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【#英语资源# 导语】英语词汇中充满了你难以意识到的陷阱,都有哪些单词会成群结伴迷惑我们呢?©文档大全网整理了相关内容,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

If something happens invariably, it always happens. To be invariable is to never vary. The word is sometimes used to mean frequently, which has more leeway.
如果有些事总是(invariably)发生,那它就会一直发生。To be invariable就是指一层不变。这个词有时候也用来指频繁地(frequently),相比会留有更多余地。

2、comprise / compose
A whole comprises its parts. The alphabet comprises 26 letters. The U.S. comprises 50 states. But people tend to say is comprised of when they mean comprise. If your instinct is to use the is … of version, then substitute composed. The whole is composed of its parts.
一个整体由它的各个部分组成(comprise)。字母表由26个字母组成(comprise)。美国由50个州组成(comprise)。但是当人们想要说comprise的时候,会倾向于说成is comprised of。如果你的直觉是用is … of的句型,那么用composed来代替它。一个整体是由它的各个部分组成(is composed of)。

3、free rein
The words rein and reign are commonly confused. Reign is a period of power or authority—kings and queens reign—and a good way to remember it is to note that the g relates it to royal words like regent and regal. A rein is a strap used to control a horse. The confusion comes in when the control of a horse is used as a metaphor for limits on power or authority. Free rein comes from such a metaphor. If you have free rein you can do what you want because no one is tightening the reins.
单词rein和reign常被搞混。reign是一个时期的权力或*——国王和女王统治时期——有一个记住它的好办法,把它和带有g的关于王室的词标注在一起,像是regent和regal。rein是用来控制马匹的绑带。当控制马匹的rein被用来比喻对权力或*的限制时,就会出现搞混。free rein就来自这样的一个比喻。如果你有free rein你可以做任何你想做的事,因为没有人会勒紧这个缰绳。

4、just deserts
There is only one s in the desert of just deserts. It is not the dessert of after-dinner treats nor the dry and sandy desert. It comes from an old noun form of the verb deserve. A desert is a thing which is deserved.
just deserts里的desert只多了一个s。它既不是指餐后招待的甜点,也不是指漫天飞沙的干燥沙漠。它来自于动词deserve的旧名词形式。desert是指一种应得的事物。

5、tortuous / torturous
Tortuous is not the same as torturous. Something that is tortuous has many twists and turns, like a winding road or a complicated argument. It’s just a description. It makes no judgment on what the experience of following that road or argument is like. Torturous, on the other hand, is a harsh judgment—“It was torture!”

6、effect / affect
When you want to talk about the influence of one thing on another, effect is the noun and affect is the verb. Weather affects crop yields. Weather has an effect on crop yields. Basically, if you can put a the or an in front of it, use effect.

7、except / accept
People rarely use accept when they mean except, but often put except where they shouldn’t. To accept something is to receive, admit, or take on. To except is to exclude or leave out—“I’ll take all the flavors except orange.”
人们想表达“除了(except)”的意思时,极少用成accept,但是却常把except错用在其他地方。to accept something是指接收、承认或接受。except则是指除去或不考虑——“我能接受除了(except)橘子味的任何味道。”

8、discreet / discrete
Discreet means hush-hush or private. Discrete means separate, divided, or distinct. In discreet, the two Es are huddled together, telling secrets. In discrete, they are separated and distinguished from each other by the intervening t.

