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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。®文档大全网为大家准备了《安全文明英语演讲稿》,供大家参考阅读。


  Teachers and students:

  Good morning! Today, I am talking about "building up the awareness of safety and prevention, building a safe and harmonious campus".

  Some people say that life is a treasure; Some people say life is gold. I said life is a flower, just like a colorful flower in spring. The world is wonderful because of its flower life, but some people easily let the flower of life wither too early. Campus security speech.

  As you know, the most basic human needs - in addition to the need for air, water and food, are safety. Newspapers, TV and news content are becoming more and more frightening, such as fire, mine disaster, flood, tsunami, earthquake, car accident, war, terrorist attacks, violence, etc., we have been convinced that our living environment can not be 100% safe.

  As students, a year has a great majority of time living around schools and schools. In this special environment with dense population and small area, safety is the focus of our attention. Relevant departments of the state have specially established relevant laws and regulations for this purpose and formulated relevant regulations. For example, the measures for dealing with student injury accidents, the law on the protection of minors, the law on the prevention of juvenile crime, etc., at the same time, the state also put forward the policy of "responsibility for safety work is more important than Taishan", "safety first, prevention first", and at the same time, the state has established a general administration of safety to manage the national security work, which indicates that the state attaches great importance to safety work. The investigation shows that the students in primary and secondary schools in China die of traffic accidents, building collapse, food poisoning, drowning, public security accidents, violent crimes, etc., with an average of more than 40 people per day, which is equivalent to the loss of their life in one class every day! The students were injured due to the crowded buildings, the chasing and beating in class caused fractures, the pencil head was punctured in the classroom, scalded in the experiment, drowned and killed, the students fought and beaten, and the accident was prevented. What do we see behind the chilling numbers, these thrilling facts? What warning do the dead give us with their living and short life? I hope that teachers and classmates think deeply!

  Although there are inevitable sudden disasters in our lives, we are often frightened and overwhelmed by unknown encounters. However, the research shows that 80% of the injuries can be avoided if we can take correct measures in time in the early stage of disaster and injury by strengthening self-protection awareness and improving self-protection ability. Campus security speech.

  Our primary school students are in the physiological development stage, the psychology is very simple, most vulnerable to various kinds of injuries. However, life always cares for people with safety consciousness, and safety consciousness is reflected in daily behavior. For example: abide by the laws, abide by traffic rules, consciously resist violence, yellow information and drugs, calm down when you are in trouble, think more about the consequences and do three thoughts. If there is any contradiction between students, you should calm down and solve them without right or wrong. Learn to help others and avoid risks, such as: in case of fire, report to adults in time, or call 119 alarm call, we can not rush to save the fire alone, because our pupils are not able to help; When encountering violence (by bullying small), we must try to get out of the way in time, report to teachers or call 110 to report the case, learn to refuse unreasonable demands or bad temptations of others, and develop good living habits. These knowledge is simple. But if we can't do it, our health and even life may be threatened. At the same time, I hope that students can achieve "four prevention", Namely: Fire Prevention - it is forbidden to play with fire, prohibit the fire source into the school, and prevent fire accidents. In case of fire, we should learn the correct escape method (the class teacher shall guide the students as required); Waterproof: it is forbidden to take a bath without permission to take a bath in the river weir, and prevent drowning accidents. If there is any emergency of drowning by a companion, you should find the adult nearby for help immediately, and never escape the scene because of fear; Anti theft - close the doors and windows, pay attention to the safekeeping of their own property; Self safety: consciously abide by public order, social morality and school safety rules, and prohibit the occurrence of noise and injury accidents without following the instruction of teachers during class or outdoor activities.

  At the same time, I hope all staff should further enhance the awareness of "campus safety responsibility is more important than Taishan" and "I am the responsible person for safety work". Everyone should take care of each pass in their own position, and care about students is better than caring about themselves (all teachers and students attend the fire escape exercise this afternoon, except for the class director and the class teacher, all the teachers and students in the Department will attend the class); All classes should attach great importance to safety work, and achieve "four modernizations" - regular education, scientific system, concrete safety measures, standardized student behavior, strive to create a safe and civilized campus, and provide a harmonious environment for students to study hard, live happily and develop in an all-round way.

