

时间:2022-05-24 21:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】儿童是祖国的未来,是民族的希望,一年一度的“六一国际儿童节”马上就要到了,这是少年儿童们最重要的节日!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  International Children's Day is our children's favorite festival. Today is June 1, which is really a good day! The teachers and students in our school are all smiling with joy. In order to celebrate June 1, the headmaster specially bought a lot of flowers and put them on the podium, making the podium more beautiful.

  Today, the scorching sun, although very hot, but our hearts are particularly happy, hot also do not feel hot. We all put on our favorite clothes, and the teachers dressed themselves up beautifully, especially the teacher in our class. She wore a blue skirt, which was very beautiful. I heard that many students and parents praised our teacher Wang for being good-looking! I just listened with my ears and didn't express my opinions, but I gave the teacher a thumbs up in my heart!

  The celebration of June day began, and the students cheered. We watched every program carefully. I found that: more than a dozen programs are very wonderful, some are beautiful in formation, some are beautiful in dancing, some are very dynamic, and some are funny... Which one do you want to ask me about my favorite program? I tell you, there are two, one is "chanting the goose", which is performed by the children in the middle class. They perform very well and lovely, which makes me seem to be several years younger at once and return to the kindergarten. Another is "treading the waves". The big sisters carefully jump every action, and everyone shows the results of their efforts in recent days.

  Ah, this is really a beautiful June day! I want to remember it forever. I also hope that the new year's 61 will come early. We are all waiting for it in our dreams and looking forward to it


  Time flies. The International Children's Day, which the students are looking forward to, has finally come.

  In the morning, we dressed in holiday costumes and walked towards the school with happy steps. At this moment, the campus is very lively, and the colorful flags add to the festive atmosphere. Look, there is a red "air cushion" in front of the leading console. He is arching his body, like an artificial rainbow, welcoming us.

  We lined up neatly and came to the runway to watch the large-scale literary and artistic performance of "let's swing our double oars". At this time, the loud voice of the host sounded in the radio. With the beautiful music, the little actors on the playground danced. It adds to the festive atmosphere.

  Suddenly, with the cooperation of teachers and students, a water rocket rushed into the blue sky, made a 360 degree turn, and then slowly fell down. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise on the field, followed by bursts of applause and cheers from the students. Then, many water rockets went up to heaven. It threw our good wishes into the sky, ah! Let's fly every good wish in joy!

  When the art show is over, it's a garden tour, ah! There are so many games. There are so many kinds of games. I also took my beloved car to participate in the car race. When I got to the race field, I had a look. Hey! There are a lot of car fans. I hurried to line up. There was a long line. It was not easy for me. I turned on the switch and put the car on the track. The car rushed forward quickly. It was about to pass the pass, but "there was an unexpected storm". In the last corner, the car rushed out of the track. What a pity! I had to pick up the car and play somewhere else. The festive atmosphere made me forget all about racing. I enjoyed the festive atmosphere and played.

  Time passed so fast that a short half day passed, and the campus gradually calmed down. I had to leave the school reluctantly and look forward to the next beautiful June day.


  This day is "June 1 International Children's Day". It is sunny and sunny. My mother took me to the Oriental bookstore to read.

  When I entered the Oriental bookstore, there were more people than usual. Some people stood in front of the bookshelf and focused on buying their favorite books. Some people sat on the chair and read with interest... I hopped to the children's world. There are so many books there! There are story books, maze books... The books I am most interested in are learning books. After selection, I finally bought three books and went back happily.

  This International Children's Day is really good! I will go to the bookstore in the future. It is like an inexhaustible treasure house of knowledge.

  This day is "June 1 International Children's Day". It is sunny and sunny. My mother took me to the Oriental bookstore to read.

  When I entered the Oriental bookstore, there were more people than usual. Some people stood in front of the bookshelf and focused on buying their favorite books. Some people sat on the chair and read with interest... I hopped to the children's world. There are so many books there! There are story books, maze books... The books I am most interested in are learning books. After selection, I finally bought three books and went back happily.

