraid!

  Sometimes in the face of difficulties, tell the truth. It's really too low. If you see a problem marked "X" and haven't reviewed the problem, you know you can't. at first glance, it's not difficult to understand the problem, which constitutes self-confidence.

  In real life, I'm timid. I can't bear it from a realistic point of view; I can't express my views frankly when I'm deterred. Over time, this has become an indelible shadow. Although I'm no longer unfamiliar with teachers, I still can't let it go.

  Rainy, sunny, overcast, junior high school life. Who can't predict what will evolve in the future? It may be full of thorns, bumpy along the way, or smooth sailing and bright, but I believe that the rainbow after the storm must be the most beautiful.


  Life is like a mountaineering trip. There are often people who don't know where they are and where their heart is. Some people just look up at the top of the mountain and feel unattainable, distant and worried. Some people keep going forward until they lose their direction. The road becomes narrower and narrower, and their hearts are worried. Wise people know how to stop, look down, appreciate the magnificent scenery of the mountains, clearly identify the way they came, determine the direction, and plan the way they will be in the future. He who does not understand looking down will not live. In life, we often think that we are poor and that we are one level lower than others.

  So every day full of pressure, looking up at the lives of people high above, I always sigh that I can't compare with others, I don't know how to be satisfied, and my heart is full of anxiety. Why? When we have no clothes to wear, we will be happy with a new suit that fits us; When we have no rice to eat, a bowl of hot white rice will also feel very sweet; When we can only rent one room and then have the ability to buy a small bungalow, we feel satisfied. However, when we already had new clothes, rice and bungalows, we began to be dissatisfied with the current situation of life, eagerly looking forward to more noble and famous clothes, Zhongjing looked forward to full dinner, and dreamed of living in a luxury villa every minute. The heart is loaded with a heavy package, and the eyes are blinded by the wind and sand at the height. They can't feel satisfaction and happiness at all.

  In that case, please learn to look down on life! Think more about what you have and see that you have stood at the height many people dream of. Only by learning to look down on life can we find the oasis of the soul and the post station for the soul to rest. In life, we move towards a goal, and the road under our feet is long and arduous. When we walk for a long time, tired and tired, the road under our feet may become narrower and narrower, even to the point where mountains and rivers have no way to go, we lose the direction of progress, and our hearts are full of sadness. Why? The road of life is long and many. So, please learn to look down on life! In the process of looking down, you can find your direction, and all roads can lead to heights! Only by learning to look down on life can we adjust our direction and reach the brilliant summit through circuitous progress. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain. I'm in the mountain. Wise people can see the true face of the mountain when they look down, and will not be trapped by the mountain of life. Please learn to look down on life.

