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#初三# 导语】自信,是智慧的凝聚;能力,是平日的努力,心态,是取胜的关键;祝福,是友谊的歌。考试已至,愿你旗开得胜,取得好成绩。下面是©文档大全网为您整理的《初三下册英语期末试题及答案》,仅供大家参考。

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(共30分)
1. A. Thank you. B. I hope so. C. Nice to meet you, too.
2. A. It’s blue. B. They are black. C. It’s beautiful.
3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, you do. C. No, we have.
4. A. Not at all. B. My pleasure. C. Sorry, you may.
5. A. Come on! B. Of course not. C. Have a nice trip!
6. A. I’m well. B. I have a cold. C. It doesn’t matter.
7. A. 12. B. 20. C. 21.
8. A. Working. B. Sleeping. C. Playing.
9. A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Next Friday.
10. A. Laura’s. B. Jason’s. C. Mike’s.
11. A. In New York. B. In China. C. In Canada.
12. A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By taxi.
听两遍。 根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
听下面一段材料。回答 13和14小题
14. Which team will the school set up?
A. A soccer team. B. A swim team. C. a basketball team.
13. How many students will be chosen from each class?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
15. What’s wrong with the boy?
A. He has a cold. B. He has a fever. C. He has a headache.
16. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Mother and son.
听两遍。 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
17. The shopping center is the _________ in the city.
A. biggest B. newest C. nicest
18. You can find children’s clothes _________.
A. on the 2nd floor B. on the 3rd floor C. on the 4th floor
19. You can _________ on the 6th floor.
A. buy gentlemen’s clothes B. ladies’ shoes and hats C. have dinner
20. If you want to have a free drink, you need to pay over _________ at one time.
A. $25 B. $50 C. $75
21. Zootopia is _________ best cartoon that I have ever seen in my life.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
22. When I was a teenager, I often went to school _________ bike.
A. with B. on C. in D. by
23. We should take good care of _________ when we are in foreign countries.
A. us B. our C. ours D. ourselves
24. People must try everything to stop our earth from _________.
A. polluting B. polluted C. being pollution D. being polluted
25. — How do you like the new Ipad Pro?
— _________. But the price is high.
A. I know it B. It’s useful C. It’s expensive D. I think so
26. We don’t think English homework is too much _________.
A. to finish it B. to finish C. to finishing it D. to finishing
27. As we all know, the world population has _________ to 6 billion. It is really a big number.
A. produced B. provided C. increased D. invented
28. — Will you go to the special party held by our English club?
— Oh, I _________ unless I am a VIP. So the answer is no.
A. was invited B. wasn’t invited C. will be invited D. won’t be invited
29. I’m sure that there _________ a key and two cards on the desk minutes ago, but there’s nothing now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
30. Excuse me, could you please help me _________ the time of the next train to Beijing.
A. look for B. look out C. look up D. look after
31. My parents and teachers always encourage me _________ what I like.
A. do B. did C. to do D. doing
32. Everyone needs to make a _________ on their life journey, because what they choose will influence their future.
A. choice B. difference C. mistake D. discussion
33. — I am just wondering _________.
— Nothing serious. I just have a sore back.
A. what you happen B. what is wrong with you
C. what the matter is with you D. what wrong is with you
34. Sorry, Jack. I wasn’t at home at that time when you phoned me. I _________ the acting class in the school.
A. will take B. was taking C. am taking D. have taken
35. — Michael, please don’t watch TV while eating dinner. It’s bad for your eyes.
— _________, Mom.
A. OK, I will B. Sorry, I won’t C. Of course D. You’re welcome
36. He keeps exercising every day _________ cold it is outside.
A. however B. whenever C. whoever D. whatever
37. — Need I go shopping with you, mom?
— No, you _________. You can hang out with your friends.
A. needn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
38. __________! It makes my eyes feel uncomfortable.
A. How strong light B. How a strong light
C. What a strong light D. What strong light
39. I don’t think there will be _________ fresh water and clean air in the future than now because people don’t see the importance of environmental protection.