  This International Children's Day is really good! I will go to the bookstore in the future. It is like an inexhaustible treasure house of knowledge.


  Today is a very special day. It is a holiday for every child. It must be International Children's Day.

  We brought some fruit and came to the classroom with great interest. We heard the students talking about: some were watching what the other party brought, some were studying what fruit platter to make... The students were all here, and the classroom was still lively. The teacher clapped his hand, and the classroom became quiet. You could hear a needle drop on the ground clearly.

  Looking forward, it's time to make a fruit platter at last, ah! The fruits in our group are so rich! There are blueberries, apples, bananas, watermelons, white melons, mangoes, pitaya, cherries, Hami melons and oranges. They give off a strong taste.

  We began to make fruit platters. First, we cut the fruit into various shapes: triangles, rectangles, squares and pentagons... We put these fruits into the plate. At this time, Dai Buwen laughed and said to our team members, "this is not a fruit platter at all, but a fruit pot, ha ha...". Our group was very unconvinced, "hum, we need to refuel!". We seriously made all kinds of fruits into a mango castle. This is the result of our labor. Although it is not, we are already very satisfied.

  What a meaningful and unforgettable International Children's Day this is!


  Hope ah, hope ah, finally look forward to the "61" children's day. Today is our children's Day! Today, we sing and dance, sing loudly, and jointly release the dream in our hearts!

  Today's school is very lively and prosperous. The podium is full of leaders of the Education Bureau. The theme of this June day is "little dreamer". There are two background pictures, one behind the leader and one behind us. The background picture behind us shows several little angels playing. The background picture in front of us reads: button the first button of life.

  We have worked hard for this activity! In order to make our program brilliant, we try not to rest and strive for more time for rehearsal. Most of the time, everyone is sweating with heat and Venus in their eyes.

  We have a variety of programs, you see: hip-hop dance, piano, drum set, yoga, sitcom recitation, martial arts, etc., rich and colorful, each has its own merits!

  The program that impresses me most is the recitation of the sitcom - "young heart, flying the Chinese dream". Of course, I also participated in this program. There are many roles in this program: dragonfly, frog, small fish, farmer, textile woman, lotus leaf... I played a dragonfly. When I came on the stage, I imagined myself becoming a dragonfly, dancing with my arms, sometimes turning a circle, sometimes stirring up my wings, and many people praised me. Thanks to your wonderful performance, our program has been highly praised by the leaders!

  The celebration of June 1st came to a successful end, and everyone went home with joy. This activity made me realize how difficult it is to be a good boy in the new era. They are intelligent, capable, hardworking, willing to contribute and hard-working. I also want to learn from them and be a good boy in the new era!


  Today is the international children's day on June 1. The school will let the students show their hands on the stage.

  The Chinese teacher selected three male students in our class and took me, two other male students and the twelve female students to the stage.

  At first, I thought we only had to perform once, but I didn't expect that we would perform twice. Our boy's task is to perform with a scooter. I'm the captain. Boy No. 2 said to me, "just practice." I also know that during the rehearsal, boy No. 2 said to me, "you skate too fast. We can't catch up with Ben." On the stage, I left them behind as I did in rehearsal. Boys No. 2 and No. 3 were unwilling to show weakness and caught up.

  After the performance, a large group of boys and girls in our class surrounded our three boys in a swarm. We were forced by them to be "desperate" and could only let them play. An actress said to me, "it seems that your scooter is quite popular!" I replied, "of course!"

  Back home, my mother bought me a lot of gifts and promised me to buy binoculars and magnifying glasses!


  This morning, my mother took me to Zhongshan Park, which is my dream.

  Zhongshan Park is full of people. There are some old people practicing singing. They compare their movements while singing. That's a good song! Many children come to the park under the leadership of their parents.

