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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明,完整地发表自己的见解和主张。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Honesty is a necessary factor for success. People do not stand without faith. Integrity is an added value of life. China has been a well-known state of etiquette since ancient times, but most people are gradually losing this traditional virtue. A story in a book is still fresh in my memory: a young man took five big packages of "wisdom", "beauty", "health", "wealth" and "integrity" to take a boat, ready to go to a place to find a job with higher pay. Because the ship was too heavy, the young man had to give up a package. Without hesitation, he lost the big package of "integrity". When it comes to applying for a job, the candidate directly refuses because the young man has no integrity. When the young man seeks again, the integrity has sunk into the sea and can no longer be found. Integrity, lost will not come back, which reminds us to be honest and trustworthy.

  Effort is the key to success. Effort does not have to succeed, but without effort, it must not succeed. Beethoven's life was full of twists and turns, his childhood was extremely miserable, his youth suffered countless blows from life, and his middle age suffered trauma - deafness. Although fate was so unfair to him, he persevered and did not choose to give up. With his deep love for music and his innate musical talent, through his unremitting efforts, he finally became a generation of music masters and played a shocking symphony for us. Efforts must be made with practical action. There will be gains only if you pay.

  "There is no road in world. When there are many people walking, it becomes a road.". The foot is longer than the road. After all, the road is made by people. As long as we have a confident heart, honest quality and hard-working spirit, we believe we will break through many barriers on the road and finally lead to the end and success.


  Honesty is the ladder of human civilization; Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values; Integrity is like the paddle of life's ship, controlling the direction of life.

  When I was very young, I heard my mother tell the story of Zeng Zi killing a pig. At that time, I thought it was very common and there was nothing to show off, because the teacher taught us from an early age: "to be honest and trustworthy is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation." But in today's society, this has just become a beautiful quality that modern people lack. We have to reflect on ourselves. Why has society made progress and our fine traditions been lost?

  Lao Tzu said: "people do not stand without faith." It can be seen that as early as the spring and Autumn period, integrity became one of the criteria for judging people. Fortunately, there are still such people on the land of China. They adhere to integrity and are praised by the society. This is confirmed by the moving deeds of Hubei "Lutheran brothers". My brother took over the baton in my brother's hand to complete my brother's unfinished mission. What kind of power is this! It is integrity that drives the love relay of faithful brothers. They have proved their integrity with their own practical actions, sounded an alarm for those who are numb in thought, set an example for us modern people, and set up a flag of integrity on the land of China!

  People do not stand without faith. Honesty is the basic criterion of doing things. Honesty is the road, which extends with the footsteps of pioneers; Honesty is wisdom, which accumulates with the search of Erudites; Integrity is success, with the struggle of the enterpriser approaching; Honesty is the seed of wealth. As long as you plant it sincerely, you can find the key to open the Treasury. Integrity, let the soul flawless, let the friendship last forever, and make the world a better place!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "the integrity of primary school students".

  Honesty is not only the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but also the basic moral code of each of us. Confucius once said, "people without words don't know what to do.". Credit is a kind of personal asset that cannot be or is missing in modern society.

  When we stepped into the school on the first day, we all said: I want to be a good student; Listen carefully in class; Complete the work on time; Obey the examination rules. This is what we do to our schools and teachers, but also to ourselves and our parents.

  But today, there are many examples of lack of integrity around us. Some students often don't finish their homework. When the teacher urges them, they always say: they didn't bring it. Even the fact that he didn't finish his homework didn't dare to admit it. Over time, teachers and students didn't trust him. Even if he didn't bring his homework, teachers and students thought he didn't do it. This is a manifestation of dishonesty and irresponsibility. Copying homework is a foolish act, cheating teachers and parents, but he is the victim of. A beautiful copy may win the praise of teachers and win the smile of parents. However, in fact, I didn't learn the knowledge I should learn. When it comes to examination and practical application, I exposed the essence of my ignorance, and no matter how beautiful the opportunity will be. Therefore, he is greedy for a moment of leisure and happiness, does not study hard, and finally builds a beautiful Pavilion in the air for himself. Unexpectedly, one day, he will be buried.

  To sum up, we primary school students should have the habit of being honest and trustworthy since childhood. And start with every little thing around you. Although some things are small, they reflect the true meaning of life. Having integrity is like a rower having an oar; The tree cutter has a sharp axe; Like an eagle with a pair of wings. Towering ancient trees are due to vigorous roots, and tall and straight emerald pines depend on unyielding roots. Integrity is like root, no matter what time and place, keep your root, keep the root of the Chinese people, even if we have integrity.

  My speech is over, thank you!

