
时间:2021-08-19 02:30:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】由观而引出感,这开头部分就好比一条醒目的标语或引子一样,先交待清楚看了什么影片,有什么感想。一般来说,观后感要求简明扼要、开门见山,千万不要绕圈子、卖关子、遮遮掩掩,而是要用肯定的语气概括地说出感受。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  After watching the first lesson of school, I learned that love is to share and bear. A share to share, to pass, so continue, how powerful is it. When others encounter difficulties, no matter how big it is, it will become insignificant as long as we share it forever. This is human love.

  When I saw Ma Pengfei's article, my tears couldn't help falling down. He was a child whose parents died when he was a child. Only his elderly grandmother supported him. The blow deeply hurt his young heart. But one day later, grandma was suffering from diabetes. The double blow made Ma Pengfei strong. He began to pick up garbage and earn money from morning to night to maintain the economic situation of his family.

  I want to help him, but what about our children with better living conditions than him? Willful, naughty, everything. Parents have to buy whatever they want and cry if they don't buy it. I'm really ashamed. If we don't talk about big things, we can't do them. What about small things that can be done quickly? Which is not easy to clean the table and mop the floor?

  Love is to share and bear. Love needs action and effort. Love makes China stronger. A strong youth makes a strong country. We should devote love when we are young.

  "Give people roses, with lingering fragrance in your hands." everyone uses their sincere love to help them.


  The first lesson of this year is divided into exploring beauty and creating beauty. In class, no matter what astronauts and Olympic champions say, or the singing and dancing of stars - the theme is beauty.

  The program has a strong lineup, wonderful and entertaining, tells in joy and fun, guides us to feel the strength of the motherland, the beauty of life and the noble character of role models with "beauty around us", encourages us to find the beauty around us, strive to show, convey and create beauty, and take practical actions to make our world a better place. In fact, there are beautiful things around us, but we lack the understanding and understanding of beauty. Lower our hearts to find that this is an attitude.

  In this year, many "most beautiful people" have emerged around us: the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili, the most beautiful driver Wu Bin and the most beautiful soldier Gao Tiecheng - these most beautiful people and their stories moved us; In this year, our country has many beautiful things that inspire us: God nine flies into the sky, Olympic athletes work hard - these beautiful things encourage us to make progress.

  In our life, there are often people who complain that they can't find beauty in life. In fact, beauty exists around us. As long as you have eyes that are good at discovering, life will surprise you. Feel life with your heart, and you will find "beauty" around you!

  "Beauty" is around us.


  This year's "first class" program content is not only of practical significance, but also of far-reaching 'foresight.

  Through watching, the experiment of hatching chicks without shells has the deepest impact on me. I have three enlightenment. As primary and middle school students, it is impossible to have a sense of innovation and dare to challenge. Hatching chicks for many years, people hatch with shells according to animal behavior. Chinese scientists dare to innovate, put forward the bold idea of hatching without shells, and achieved success through experiments. So that people can observe the display of life miracles during the 21 day incubation of chicks under visual conditions.

  As teenagers, we should dare to play our imagination, guess and try in life. As primary and secondary school students, we should not be afraid of failure and insist on not giving up. Every scientific achievement of scientists can be achieved only after thousands of failures. Only when we deeply lay such a mark in our hearts and believe in them can we make achievements on the road of scientific career in life and scientific exploration without fear of difficulties and failure.

  As primary and secondary school students, we should have a sense of the future and look for the world. Today's world is a globalized world. The earth has become a village. We should integrate into the world, join the world family and find our position on the stage in order to play our due role and stand in the world. The success of C919 large aircraft is based on such people. The chief designer said that 20% of the world's large commercial aircraft are exported to China.

  Watching the first lesson of school has pointed out the direction for my future study. I will no longer be afraid of failure and no longer have the thought of retreat.


  The first lesson of school is very different every year. It will leave a deep impression on Qianqian students every year, and this year's theme is to create for the future.

  This year's "the first lesson of school" was also cheered by many people. The program team invited idol Wang Yuan, Kung Fu superstar Jackie Chan and documentary photographer Xie Hailong

  The word creation must be familiar to everyone. No matter what technology comes from the source of creation. Without innovation, we can't fly into the sky; Without innovation, our plane can't fly far. Today's society is highly competitive, so every teenager should have the spirit of progress.

  And what impressed me most this time may be Jackie Chan. He is 64 years old, but he still has a serious and loving heart to shoot in other places, so he can't come to the scene. Nowadays, social technology is so advanced that it can chat in space. Cheng Long said he started running after running away from the dead body. Later, he was make complaints about the movie he directed. However, he has never been hurt from head to foot, his nose has been broken three times, his teeth have been cracked and his sternum has been cracked, so everyone always has a struggle experience after his brilliant achievements.

  The future of the country lies in science and technology, the progress of science and technology lies in innovation, and the foundation of innovation is everyone. A strong youth makes a strong country. In the future, we will create a better world with wisdom and hands!