  As soon as I entered the park, I ran to the rockery. Mother said she would exercise me, so she let me climb the mountain alone. She was waiting for me at the foot of the mountain. I went to the cave, went through the cave, went forward bravely, made several big circles in the fake cave, and soon reached the fake top of the mountain. My mother is waving down the mountain. Although I am still on the top of the mountain, my heart has flown into my mother's arms. I ran down the mountain and came to my mother soon.

  My mother took me to the playground. There were too many people. We only chose the project of flying. We played it more than ten times and had a good time.

  Out of the park, my mother said, "I'll treat you to ice cream!" I said happily, "Yeah!" How I like ice cream, but my mother usually doesn't let me eat ice cream. Today, I finally got my wish.

  Today I had a happy "61"!


  Today is "61 International Children's Day". Our class has a get-together. I have a very, very happy time.

  As soon as I get to school in the morning, I look forward to going there in the morning and coming here in the afternoon. But time is as slow as a snail. It's like a year.

  Look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally looking forward to the afternoon. As soon as the teacher told me to get up, I "flew" to the classroom at the speed of Liu Xiang's 100 meter sprint.

  The party finally began. The host is Shi Hui and I. We carefully prepared the host speech and read it out loud with both voice and emotion.

  The party is divided into three links: talent show, interactive game and intelligence competition. In the talent show, I enjoyed beautiful dance, funny sketches and amazing dance skills... But what I like most is intelligence competition.

  The rule of intelligence competition is: Hang many pieces of paper on a rope with questions on it. If you can do that, tell the teacher that you can only tear off the note if you answer correctly. In this case, you will be robbed by other students. You can only admit that you are unlucky. I tore four pieces of paper and won the second place, but I'm not proud, because the first place tore seven pieces, and I will, Wuwu

  Happy time is always short, unknowingly, the party has ended. I miss this "June day" very much and look forward to next year's "June day".


  Today is a happy day. It is our holiday - June 1 International Children's day. In the morning, I went out like a rabbit.

  When I came to the classroom, I heard the laughter and laughter of the students in the classroom, and the shouting voice of the students: "watch TV, watch TV. Play games, play games."

  As soon as the bell rang, our game began. First of all, we play with sticking our noses. Many students scramble to stick their noses. The noses they stick make me laugh. Some stick to my ears, some stick to my eyebrows, and some even stick to the outside of my face. As a result, of the 55 students, only two children hit the clown's nose.

     The next game is to grab the stool. In the first group, there was only one stool and two people left. Just listen to the stop. Shen Bing of our class sat on the ground and made us laugh. Many of our little friends, Zhang Yidong and Zhang Yidong, were eliminated in the end.

  Unconsciously, the bell rang and the program of International Children's Day ended. This is really a happy June day!


  Hope! Hope! International Children's Day has finally arrived. Today, our class will have a party for our own festival in school! For this party, the students have carefully prepared many programs and want to show their skills at this party. Look! Some students perform vivid and interesting sketches, some recite ancient poems with full charm, and some play melodious and beautiful electronic organ music... It's really colorful! A classmate's program attracted me.

  She first lit the candle with a lighter. In an instant, the small yellow flame danced happily on the white candle. Then she took out a seemingly ordinary white paper for the first few rows of students to check. "Prosecutors" said it was a white paper with nothing written on it.

  Finally, she carefully put the white paper flat on the beating flame to bake. At this time, a miracle happened. A few light brown words slowly appeared on the white paper without words, which said "I wish students to study hard and make progress every day". We couldn't help clapping our hands. The magic was really an eye opener for the students. We couldn't wait for her to ask how it came about? She proudly told everyone, "I'll write a few words on the paper with a candle. The color of the candle is almost the same as that of the paper. It can be displayed as soon as it is baked over a fire.".

  The students suddenly realized that the magic was so simple! Everyone said that they would also do this interesting little magic at home. This is what happened to me on June 1. How about it? Isn't it good and interesting?