  Finally, let us remember "cherish life, pay attention to safety", and wish our students to learn and improve in a beautiful and lovely campus in Jianghai and grow healthily.

  Thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! Today, the topic of my speech is "cherish life, safe life".

  I know that most of the students will sing songs such as "peace to you" and "peace to a good man's life" to pray for success and peace; I believe that students understand the thinking of life contained in the words of "peace is blessing", "peace is gold"; I am sure that all the students have expressed good wishes to their parents, relatives, classmates and friends with auspicious words such as "peace, health, happiness and smooth". Yes, safety is more important than Mount Tai. It has always been the most basic lifeline for individuals, families, collectives and society. It is also the most important guarantee line for individuals to enjoy life and collectives to maintain stability.

  At present, there are many casualties caused by ideological, psychological and behavioral deviations among primary and secondary school students, which expose the common safety risks of current students in ideology, psychology and behavior. One by one shocking, blood and tears intertwined tragedy can not help but make people sigh, fear, but also sounded the alarm for our safety“ "Life" is such a vivid word“ "Safety" is such an old topic“ Happiness is such a wonderful state. Students: one person is safe, the whole family is happy; Life is supreme and safety is the key; Safety first, prevention first. Only in safety can life keep its vitality forever, and only in safety can happiness have its charm forever. Safety has built our beautiful home and become a link between relatives and friends. On the issue of safety, we must not be paralyzed or lucky. On the issue of safety, we must guard against and be alert. We must be alert to thinking, comply with the rules and be cautious in action; It is necessary to establish a high sense of safety. Everyone stresses safety, always and everything; It is necessary to build a great wall of safety for thought, behavior and life.

  Perhaps many students will think that safety only refers to the safety of the body, even the physical health and not hurt; I think as long as my body is healthy and can move freely, it is called safety. I don't think that's all about security. Even a man with a sound physique, if his moral level is low, his ability to distinguish right from wrong is not strong, and if he is confused, he has the suspicion of forming a clique and drinking; If he shows his loyalty and causes trouble, he not only likes to go with the flow, but also wants to make trouble; What this shows is the problem of ideological security. Just as in the previous week, there were several fights between classmates, as well as events on the court. Basketball game should be a game of friendship and style, but there are so many students fighting for the win and lose, which makes the relationship between students tense. It's not hard to imagine that it's very difficult to be a good person all one's life with such unsafe thoughts. In addition, if a person with a sound physique indulges in the spiritual opium of bad books and online games, and sucks every day and everywhere, he can't help but wander and think about it in class; Late at night can not help but to cross the wall bubble Internet cafes stay up all night; If he is infatuated with the sentimental feelings of young boys and girls prematurely, he will search for sorrow and hatred without any reason, be crazy and stupid, be crazy and crazy, and even be jealous and resentful, and become a beauty. This shows the safety problem of behavior. With such unsafe behavior, it is also very difficult to read a good book steadily and smoothly.

  Whether it is personal safety, ideological safety or behavioral safety, they all have one common characteristic, that is, the cruelty of the result. Traffic accidents, swimming and drowning accidents, sports accidents, and occasional accidents of chasing and fighting during recess. The light ones can hurt the physique, and the heavy ones can endanger the life. Their consequences are cruel. However, the deformity of ideology and morality and the deviance of behavior are more terrible than the unsound physique.

  Zang Kejia wrote in the poem some people: "some people live, but they have died." I think that those who lose their healthy spiritual pursuit, lose their right direction of life, and have a living body are the products of incomplete thinking? At best, this "product" can only be a machine that endlessly absorbs and digests the blood and sweat of parents. It can only become a waste in the long river of social development, and even a dangerous substance endangering social development.

  Dear teachers and students, we all live in a close relationship interwoven by family affection, morality, responsibility, obligation and so on. So the individual is not just the individual. Everyone's present is connected with the future, everyone's own is connected with the family, and everyone's honor and disgrace are connected with the whole. For the growth of individuals, for the happiness of families, for the whole of honor and disgrace, let's build a great wall of safety for our thoughts, behaviors and lives, and be good people. Only good people can live a safe life; I wish a good man a safe life.