A. much B. more C. less D. fewer
40. — Excuse me, where is the nearest bookstore?
— It’s _________ to the middle school, but it _________ for a few days.
A. close; has closed B. close; has been closed
C. closed; has been closed D. closed; has been close
Ⅲ. 完形填空。 (每小题1.5 分,共15分)
As traditional Chinese art, paper cutting has a long history. The first and earliest paper cutting was found in China 1500 years ago. But this traditional art is disappearing now. 41 , Voyo Woo, a Chinese woman living in America, is trying to 42 this art back to life.
One Saturday in 2014, Ms. Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington. She had much fun 43 it and hoped more and more people would enjoy it.
Ms. Woo has been studying the art of paper cutting 44 she was a junior high school student in her hometown. She said all the students at school had to learn paper cutting. Because she had a 45 love for it, her teacher spent a lot more time teaching her after class. Later, she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition.
Ms. Woo went to America after she graduated from the university in 2008. Soon after that, she 46 an activity to promote (宣传) Chinese paper cutting. And then she was again invited to show the art in many other important 47 . “I love what I am doing and I will keep on doing it as much as possible. It is important to promote this art to Americans or 48 who is interested in it. Maybe it will make this art more popular.” Woo said.
From the 49 of paper cutting, people can know about Chinese cultural values, history and stories of people’s life. Ms. Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture 50 people who know little about it. Chinese art is not only for Chinese, but also all for people all over the world.
41. A. Especially B. Instead C. Luckily D. Usually
42. A. bring B. take C. carry D. hold
43. A. to do B. doing C. done D. having done
44. A. after B. since C. when D. if
45. A. widely B. wide C. deeply D. deep
46. A. gave up B. held on C. found out D. took part in
47. A. activities B. meetings C. matches D. competitions
48. A. people B. anyone C. every one D. no one
49. A. characters B. colors C. art D. spirit
50. A. for B. to C. with D. from

(   )1. ________ TV drama My Sunshine(何以笙箫默)tells a love story between a lawyer and ________ attractive girl called Mosen.
A. A; an     B. The; the   C. A; the      D. The; an
(   )2. —What did you do yesterday?
—My brother took two friends of ____to play chess with us. But I don’t know ___of them.
A. his; all           B. him; both          C. him; either       D. his; either
(   )3. We all want to try something new, but finding the _________ to start is always the hardest part.
A. success       B. pride        C. courage     D. progress
(   )4.  —Alex, did you find our old school last week?
—Yes, but with much difficulty, for it has ________ changed over these years.
A. really          B. never             C. completely        D. hardly
(   )5. Mobile phones ________ be brought into the classrooms at exam time.
A. couldn’t         B. needn’t      C. don’t have to     D. mustn’t
(   )6. —Tommy, _________ do you play the piano?
—When my mom is at home, I have to every day, but she’s away this week!
A. how about   B. how long C. how much      D. how often
(   )7. Gong Zijie won the 2014 International Photography Contest for Kids. His photo is silent _______ powerful, it shows the shadow(影子) of a weed(野草) on the Forbidden City’s red walls.
A. and                B. or              C. but                D. so
(   )8. —What do you think of the match?   —Wonderful! The Chinese team has never played __________.
A. better             B. best             C .worse             D. worst
(   )9. — Do you know that Yao Beina, a Chinese pop singer, _______ on 16 January?
— Yes. We are sorry to hear that she died of cancer.
A. ran away       B. took away      C. passed away     D. put away
(   )10. Our monitor is suitable for this position because she is creative enough to
good ideas.
A. look forward to   B. get along with     C. come up with  D. take notice of
(   )11. —Mom, my classmates are playing outside. Can I join them?
—Not until your homework       .
A. finishes   B. is finished   C. finished  D. was finished
(   )12. The old man asked the girl to take another seat ______ he could sit next to his wife.
A. as a result         B. so that          C. if            D. because
(   )13. —Uncle Lee seems quite familiar with the small town, Sandy.
