【#英语资源# 导语】这200条成双成对的短语,高中英语考试各题型青睐,不用再犹豫,立刻收藏学习吧~欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
2. again and again 一再
3. all and all 全能的;最重要的
4. all and singular 全体;一律
5. all in all 总的说来;头等重要的
6. ancient and modern 古今
7. arm in arm 臂挽臂
8. arts and science 文理
9. as and when 当……时候
10. back and forth 来回地
11. back to back 背靠背
12. backward(s) and foreward(s) 来来回回
13. bed and board 膳宿;夫妇关系
14. bed and breakfast 食宿
15. bit by bit 一点点地
16. black and blue 遍体鳞伤
17. black and white 白纸黑字;黑白影片
18. by and large 大体上
19. carrot and stick 软硬兼施
20. case by case 一例一例地
21. cheek to cheek 脸贴脸
22. come and go 来来往往
23. day and night 日日夜夜
24. days and nights 日日夜夜
25. defeat on defeat 接连失败
26. do or die 不是成功便是失败死亡
27. drop by drop 一滴一滴地
28. early and late 从早到晚
29. early or late (=sooner or later) 迟早
30. end for end 两端的位置颠倒过来
31. end to end 头尾相接
32. eye for eye 以眼还眼
33. eye to eye 彼此看法一致
34. face to face 面对面
35. fair and square 正大光明
36. far and away 肯定;无疑
37. far and near 到处;处处
38. far and wide 到处
39. fire and water 水火
40. first and last 总的说来;始终
41. five and ten 便宜的
42. flesh and blood 骨肉
43. forever and ever 永远;永久
44. forgive and forget 既往不咎;不念旧恋
45. free and easy 不拘形式;随便
46. front to front 面对面
47. fun and games 欢乐;娱乐与游戏
48. gentle and simple 各个阶层;贵贱
49. give and take 平等交换;互让;交换意见
50. give or take 准许有误差
51. good or ill 好歹
52. great and small 大小;各阶层人民
53. group by group 分批地
54. hand and foot 手脚并用;尽力
55. hand in hand 手拉手;联合
56. hand in glove 密切合作
57. hand over fist 不费气力;迅速
58. hand over hand 节节往上地;稳而快地
59. hand to hand 逼近地
60. hand to fist 齐心协力
61. hard and fast 不容变通的;严格的
62. head and ears 完完全全;全身
63. head and front 主要部分
64. head and shoulder 头与肩
65. head over heals 颠倒;完全地
66. head to head 交头接耳
67. heart and hand 热心地
68. heart and soul 全心全意地
69. heart to heart 贴心地;诚恳地
71. high and low 到处;高低贵贱
72. high and mighty 神气活现;趾高气扬
73. home and abroad 国内外
74. hope against hope 抱一线希望
75. hot and hot 一出锅就端上来
76. hot and strong 猛烈地;激烈地
77. hour after hour 连续地;一小时又一小时地
78. house and home 家;家庭的乐趣
79. hundred and hundred 长寿
80. husband and wife 夫妻
82. import and export 进出口;导入与导出;输入与输出
83. in and out 进进出出
84. inch by inch 一点一点地;逐渐地
85. item by item 逐项地;逐条地
86. knee to knee 促膝地
87. knife and pork 刀叉
88. land and sea 陆地与海洋
89. leg and leg 平分秋色
90. like for like 以牙还牙
91. life for life 以命抵命
92. light and shade 光阴
93. light and shadow 光与影
94. line upon line 一排排地;稳步向前地
95. little by little 一点一点地;逐渐地
96. loss on loss 一个接一个失败
97. lots and lots 许许多多
98. make or break 可以成功或失败
99. man by(to) man 人盯人地
100. man for man 一人对一人
101. measure for measure 针锋相对地
102. milk and honey 多种享受
103. month after month 每月;一月又一月
104. month by month 逐月
105. more or less 或多或少;多多少少
106. most and least 毫无例外
107. mother and child 母子
108. mouse and man 众生
109. near and dear 极其亲密的
110. neck and crop 干脆;彻底
111. neck and neck 并驾齐驱;不分上下
112. neck or nothing 孤注一掷;铤而走险
113. night after night 一夜又一夜地
114. nine to five 通常的办公时间
115. nose to nose 面对面地
116. now and then 偶尔
117. officers and soldiers 官兵;将士
118. oil and vinegar 风马牛不相及
119. on and off (=off and on) 断断续续地
120. on and on 不断地;继续
121. one after another 接连
122. one and all 个个;全都
123. one and only 的
124. one by one 一个接一个
125. one or two 一两个;少数几个
126. one to one 一比一
127. out and away 远远地;大大地
128. out and in 里里外外
129. out and out 彻头彻尾地;不折不扣地
130. over and above 除……之外(还)
131. over and over 再三;反复
132. part by part 一部分一部分地
133. past and present 过去与现在
134. pick and choose 挑挑拣拣
135. pick and steal 小偷小摸
136. piece by piece 一点一点地;逐渐地
137. pins and needles 手脚发麻
138. point by point 逐条
139. point for point 详细地;精确地
140. pots and pans 坛坛罐罐
141. pure and simple 完全;肯定无疑
142. rain and shine 风雨无阻
143. rain and wind 风雨
144. rank and fashion 上流社会
145. right and left 到处;各方面
146. right and wrong 是非;正误;对错
147. ring upon ring 层层;逐层
148. room and board 膳宿处
149. root and branch 彻底地;全部地
151. safe and sound 安然无恙
152. second to none 的
153. seldom or never 极难得;简直不
154. short and sweet 简洁明了
155. shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩
156. side by side 并肩;一起
157. signs and wonders 奇迹
158. sink or swim 不论好歹
159. skin and bone 皮包骨
160. slow and steady 稳扎稳打
161. slow and sure 稳扎稳打;慢而稳
162. stage by stage 逐步地
163. step by step 逐步地;稳步地
164. step for step 亦步亦趋
165. such and such 这种那种的
166. supply and demand 供与求
167. ten to one 十之八九;很可能;一定
168. there and then (=then and there) 当时当地
169. thick and fast 频频;大量而地
170. thick and thin 在任何情况下
171. this and that 又是这个……又是那个;各种各样的东西
172. through and through 彻头彻尾地
173. time after time 多次;反复地
174. time and tide 岁月;顺流逆流
175. time and (time) again 一再
176. to and fro 来来去去
177. toe to toe 正视;对视
178. tooth for tooth 以牙还牙
179. trial and error 不断摸索;反复试验
180. true or false 是非
181. two by two 两个两个地
182. two in one 二合一
183. twos and threes 三三两两
184. up and about 恢复健康
185. up and down 来回地;上下地;到处
186. ups and downs 盛衰;沉浮
187. wait and see 耐心等待
188. wash and wear 不用熨烫的
189. ways and means 办法
190. wear and tear 磨损;消耗
191. week by week 一周接一周
192. well and truly 周密而准确地;确实地
193. whole and all 全体;全部
194. wife and children 妻儿
195. wine and dine 吃吃喝喝
196. word for word 逐字;一字不变地
197. words and expressions 词汇和短语
198. year after year 年年;每年
199. year by year 年年;每年
200. young and old 老老少少;不分老幼