  Good morning, everyone! In the past week, it can be said that the continuous autumn rain has cleaned our campus, moisten our hearts, let us breathe fresh and comfortable air every day. Our education and teaching work has a new look, morning exercises and physical education classes are orderly, and the sound of reading in the morning is loud, especially the class attaches great importance to the prevention of influenza A H1N1, and the indoor and outdoor health has greatly improved. However, there are still quite a lot of hidden dangers in the discipline of the road team and the discipline between classes. So today, I am talking about the theme of "cherish life, safety first".

  There are more than 20 kinds of safety risks in the life and study of teenagers, including traffic accidents, food poisoning, fighting, sports injury, fire and fire risk, drowning, drug abuse, suicide and so on. These are all threats to the healthy growth of our students. Students, one person is safe, and the family is happy; Life is supreme and safety is the key; Safety first, prevention first; Safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. In order to make the school safety alarm ring and to have a comfortable, elegant and civilized learning environment, I would like to send the following initiatives to you on behalf of the school:

  1、 We will strengthen publicity and education. All classes at all levels should make full use of the class meeting and morning meeting, organize and carry out the safety education theme class meeting carefully, improve our safety and civilization consciousness, always want to be safe, talk about safety, establish self safety consciousness, let safety enter our life and enter our hearts.

  2、 Do well in the prevention of autumn influenza and other diseases. Autumn is not a season of multiple infectious diseases, but prevention should be strengthened. Especially recently, influenza A H1N1 has been found in some schools in provinces and cities, and we have to be vigilant. Each class must do daily morning and noon inspection according to the requirements of the school, fill in the morning and noon inspection form in time. If any influenza A or infectious disease occurs, it is necessary to report to the school medical room within half an hour, and take correct prevention and control measures immediately, and cannot spread it. At the same time, we must pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently, exercise frequently, and do not drink too much food; Indoor ventilation, frequent sweeping, frequent disinfection.

  3、 Pay attention to the safety of the activities between classes. Please do not do those violent, excessive and excessive sports in the corridor or playground during class to avoid any kinds of injury accidents; The stairs up and down to achieve "right line courtesy"; Not chasing frolic, not playing, climbing doors and windows, railings or sculptures, not crowded, no road snatching; Not playing, playing football in the teaching building. Especially during extracurricular activities, each class must follow the school requirements of the venue, organized, civilized activities, do not chase and mess up in the campus.

  4、 Comply with traffic rules and traffic order. After school, each class should set up the class team cards, arrange the road team, and orderly exit the school door; To school, home to achieve civilized road, not chasing and playing, not climbing shoulders, not playing ball, not riding a bicycle; Cross the road to walk pedestrian crossing, to achieve "red stop, green light, yellow light on, etc"; When going out collectively, we must get the consent of the school and obey the command of the teachers in the leading team; Go out on holidays, do not take agricultural vehicles, no license vehicles, no overload vehicles;

  5、 Pay attention to food hygiene and develop good habits. We often see many students picking up peel paper chips in all corners of the campus; Use your hands to protect the beauty of the campus environment. But we also often see: playground, stairs, corridors, there are paper chips, food bags, peel, etc. Then look at the garden, once in class, the students in the classroom, chasing and fighting, trampling on the flowers and grass, breaking the branches. Students, we are the master of the school, protecting the environment and purifying the campus is our responsibility and obligation. Do not trample on green space, refuse three no food, do not eat rotten and deteriorated food, do not buy snacks, do not drink raw water, spit everywhere, do not litter peel paper.

  6、 Strengthen the awareness of "fire prevention, electric shock and infringement prevention". Do not play with fire, do not burn waste; Do not touch all kinds of electrical appliances at will. Strangers are not allowed to receive and visit. If anyone with suspicious trace is encountered, they shall report to the security personnel or teachers in time.

  7、 Study hard and cherish time. Away from the Internet bar, refuse drugs, away from billiards room, away from the game hall, do not read unhealthy books, different social leisure personnel exchanges.

  Students, campus is my home, safety depends on everyone! In order to create a safe, harmonious and civilized campus, and for the healthy and happy growth of all, let us join hands, from now on, from the beginning of self, from the beginning of every bit, and at all times to strengthen the safety awareness, strive to strengthen the self-defense ability, achieve the alarm bell, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious campus!

  I'm finished talking. Thank you!

