
时间:2021-08-08 17:50:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】金秋十月,丹桂飘香,在收获的季节里,在蓝天下,迎着初升的晨曦,我们即将迎来伟大祖国的生日。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the motherland__ On the occasion of our birthday, our family went to the prime minister's residence in the imperial city of Shanxi.

  In the morning, we packed up and set off. The car was singing and carrying us. Almost all the roads here are winding roads. After a while, we came to the mountain road of Taihang Mountain. Looking around, there are terraces around, layer by layer, like green ribbons tied on Grandpa Shan's clothes. Yellow, milky white and dark purple chrysanthemums appear on the roadside from time to time, as if wishing us a good time. There are many villages in the Taihang Mountains, and the harvested corn is tied into high crenels. According to my mother, the Imperial City prime minister's house is the home of Chen Tingjing, the teacher of Emperor Kangxi. I heard it's big! It can equal the whole Kaiyuan community!

  After a long journey, I finally came to the prime minister's residence in the imperial city. The first thing that came into view was a pavilion with the "Wuting mountain village" inscribed by Emperor Kangxi. It was said to be a "mountain village". In fact, it was a big castle. We bought tickets and walked to the mansion. There was only a archway and a small archway, which were engraved with the official positions of the Chen family of all generations. Then there are high and wide walls. The first one in the city is the imperial library, and further on is the home of Chen Tingjing's relatives. We went to Rongshan mansion again. There is a genealogy of the Chen family in the Chen ancestral temple. I'll go in and have a look. My God! There are more than 100 people in the Chen family, as well as the wax museum that says how the Chen family developed. We went to the East again. It was the school of teachers' ethics. Inside it were the plowing tools and large containers made of iron by the ancestors of the Chen family. We went north again. It was the cave of Tibetan soldiers, that is, the cave of hidden family soldiers. There were 28 holes in a row and four rows. Each hole was empty. I thought: did the soldiers live in such a hole at that time? Then don't resist? We went to the Chinese Dictionary Museum in the north. There are many kinds of dictionaries in the museum, including our most common Xinhua dictionary. We went to Wuyin building again. There were three people in the building. They were the widow's wife and her children of the second son of the Chen family, and one was the miss of the Chen family. Because the second son died early after completing the Jinshi examination, they lived together. Finally, we went to the south academy and Zhiyuan, both places with flowers, water and plants. Chen Tingjing said that even birds have places to play, not to mention people? So we built a garden with beautiful environment - Zhiyuan.

  In the afternoon, we still lingered and forgot to return. After Dad's repeated tips, we reluctantly left


  The long-awaited National Day is coming. My aunt and my brother Xiao Anzhu are back from Canada, and my aunt and uncle are back from Beijing. We will enjoy a happy holiday in Jinan with them on this national day.

  The weather is beautiful. The sky is clear every day during this holiday. White clouds are floating in the blue sky, making people feel crisp in autumn. The streets and alleys are full of flying five-star red flags and a string of red lanterns. There are a lot of cars on the street. There are a sea of people in the park. Everyone looks so relaxed and happy, and there is a jubilant atmosphere everywhere.

  On this day, our family came to Qianfo Mountain. From a distance, Qianfo Mountain under the blue sky was lush and towering, like a giant dressed in green. We walked up the stairs from the ten thousand Buddha path. In the ten thousand Buddha path, we saw many lifelike Buddha statues in different forms. Walking on the mountain road, many unknown trees, dressed in deep light green robes, danced with the wind, as if welcoming us. In the green of the mountain, I occasionally found several clusters of red leaves. The leaves of the whole mountain have not been dyed red in autumn. I think this day is coming soon.

  Walking all the way, we can see the low Jinan City halfway up the mountain. The whole city looks very clear in such good weather, like a three-dimensional big picture. He took out his telescope and saw the Yellow River. It was like a golden satin. But we can't see Daming Lake. The guys in the teahouse told us that because Daming Lake is close to the mountain, we can only see it at the top of the mountain. I think Jinan is really small! So we went to the top of the mountain. On the way to the top of the mountain, we saw a small waterfall. The water of the waterfall went into a small pool. The pool is clear to the bottom. Some small fish swim around in the water, and some are spitting bubbles. It's very cute.

