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  【篇一】我们应不应该购买苹果手机 Should We Buy iPhone

iPhone is made in USA, but extremely popular in China. It is public cognition that iPhone is a high level smart product. It is good but expensive. Some people even joke that they will sell one of their kidney to buy an iPhone. Though it is a joke, it respects a social phenomenon that people’s desire to buy a expensive cellphone. Should we buy it? I think it depends on people’s own financial ability.
iPhone是美国产的手机,却在中国异常受欢迎。在公众的认知中iPhone是一个高端的智能产品。它很好却也很贵。有些人甚至开玩笑说他们要卖掉一个肾来买一个iPhone手机。尽管这是一个玩笑,却也反映出了一种社会现象,那就是人们对买一个昂贵手机的欲望。 我们应不应该购买苹果手机?我认为这要看个人的经济实力。

One the one hand, we all know that iPhone is a kind of status symbol in people’s mind, so some people just want to show off to buy an iPhone that is not necessary, especially for those have economy annoyance. As you are not rich enough, you will gain burden to your life if you buy a cellphone about 6,000 RMB. And what you use it to do is the same as other cheaper phone. The purpose you buy it just for flaunt. If you are this kind of people, please do not buy an iPhone, because life is much important than face.

One the other hand, if you are a rich people, just buy one, as it is good to use in some point. Its hard software and system are better than some other phone. After all, you have money, then you can do whatever you want with money.

In conclusion, before we decide to buy an iPhone or not, what we need to think is our own situation.

  【篇二】人一定要结婚吗 Should We all Need to Get Married?

In the traditional view that everyone’s life is the same. After they were born in the world, they need to grow up, go to school, get a job, get married, have babies and then grow old. Most people always obey the regular until the third step. Nowadays, more and more people are not in the relationship of marriage when their age should be. Then they will be criticized of single. Should we really need to get married when we are at that age? I don’t think so. The reasons are as follow.

On the one hand, marriage is a long life thing, and everyone has the right to choose the one they believe that they are willing to accompany forever. Every combination should on the foundation of happiness. Before they find the one, they don’t need to find a whatever to build a family. After all, choosing a wrong person won’t be happy. It is no need to do it.

On the other hand, as the purpose of marriage is to seek happiness, no one can say that single is not happy for sure. If a person is happy as they are single, there is no reason for them to head in an unsure relationship. In addition, being single for the whole life is not so bad, and it can be happy, too.

As far as I am concerned, happiness is the most important, not marriage. Everyone should make their decision depends on their own situation.

  【篇三】多吃水果的好处 The Advantage of Eating Fruit

It is well-known that fruit is good for our health and we should have more. Do you really understand what benefit it brings to us? Let me show you some.

First of all, fruit is good for our skin. Fruit has rich trace elements and vitamin, which can nourish the skin. The makeup is hard to reach its effect. Besides, some fruit have the effect of delaying senescence for the elements their contain. So, eating more fruit can make skin better and look more beautiful.

Secondly, fruit is good for our health. It helps to prevent and treat disease. Fruit is helpful to treat cardiovascular disease, dental ulcer and so on. The people who eat fruit often have less risk to get those diseases.

Last, fruit is delicious. Different fruit have different tastes. Many people like eating it as snacks. For me, eating delicious food can make me feel happy. I often eat apple, pear, banana, litchi and so on. I like them.

To sum up, fruit is really good for us, inside and outside. We should take some in our daily life, but we should not eat excessively.

