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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学生课外学习的资料之一。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!

  词汇学习 Word study

  custom n.风俗;习惯;

  When visiting a foreign country, we might find the country's customs strange to us.


  It is his custom to go for a walk in the evenings.


  customs, Customs n. [复]海关;征收关税的程序:

  The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned.


  How long will it usually take to pass the Customs?


  练习答案 Key to written exercises

  Lesson 18


  1 That man is tall. He is a policeman.

  2 Those girls are busy. They are keyboard operators.

  3 Our names are Britt and Inge. We are Swedish.

  4 Look at our office assistant. He is very hard-working.

  5 Look at Nicola. She is very pretty.

  6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. They are sales reps.


  1 Are they keyboard operators or air hostesses?

  They aren't keyboard operators. They're air hostesses.

  2 Are they postmen or policemen?

  They aren't postmen. They're policemen.

  3 Are they policewomen or nurses?

  They aren't policewomen. They're nurses.

  4 Are they customs officers or hairdressers?

  They aren't customs officers. They're hairdressers.

  5 Are they hairdressers or teachers?

  They aren't hairdressers. They're teachers.

  6 Are they engineers or taxi drivers?

  They aren't engineers. They're taxi drivers.

  7 Are they policewomen or keyboard operators?

  They aren't policewomen. They're keyboard operators.

  8 Are they milkmen or engineers?

  They aren't milkmen. They're engineers.

  9 Are they policemen or milkmen?

  They aren't policemen. They're milkmen.

  10 Are they nurses or housewives?

  They aren't nurses. They're housewives.

新概念英语一册Lessons 17-18课后练习答案.doc