  When we finally reached the top of the mountain, we really saw Daming Lake. Daming Lake is surrounded by tall buildings and can't see its true face. Down from the mountain, we came to the Golden Buddha square. It's very lively. People play sports and games here. We also rode many people's bicycles. When we rode our bicycles, we found that a man rode too hard and fell down. The kind man next to him helped him up. I watched and almost had a "traffic accident". Fortunately, I responded in time and avoided it. I thought I couldn't be half hearted when cycling in the future.

  After cycling, we are going home. The beautiful Qianfo Mountain is really unforgettable.


  On the day of national day, it was sunny. My father and mother, I were going to travel to Wuhan Mulan grassland scenic spot. Ecstatic to put their clothes. Toiletries and some necessities are ready. I look forward to starting early tomorrow morning.

  We got up at four o'clock the next morning. We hurried to wash our faces, brush our teeth and pack up our salutes. Dad drove us to the highway. We started the navigation on our mobile phone, and soon we were on the highway.

  Wuhan is too far away from Nanyang. It's more than 400 kilometers. At first, I thought it was as close to us as on the map. It's beautiful to run on the highway! Generally, there is no traffic jam. At more than six o'clock, we went to Zhumadian mirror. In the high-speed service area there, we took a break and drank a bowl of Zhumadian special spicy soup. It tastes very good, but it's a little spicy. Later we continued to set out. In order to be safe, take a break in each service area and enjoy the local customs and scenery.

  At more than nine o'clock in the morning, I finally arrived in Wuhan. Then we set off for Mulan grassland. It's only one step away from Mulan grassland. Let's go, let's go. We're almost there. There's a traffic jam. After blocking for more than an hour, we finally arrived at the scenic spot.

  National Day is a good time for tourism. The scenic spot is full of heads and cars. There are long lines at the ticket window of the scenic spot. Let me see, what should I do? At this time, a came and the staff of the scenic spot said, "you can go to the self-service machine to buy tickets". That's great. I bought the ticket soon. Then, we were lucky to line up with Gao cailie. There is a small waterfall at the gate of the scenic spot, on which a lifelike goldfish is painted. The door is so vivid. It should be more fun inside! After we go in, the vast grassland is really beautiful! Seeing here, I couldn't help thinking of the text we learned, "one green jade thousands of miles, not boundless. There are hills on all sides. The hills are green and the flat ground is also green." We went to play the tightrope slide. There was a man hanging on a steel wire, sliding from one end to the other. It's so exciting to play this project. It exercises my courage.

  At 4:30 p.m., there was a performance of "war song in the clouds", which was about the ancient Mulan joining the army for her father. There was a large audience and the performance began. The actors came on stage. They were all wearing ancient military uniforms, riding war horses and holding spears. The two sides fought each other. For a while, the earth cannon fired, and for a while, the trumpet sounded. It was very fierce. It was as if I had returned to ancient times, and I had a feeling of being on the scene. The army led by Hua Mulan fought for blood and killed the enemy bravely. Finally, it defeated the enemy, recovered the lost land and defended its territory. What a famous heroine! After the performance, we reluctantly left the venue.

  It's time for dinner. We'll find a special snack restaurant in Wuhan and finish our meal. We set off again for Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. On the way to the Yangtze River Bridge, I fell asleep. Almost to the Yangtze River Bridge, my mother woke me up. It's so spectacular to see the bright lights on the bridge so far away! The Yangtze River Bridge has many functions. The upper layer is pedestrian, car and tram, and the lower layer is double track railway. It is the first railway and highway dual-purpose bridge built on the Yangtze River in China, with a total length of more than 1600 meters. It connects the two sides of the Yangtze River and has made great contributions to China's economic construction.

  What an unforgettable night! Because this is my first time to Wuhan and I can stay in Wuhan for one night. Here, the scenery at night is so beautiful. Standing on the Bank of the Yangtze River, looking at the prosperous metropolis and high-rise buildings on the Bank of the Yangtze River, each high-rise building has rotten lights, colorful and beautiful! I'm looking forward to the next time. I haven't played enough in this big city and didn't go to many tourist attractions.

  This national day, I really opened my eyes, had a good time, and increased a lot of knowledge and knowledge. I'm looking forward to the national day next year.

