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【#高一# 导语】高一新生要根据自己的条件,以及高中阶段学科知识交叉多、综合性强,以及考查的知识和思维触点广的特点,找寻一套行之有效的学习方法。®文档大全网为各位同学整理了《高一年级英语必修三知识点》,希望对您的学习有所帮助!


  1. look into 调查

  2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做

  3. belong to 属于

  4. get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失

  5. do with 处理;对付

  6. in search of ;in the/one’s search for 寻找

  7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

  8. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

  9. be made into . . . 被制成;

  be made of /from 用…制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)

  be made for 为…制作

  be made up of 由…组成

  10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词

  “be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征

  be of a(n) / the / the same “属于, 归于”

  be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind…

  11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品.

  12. as a gift of 作为…的礼物

  13. in return 作为报答

  14. become part of 成为…的一部分

  15. serve as 充当,用作


  1.mean doing sth. 意味着; mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;

  mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作……用;

  2.take place 发生;举行

  3.of all kinds 各种各样的

  4.starve to death饿死 be starved of 缺乏, starve for sth, starve to do,渴望

  5.plenty of 大量; 充足

  6.be satisfied with感到满意 to one’s satisfaction感到满意是

  7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人

  8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式

  9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人

  10.dress up 穿上的衣服;打扮,化装

  11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖 reward sb. for sth. 因 …奖赏某人; reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人

  12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人

  13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望

  14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐 ( have a good time, enjoy oneself.)

  15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些 turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉; turn on 打开; turn out 结果是...... turn to sb. for help 向某人求助


  1) It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (从句时态用完成时) 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。

  2) I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(强调句) 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。

  3) I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. 有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮一次。

  4) Your friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to help him cheat in the end-of-term exam.(非限制性定语从句) 你的一个朋友叫你在期末考试中帮他作弊,这个朋友平常不认真学习。

  5) If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. 如果你在和朋友的相处上有问题,你可以写信给编辑向他征求建议。

  6) Add up your score and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看得了多少。

  7) What he did has added to our difficulties. 他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。

  8) His income adds up to $1000 a month. 他每月的收入共计1000美元。

  9) It‘s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. 观看这些已不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须体验的。

  10) Why is she so concerned about his attitude to her work? 她为什么那么关注他对她的工作的看法?


  1. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, ... you may want to try hiking. Instead和instead 0f的用法

  2. Say "Hi" / "Hello" / "Thanks" to sb. (for me) 问候的句型

  3. Is anybody seeing you off? 进行时表将来

  4. She struggled and struggled, and could not get on her feet. (= keep struggling)

  5. You should not go rafting unless you know... unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if... not

  6. By staying at..., tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the fiver and the birds. 目的状语从句

  7. She was so surprised that she couldn't move. 结果状语从句

  8. Tree after tree went down, cut down by water. 过去分词作状语

  9. The next moment, the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 现在分词作状语

  10. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. It didn't take long before the building was destroyed. before的用法


  1. diet n. 日常饮食;食物vt. 给(病人)指定饮食vi. 节食

  2. energy n. 精力;活力;能量;活动力

  3. digestion n. 消化力;领悟

  4. balance n. 天平;平衡;结余;vt. 平衡;权衡;斟酌vi. 平衡;相抵;均等

  5. roast vt.&vi. 烤;炙;烘;(使)……变热 ;烤过的

  6. ought v.& aux. 应该;应当;宜于;理应;n. 应尽的义务;责任

  7. slim a. 苗条的;纤细的;微小的 vi. 变细;减肥

  8. curiosity n. 好奇心;求知欲;珍贵的物品

  9. raw a. 生的;处于自然状态的;生疏的;刺痛的;阴冷的n. 痛处

  10. lie n. 谎言;位置;状态;地势vi. 卧;躺;位于;说谎;欺骗

  11. research n. 调查;研究; vi. 调查;研究

  12. customer n. 顾客;消费者

  13. weakness n. 虚弱;缺点;弱点

  14. strength n. 力量;力气;体力;实力

  15. rid vt. 使摆脱;使去掉;除去;把……消灭掉

  16. amount n. 合计;总量;总额;数量; vt. 相当于;等于

  17. debt n. 债;欠债;罚过;

  18. glare n. 眩光;闪光;显眼;瞪眼vi. 炫耀;闪耀vt. 瞪着眼;怒目而视

  19. gently adv. 轻轻地;轻柔地;逐渐地

  20. limit n. 界限;限度;极限;范围vt. 限定;限制

  21. limit adj. 有限的

  22. benefit n. 利益;好处;恩惠;受益vt. 有益于;有助于vi. 受益

  23. sigh n. 叹气;叹息;(风、树等)啸声vi. 叹气;叹息;(风等)呼啸vt. 叹息的说(out)

  24. combine vt. 使结合;使联合;兼备;vi. 结合;联合;化合

  25. item n. 条;条目;项目;条款;(一条)消息

  26. packet n. 束、盒;包裹

