

时间:2021-08-19 02:33:44 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2021年《开学第一课》以“理想照亮未来”为主题,聚焦庆祝建党百年、全面建成小康社会,请“七一勋章”获得者、脱贫攻坚模范、抗疫先进人物、时代楷模、英雄航天员、空中梯队代表、“00后”奥运健儿、中青年艺术工作者和青少年代表走上讲台,通过“云课堂”方式和各地中小学生共上一堂课,生动讲好中国共产党为人民谋幸福、为民族谋复兴、为世界谋大同的故事。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  100 years of vicissitudes. The curtain of modern Chinese history was opened, and heaven and earth were reversed in the great changes. The world is changing the pattern and irresistibly changing the Chinese people's world outlook. Blind and arrogant egocentrism will inevitably be left on the edge of the times. A modern Chinese history is a history in which the Chinese people re understand the world and find their own place in the world. History is created by the people, and the people finally find their own guide in twists and turns. The exploration of history is always ups and downs. It is inevitable that there are misunderstandings and ups and downs in the process, but what can be washed out in the torrent of time is the truth. As facts have proved, only Marxism can save China, and only the Communist Party is the executor of Marxism.

  The 100 years of wind and rain is the development period from the birth to maturity of the Communist Party of China. Page by page is the mental process of the Chinese nation's pursuit and hard struggle. In times of trouble, we heal our wounds and bathe our blood for rebirth; The lips died and the teeth were cold. Our troops returned triumphantly after a long journey; With reform and opening up, we are all inclusive and go to the world. After the hardships of the founding of the party, in the face of the great rivers and mountains, I had the pride of seeing the current romantic figures. In the autumn of life and death, we are not afraid of the difficulties of the expedition, the bridge is locked horizontally, and we are not afraid of the cold Hun. The battlefield is shrouded in gunsmoke and the current situation is difficult. The Xiongguan pass is like iron. Now we are stepping over from the beginning. Although it was difficult to close mountains and besiege cities, it continued to carry forward the style of hard struggle. Millions of heroes crossed the river and worked hard to chase down the poor aggressors. They never sold their names to learn from the overlord. Every growth of this party, this nation and this country is accompanied by the pain of childbirth. Looking back on these turbulent years, what flows in the long river of history is the heroic trendsetter - the Communist Party of China - who leads the Chinese people to write a magnificent song.

  Returning to China in spring, China, an ancient and modern country, is walking into a new era with her head held high. She shows the world the style of a nation with the ambition and pride of sunrise in the East. There is confidence in the rise of a great power, the demeanor of good neighborliness, friendship and peaceful coexistence, the feeling of one world and one dream, the brotherhood that can not be destroyed by a major earthquake, the second largest economy in the world, and the splendid civilization that has come down in one continuous line for 5000 years. The people here firmly believe that there is no road in the world, and more people will become a road. Today's China is opening up a road of its own, even a road that human civilization has never had. She will face doubts and interference. However, she will hand over a satisfactory report card to the world with the happy life of one fifth of the world's population. She will prove that the destination of China's characteristic socialist road is harmony and happiness.

  Once lost, once hurt, once escaped. Now, what we seek is the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. We seek innovation to lead the direction of the most advanced productive forces. We examine and develop our culture from the height of the whole human civilization.


  100 years of trials and hardships, 100 years of extraordinary years. The red flag is flying, the party flag is hunting, the motherland is thriving, the economy is booming, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the international status has improved unprecedentedly. The Chinese people are moving towards the grand goal of modernization with joy and hope. The glorious course of 100 years has walked out of an eternal truth: the Communist Party of China is the mainstay of the times and the backbone of the Chinese nation.

