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【#BEC# 导语】宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。坚持备考的人生,很积极,很宝贵,很励志。冲吧,努力吧!以下为©文档大全网整理的“2019年商务英语高级词汇及例句(2)”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  distribute (v.) send out goods from the manufacturer to the end user分销

  [例] The distributing line of the company is very advanced and considerable.

  distribution (n.) act of sending goods from the producer to another person or organization分销

  [例] Have you prepared for the distribution of the goods?

  distributor (n.) person or company which sells goods for a manufacturer分销商

  [例] We are the sole distributors.

  diversify (v.) extend into new business areas多元化

  [例] Although we are a chemicals company, we diversified into publishing.

  [同义词] vary, variegate

  diversification (n.) act of diversifying多元化

  [例] The superior leaders of the company believe the diversification will bring larger market and more profits.

  divest (v.) to sell assets出售

  [例] We cannot divest all assets.

  dividend (n.) percentage of profits paid to shareholders红利

  [例] The size of the dividend payment is decided by the board of the directors.

  [同义词] bonus

  dividend per share (n) the amount of money paid by a company to its shareholders divided by the total number of shares issues 每股股息

  [例] After the reshuffle of the company, there is a huge rise in dividend per share .

  division (n.) main part of a large organisation部门

  [例] The job des cription indicates where the job is to be carried out in terms of location, plant, division, department, and section.

  documentation (n.) a collection of documents referring to a subject文件资料

  [例] We have noted your instructions about documentation and will do accordingly.

  dog (n.) term used in Boston Matrix to describe a product with low market growth and low market share(波士顿距阵中)市场占有率低、增长率慢的瘦狗产品

  donate (v.) to present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute捐赠

  [例] TOSHIBA donated $ 5 m to Cambridge Univ.

  [同义词] give, bestow

  domestic (adj.) referring to the home market国内的

  [例] Large domestic market encourages us to explore overseas markets.

  [同义词] internal

  dominant (adj.) most prominent as in position of market (市场)领导地位的

  [例] In these newer markets the firm is dominant.

  down payment a partial payment made at the time of purchase, with the balance to be paid later头期款购买时的部分付款。

  down market (n. adj & adv) cheap, low end of the market 低端市场(的)

  down-time/downtime (n.) time when factory machines are not producing停工期

  [例] The downtime of the machine is too long. We’d better call the technician to maintain it.

  downturn (n.) a tendency downward, especially in business or economic activity低迷时期

  [例] There is a terrific downturn in retail sales six years ago.

  DP (n.) (=Data Processing) the use of data by computers数据处理

  drawer (n) one that draws, especially one that draws an order for the payment of money 开票人

  [例] The cheque was bounced to the drawer because there was not enough money in his account.

  drawee (n) the party on which an order for the payment of money is drawn受票人

  [例] The drawee refused to accept the cheque because there was no signature in it.

  drill (n.) disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure训练

  [例] easy and short drills

  drive1 (n.) energy内驱力,冲劲

  [例] His drive was worn out in the long run.

  [同义词] vigour

  2.(v.) urge forward催使,促进

  [例] New technological solutions are needed to tackle the problem and to help drive businesses forward to improve their productivity and output.

  [同义词] propel, push, impel

  due (adj.) owed应付的,到期的

  [例] This debt became due last week.

  dull (adj.) (of business or market)sluggish; flat 不景气的

  [例] The business of this company is dull this year.

  duplicate (n) an exact copy of a document such as a letter, a report, a receipt , and invoice etc.副本

  [例] Keep the duplicate for your reference.

  [同义词] copy

  duty-free (adj.) exempt from customs duties 免税的

  [例] duty-free merchandise

