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【#BEC# 导语】我们都是有梦想却不知道怎么努力付出的纠结体,是一个需要别人帮忙规划人生的幼稚派。®文档大全网为您提供了“2019年商务英语高级词汇及例句(4)”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  environment (n.) surroundings环境

  [例] To be classed as a work accident, the accident must take place in the work environment.

  equity (n.) right to receive dividends on the shares owned in a company普通股所有人利益

  [例] Assets plus liabilities equals owner’s equity.

  equity capital amount of a company’s capital owned by the shareholders股本

  [例] The two main shareholders owned almost all the company’s equity capital.

  equities ordinary shares普通股

  [例] How many equities have you got?

  ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 企业资源计划

  estimated demand (n.) rough or approximate calculations of demand估测需求量

  [例] What about the estimated demand of portable computers in this city?

  ETA (estimated time of arrival)估计到达时间 ETA of our goods is 12th May.

  evaluate (v.) calculate the value of something评估

  [例] The training and development manager plans, organizes and evaluates training programmes.

  evaluation (n.) calculation of value评估

  exchange rate =rate of exchange relation in value between kinds of money used in different countries汇率

  [例] What is the exchange rate between US dollar and RMB?

  exhibit1. (n.) goods or services displayed at a fair or trade show展览

  [例] The exhibit of mobile phones has drawn special interest of young people.

  2. (v.) display products or services at a show展览

  exhibition(n.) show of goods展览会

  expand (v.) get bigger扩张,发展

  [例] The market is expanding.

  [同义词] stretch, spread, enlarge

  expansion (n.) increase in size扩展

  [例] The firm is planning for rapid expansion of its market.

  [同义词] enlargement, amplification

  expect (v.) wait for sb. for a talk , discussion etc.找某人

  [例] Jack, Mr. Casson is expecting you in his office!

  [同义词] await

  expenditure (n.) amount of money spend花费

  [例] Capital expenditure is the money we have spent on fixed assets.

  [同义词] spending, expense

  expenses (n. pl) money paid for covering extra costs费用

  [例] The fee did not include travel expenses.

  experienced (adj.) skilled or knowledgeable as the result of active participation or practice 有丰富经验的

  [例] She was an experienced chef.

  [同义词] practiced, versed, familiar

  expertise (n.) particular knowledge or skill专门技术

  [例] One of the advantages of using an employment agency is that it offers expertise in an area where the employer is not regularly in the market.

  expire (v.) to come to an end; terminate到期

  [例] My passport expires in a month.

  [同义词] terminate

  exposure1.(n.) publicity given to a product or company 公开,曝光

  2. (n.) total audience number reached by an advertisement知道某广告的总人数

  [例] Have you counted the exposure reached by that attractive advertisement?

  Euro (n) (from 1999) the currency of the European Economic and Monetary Union 欧元


  factor (n.) thing which is important要素

  [例] Price is an important factor when deciding our strategy.

  [同义词] element, component

  factoring (n.) business of buying debts at a discount打折扣购买债务的业务

  facilities (n. pl) equipment or buildings used in the production process设备

  [例] The club has many convenient facilities.

  fail-safe system (n.) a system which is almost totally protected against crucial accidents自动保险体制

  [例] We should check if the fail-safe system works well

  family business家族企业

  fashionable (adj.) trendy时尚的

  [例] Nike is a fashionable brand of sportswear.

  fast –moving consumer goods (n) cheap, everyday items that are bought and used up quickly 快销消费品

  [例] You cannot set batteries a so high price, they are fast-moving consumer goods and you will lose long-established market.

  faulty (adj.)( of product) having defects (产品)有瑕疵的

  [例] sorry for our faulty pilot products

  [同义词] defective, imperfect

  feasibility study (n.) investigation of a project to see if it is worth pursuing可行性研究

  [例] Feasibility study is always done before the project is formally carried out.

  fee (n.) money paid for service provided by a professional person such as a lawyer or a doctor对职业性服务的报酬

  [例] The commission fees are usually higher in the foreign bank than those local bank.

  [同义词] payment, reward, remuneration

  feedback (n.) information about the results of an activity, given to a person so that changes can be made反馈

  [例] After the session we will give you feedback on your performance so that it can be improved.

  fiduciary1.(n) one, such as an agent of a principal or a company director, that stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others 受托人

  [例] The solicitor acted as fiduciary .

  2. (adj.) of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another 信托的

  [例] a fiduciary contract

  field (n.) outside the office实地

  [例] The salesmen are in the field.

  file1. (n.) a collection of documents on a subject档案

  [例] According to my files we haven’t prepared a person specification for a Team Leader before.

  2. (v.) collect, arrange, organize documents systematically归档

  fill (a position) (v.) to find someone to do a job胜任

  [例] I am competent to fill in this position.

  finance1. (n.) money used by a company资金

  [例] Where will we get the finance for this project?

  2. (v.) provide money for资助

  [例] The bank is going to finance the new building.

  [同义词] fund, support