—Right! He_______ here as a postman for ten years in the 1980s.
A. has worked        B. was working       C. worked        D. are working
(   )14. — I’m a teenager’s mother. Sometimes I don’t know _______ — Maybe he suffers from stress.
A. what does my son want to get  B. what my son needs most
C. why is my son often angry       D. why my son gets angry very oft en
(   )15. — One minute, please. I have another call coming through.   — ________. I’m not in a hurry.
A. Do as you like.   B. Leave me alone.   C. Take your time.  D. Enjoy yourself.
Once a little boy almost thought of himself as the most unlucky child in the world because a serious disease made his leg lame (瘸腿). He ___16___ played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always kept his head ___17___without a word.
One ___18___, the boy’s father asked for some saplings (树苗) from the neighbor. He told the ___19___to plant a sapling each person in front of the house. The father said, “Whose sapling grows best, I will  buy him or her a favorite ___20___.”  When the boy saw his brothers and sisters watering the trees, however,he had a strange idea:he hoped that the tree he planted would ___21___soon. So, after watering it once or twice,he would never ___22___it.
A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was ___23___ to find that it didn’t fade (枯萎) but grew some fresh leaves. Compared with the trees of his brothers and sisters,his tree was even greener.His father kept his ___24___, bought the little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree his son planted, he was ___25___that his son would become an excellent botanist when he grew up.
Since then,the little boy slowly became optimistic (乐观的) . One night, he lay on the bed but couldn’t fall asleep. Then he ___26___ and came to the yard. To his surprise, his ___27___ was splashing something onto his tree. ___28___, he understood: his father had been ___29___ fertilizing (施肥) his small tree! He returned to his room, tears running down his cheeks. Later, the little boy didn’t become a botanist,but he became President of the United States.His name was Franklin Roosevelt.
___30___is the best nourishment (营养) of life. Even if it is just a drop of clear water,it can still help the tree of life thrive.
(   )16. A. often      B. seldom      C. sometimes      D. always
(   )17. A. down      B. up          C. straight         D. high
(   )18. A. spring      B. summer       C. autumn           D. winter
(   )19. A. neighbors  B. friends      C. children         D. boys
(   )20. A. book      B. house      C. toy             D. gift
(   )21. A. die      B. grow          C. break            D. survive
(   )22. A. look at      B. look for      C. look after      D. look into
(   )23. A. happy      B. exited      C. surprised         D. sad
(   )24. A. promise  B. secret          C. mind           D. head
(   )25. A. satisfied  B. happy      C. surprised       D. sure
(   )26. A. stood up  B. got up      C. put up       D. came up
(   )27. A. brother      B. sister          C. neighbor       D. father
(   )28. A. Suddenly  B. Luckily      C. Sadly           D. mainly
(   )29. A. slowly      B. secretly      C. quietly       D. happily
(   )30. A. Love      B. Gift          C. Toy           D. Luck
Autumn and winter are cold and flu(流感) seasons. Will the old advice about dressing warmly help prevent a cold, or if you get sick, should you follow the old saying, "feed a cold and starve(挨饿)a fever"? And what about that fever? Should you take medicine to reduce your temperature, or is it better to let the body treat the fever itself? Everyone seems to have an answer. But is popular wisdom valuable?
Doctor Nelson knows a lot about cold and flu seasons. Nelson says research may be just starting to provide proofs (证明) for long-held beliefs. For example, scientists for years were against the idea that getting cold and wet might cause colds or flu. But recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause stress on the body, and th at stress can create something more likely to lead to viruses. So maybe it is really important to wear warmly before going outside.
And what about feeding a cold and s tarving a fever? Nelson says if you have a cold and are hungry, you should eat. But a fever, especially a high one, suggests a more serious problem. He says people are usually not hungry when they have a high fever. Eating might even make a person sick. But drinking enough water is  important. A fever easily makes the body lose water.
Finally, when should you treat a fever? Nelson says a fever should be treated if it stays at 40℃ or above for a day or more. A high temperature can damage(破坏) brain cells(细胞).The doctor also believes in treating a fever if it prevents a person from sleeping.
