
时间:2022-05-18 21:14:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的儿童节到了,小朋友们开开心心。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the afternoon of International Children's Day, we played games such as grabbing chairs and sticking to our noses

  We were grabbing chairs. We put three chairs and found two men and two women. It started. The teacher played the music. They sat down whenever the music stopped. Now it starts. The music stops. A woman loses.

  Let's play stick nose now. First draw a head and start. We were all staring when Zhou Shanshan posted it. Zhou Shan laughed and stuck it to our mouths. Careless Zhou Shanshan is so embarrassed. But she was laughing herself.

  Today, Miss Yi's smile is always on her lips. How happy!


  The long-awaited International Children's day has finally arrived. On that day, I was very happy, because the school didn't have classes and didn't have to do homework, so I felt very relaxed. The teacher also asked us to bring a little food to school! And school is over at noon. I can do whatever I want at home! I'm not allowed to watch TV at home. I watched it that day. Also, in the evening, my mother and I took electric mosquito photos downstairs to fight mosquitoes. More than 40 in total!

  What a happy International Children's Day!


  I'm so happy that "61" is here!

  International Children's Day is a festival for children all over the world. On that day, children put on beautiful clothes and skirts and celebrate their festival happily. Some go to the amusement park to revel, some go to see magic movies, and some go to eat delicious food.

  On June 1, I put on a beautiful pink dress and went to delicious food activities with my father and mother. I participated in fishing for zongzi. After a while, I caught four fresh meat zongzi. I tasted one on the spot. It's really delicious! I drew a colorful whale egg on the duck's bow, and then I drew a lovely one on it. Then I drew a colorful whale egg on it, and then I liked it! I had a happy day.

  "61" is really a colorful festival.


  "61" is a national children's festival.

  "June day" is only once a year. We should cherish this day, put our troubles behind us, and let us spend "June day" happily.

  In the fiery June, flowers dance with the youth. "June day" is a festival that makes us rejoice; Happy holiday of peace.

  Calligraphy and painting works are hand-made... It is the crystallization of the labor of class teachers and students. Wonderful literary and artistic programs welcomed the applause and laughter of class teachers, parents and students.

  On this day, every student had a smile on his face. Every student is playing interesting games, because this day is our own festival!

  "61" left in such a hurry, and the day's life was over again. Ah! Today is really unforgettable!


  It's International Children's Day, which belongs to us. I welcome this happy, happy and beautiful day with my classmates.

  The night before that day, my mother and father bought me a lot of delicious food. The door opened at 7:00 that day. At 7:15, we went to the playground and sat down in our seats.

  The first was the opening ceremony and flag raising ceremony, followed by awards and literary performances. The students performed waist drums, martial arts exercises and sketches, which made us laugh. Finally, the closing ceremony!

  I had a very happy holiday on June 1, because it is our holiday and an annual holiday.


  The flowers in June are fragrant, the sunshine in June is bright, and songs are sung everywhere on International Children's Day. On that day, my parents and I sang songs and came to DanJin park.

  We came to a green grass and began to take photos. Mom sat on a stone chair, dad picked up the camera, clicked, and mom's bright smile was photographed. Of course, the next player is Qi Menghan! Ha ha ha! When I take pictures, it's unusual! I hold bamboo in both hands and put my hands on my chest in various shapes. I really look like a little model. I also became a little photographer! I designed shapes for my mother and father, and my father praised me as a great little photographer. Our laughter floated on the grass.

  International Children's Day brings me happiness!


  The annual International Children's Day is coming again. It is our children's favorite holiday.

  Although the weather is not very good on children's day this year, I also had a good time. In the morning, my mother first led me to the photo studio and took two digital photos for me. The aunt of the photo studio was my mother's friend, and she took a big sticker for me for free. This big sticker is my most satisfactory set of photos. Then my mother took me to the new century square to play, but it rained in the sky. The amusement equipment there was wet and couldn't play anything. The children were so anxious. My mother had the best way. She took me to Dexter hamburger. There, my mother bought me a children's set meal and I had a delicious meal. Then I played in the playground of this hamburger for a long time. It was really fun.

  I really enjoyed children's day this year!


  On the afternoon of June 1, our class held a June 1 party.

  Host mu xuanlin made a brilliant debut and announced: "the first program is green sun." Wang Yichi and other students boarded the podium amid applause. Their podium. Their acting skills were so lifelike that they won bursts of applause from everyone.

  "The next program is the most romantic thing sung by Zhang Junyao." Mu xuanlin announced. I went to the podium and sang the most romantic thing. At this moment, I am very nervous. At the end of the song, many students sang with me. When I finally finished singing, everyone gave me thunderous applause. Then there are the magic performed by SUN Hao and the "mouse loves rice" by Zhang Jingwei... For a long time, the students were immersed in the program.

  This party really gives me endless aftertaste!


  Today is my first International Children's Day in primary school. My mother specially took a day off to accompany me at home. One of my favorite things is playing chess with my mother at home. I prefer red, so I chose red chess. My mother is green chess.

  I first fired a gun, my mother got on an official, and then I took the "car", and my mother was unwilling to show weakness and mobilized to take the "horse". I ate a gun from my mother, and my mother ate a horse from me. We fought wisely and bravely on the chessboard. Finally, I gave my mother my "will" and I lost. I secretly determined that I must work hard and compete with my mother in chess on children's day next year to win.


  I'm so happy that the long-awaited "61" children's day has finally arrived!

  On this day, we came to the school early and just stepped into the school gate. At this time, the school was crowded and full of festival atmosphere everywhere. There is no heavy schoolbag, only happy singing. We sat in the classroom and talked enthusiastically about how to celebrate the festival.

  After a while, the teacher took us to the playground to play games, and then returned to the classroom to play games again. The programs are more and more wonderful, with applause and cheers rising from wave to wave. Today, we had a good time and the activities were so colorful!