  A hundred years ago, China was in a dark age of blood, sleepless nights, bullying by foreign powers, scuffle among warlords, political corruption and people's livelihood. It was under such conditions that the Communist Party of China was established and opened a new prelude to the Chinese revolution. 100 years of trials and hardships, 100 years of extraordinary years. The Communist Party of China has cut through thorns and thorns all the way, composed moving melodies and gorgeous chapters on the land of China, and stood up China's beautiful tomorrow with an unyielding national backbone. Under the leadership of the party, we overcame the wind and waves, sailed through the vortex, and firmly believed that "great disasters have great love" and "United will make a city"; The vast universe and the vast space have left the footprints of the Chinese people. It is under the leadership of the party that we have seen a brand-new spring of China's aerospace industry one after another; The return of Hong Kong and Macao and the great national unity is that under the leadership of the party, we are closely united, like steel and iron, and the people of the whole country enjoy the flower of unity; When the Olympic Games and the World Expo leave a mark on China, it is under the leadership of the party that we hold our heads high, open the door of friendship and give the world a rapidly developing China.

  Since the hammer and sickle are closely intertwined, the golden dawn appears in the vast wind and rain in Kyushu, the long march iron stream, the Anti Japanese War smoke and the liberation flag, the monuments of heroes and legends in the spring and Autumn Period stand, the journey of blood and fire has stepped into a bright world, and the hymn of history sings an eternal truth - there will be no new China without the Communist Party. It is the Communist Party of China, and the devastated land is full of green mountains and green waters; It is the Communist Party of China that guides us from "made in China" to "created in China"; It is the Communist Party of China that leads us from "sick man of East Asia" to "peaceful rise".

  The Communist Party of China has gone through 100 years of ups and downs. It has a long way to go. It has gone through several vicissitudes, like a rock; In the past 90 years, the water is far away, keeping pace with the times and forging ahead. We will also demand ourselves at all times with the persistence, self-improvement and pioneering spirit that the party has adhered to all the way for 100 years, improve the cultivation of party spirit, enhance the exercise of party spirit, follow the pace of the times, live and struggle.

  The song of the Yangtze River by millions of heroes has been a long time ago, but its prestige still exists; The song of the Yellow River roared by the wind and horses has passed, but it is still in my ears. In 100 years, a lone boat has been popular all over the magnificent rivers and mountains. Some people sigh that time is fleeting, others sigh that the spirit lasts forever. As contemporary youth, we should actively implement the party's policies and guidelines under the leadership of the party, closely combine cultural knowledge learning with ideological and moral cultivation, innovative thinking with social practice, and all-round development with personality development. Constantly improve their cultural and moral cultivation, improve their innovation ability and improve themselves. Standing at the tide of history, we live up to expectations, grow in the future with the brilliance of life, inherit civilization, forge ahead, the vast universe and vast land, the ups and downs of our overlords!


  "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China". Whenever I hear this familiar melody, I feel a little excited. Now we are like flowers in a greenhouse, living happily, but how many people can think of where today's happy life comes from?

  A great political party was born in China 100 years ago. She is the Communist Party of China. With 100 years of ups and downs and 100 years of brilliance, our party has become the vanguard of China's advanced working class and the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

  We compare the party to a mother, who feeds us with milk; She left happiness to us and suffering to herself. Before the liberation of new China, in order to enable the people to live a good life, there are so many excellent children of the party that they do not hesitate to shed their blood. Give your precious life. Isn't this spirit of obscurity and selfless dedication the concentration of the spirit of the Communist Party of China? The flag of the Republic and the red scarf of young pioneers are more colorful because of their blood and loyalty!!

  Under the leadership of the party, the people's Republic of China was founded, socialism was realized, reform and opening up were successful, and the people of the whole country were truly liberated!

  Party! You are a light! Always illuminate our way forward; Party! You are a great mother, nurturing thousands of Chinese children.

  Party! Your great achievements will be engraved on the monument of history and will remain in my heart forever!

  Party! Under your bright and sacred leadership, I must study hard, study hard and make progress, win glory for the party and add luster to the party with excellent achievements!