Medicine like aspirin, for example, can be used to reduce pain and fever. But aspirin should not be given to children because it can cause serious problems.
(   ) 38. We can learn from the passage that Doctor Nelson_______.
A. doesn't believe in the old advice about preventing colds
B. is now trying his best to provide proofs for long-held beliefs
C. thinks a fever needn't be treated even if it prevents someone from sleeping
D. thinks you needn't go to a doctor immediately if you have a temperature of 40℃
(   ) 39. According to Doctor Nelson, if someone catches a fever, he should_______.
A. take a bath in cold water          B. drink enough water[
C. try to eat something              D. take some exercise outside
(   ) 40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Why people should eat when having a cold.  B. When people should treat a fever.
C. What the medicine, aspirin, is used for. W  D. Whether the old advice about preventing a cold is valuable.
(   )41. The passage suggests that_______.
A. aspirin can damage brain cells if an adult takes too much of it
B. the idea that getting cold can cause flu was proved true years ago
C. it is easier for people to catch colds when their bodies are stressed
D. some old advice about preventing colds isn't important
LONDON—Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet from overheating: move it to a cooler spot. All you have to do is to send a few comets (彗星) in the direction of Earth, and its orbit (轨道) will be changed. Our world will then be sent moving into a safer older part of the solar system.
This idea for improving our climate comes from a group of US NASA engineers and American astronomers. They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet—hopefully doubling its working life.
The plan put forward by Dr. Laughlin, and his colleagues Don Korycansky and Fred Adams, needs carefully directing a comet or asteroid (小行星) so that it passes close by our planet and sends some of its gravitational energy to Earth.
“Earth’s orbital speed would increase as a result and we would move to a higher orbit away from the sun,” Laughlin said.
Engineers would then direct their comet so that it passed close to Jupiter (木星) or Saturn(土星). The comet would pick up energy from one of these giant planets. Later its orbit would bring it back to Earth, and the process would be repeated.
In the short term, the plan provides an ideal way to worldwide warming, although the team was actually worried about a much greater danger. The sun is certain to heat up in about a billion years and so “seriously compromise” our biosphere (生物圈)—by cooking us. That’s why the group decided to try to save Earth.
The plan has one or two worrying sides, however. For a start, space engineers would have to be very careful about how they directed their asteroid or comet towards Earth. The smallest miscalculation (误算) in orbit could fire it straight at Earth—with deadly results.
There is also the question of the moon. As the present issue of Scientific American magazine points out, if Earth was pushed out of its present location, it is “most likely the moon would be stripped (剥离) away from Earth,” it states. This would greatly change our planet’s climate.
(   ) 42.What makes the scientists plan to move Earth?
A. A few comets are moving to the direction of Earth.   B. Earth’s working life is coming to an end soon.
C. Earth will become too hot for mankind to keep alive. D. The moon is moving farther and farther away from Earth.
(   ) 43. If the plan is successful, Earth will have a working life of ________ years.
A. 12 billion        B. 6 billion            C. 18 billion        D. 24 billion
(   ) 44.What serious problems might the plan cause according to the passage?
A. The comet might hit Earth and man might lose the moon.
B. Earth might be moved too far away and man might die because of the coldness.
C. The comet might hit Jupiter or Saturn and never return to Earth.
D. Earth’s working life might be greatly shortened.
(   ) 45.What does the underlined word “compromise” mean?
A. provide          B. benefit (受益)        C. share           D. endanger
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题  共60分)
46. Marbury is Beijing’s basketball hero again! His rich experience is a great        (优势) over the others in his team.
47. The singers ________ (成功地) mixed Chinese traditional music and modern Western music.
48. It’s hard to _________(form a picture in one’s mind)what our modern life will be like if there’s too much pollution.
49. Beijing is an ________  (old) city of culture which attracts many foreign visitors
50. Thomas Edison was one of the greatest       ___  in the world, he made more than one thousand inventions in his life and all these have changed our way of living.

