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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容及其全面的技能训练,为广大的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面®文档大全网为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!

  新概念英语第一册第119-120课重点单词学习 Word study

  enter v.


  After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.


  The bullet entered his heart.



  Four students from our university entered the final contest.


  He entered politics when he was 27.


  happen v.


  How did the accident happen?


  A strange thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago.



  I happened to meet her on my way home.


  I happen to know that professor.




  1 He dropped the vase after he had taken it into the living room.

  2 He bought another car after he had sold his old one.

  3 He swept the floor after he had dusted everything.

  4 She drank the milk after she had boiled it.

  5 He turned off the television after he had seen the programme.

  6 He went to bed after he had done his homework.


  1 Yes, I have just seen it. I had never seen it before.

  2 Yes, I have just read it. I had never read it before.

  3 Yes, I have just tried it. I had never tried it before.

  4 Yes, I have just been there. I had never been there before.

  5 Yes, I have just written a letter in English. I had never written a letter in English before.

  6 Yes, I have just watched this programme. I had never watched this programme before.


  1 It was too late. He had already painted it.

  2 It was too late. She had already dusted it.

  3 It was too late. You had already telephoned him.

  4 It was too late. You had already corrected it.

  5 It was too late. They had already shut it.

  6 It was too late. She had already made it.


  1 I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.

  2 The boss left the office after he had finished work.

  3 My wife went out after she had finished the housework.

  4 My teacher gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.

  5 My sister went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

  6 I bought a new car after I had sold my old one.

新概念英语一册Lessons 119-120课后练习答案.doc
