
时间:2022-10-13 20:55:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  We've arranged for to visit the Terracotta Warriors.(我们为你安排了参观兵马俑。)

  The exhibits are a feast for eyes.(这些展品使我大开眼界。)

  I'm impressed by this piece of work.(这些作品给我印象颇深。)

  Please give me some of your tourist brochures.(请给我一些你们的旅游资料。)

  Would you please tell me some of the attractions here.(可否介绍我一些这儿的名胜?)

  Is it worthwhile to see the ancient city?(此古城很值一看吗?)

  What time do we depart?(我们什么时候出发?)

  Show your admission tickets, please!(请出示门票。)


  A: Oh, darling.Our vacation's coming tomorrow.

  B: Yeah,It's just wonderful! So,do you have any plan for it?

  A: Umm,how about take a trip to Hawaii?

  B: Hawaii's too hot for us to bear,my dear.

  A: Then,how about go to Hong Kong?

  B: How can you think about that? There is nothing interesting in Hong Kong!

  A: But, but... where do you really like to go?

  B: Beijing,my little sweetheart.Do you know why?

  A: I got it.Because it's so near to our home.



  Would Dr. Norman be able to see me at nine sharp tonight?(今天晚上九点诺曼尔医生有时间见我吗?)

  Alice, do you happen to be free this afternoon?(爱丽丝,你今天下午有空吗?)

  I was wondering if you were doing anything on Saturday evening? (星期六晚上您是否有空?)

  How about going on a hike tomorrow? (去踏青,好吗?)

  Should I make an appointment with you for the next few days?(以后几天我还需要和你预约吗?)



  Oh, surely I can,I'd really appreciate it.(哦,当然可以,我非常乐意!)

  That's settled then.(就这么定了。)

  I'd love to, but I...(我很想去,但是……)


  A: Good morning.Doctor Croat's office.Can I help you?

  B: I'd like to make an appointment to see the dentist.

  A: Let me see.I can arrange for you to see the doctor in a week.

  B: Can't I see him tomorrow?

  A: I'm afraid you can't.The dentist is very busy these days.



  I have a bad cough and my chest aches.(我咳嗽得厉害并且胸口疼。)

  I've sprained my ankle, and I've got a very bad headache.(我脚踝扭了,并且头疼的厉害。)

  I have a sore throat and a toothache.(我牙疼并且喉咙痛。)

  Do you have any appetite?(胃口好吗?)

  You need to take a blood pressure, and then have a blood test.(你先测血压,然后验血。)

  I'll have to give you a injection. After that, an urgent operation is necessary.(我先给你打一针,然后动手术。)

  We will transfer you to another hospital.(你将转院治疗。)

  Take two of these pills after meal, three times a day.(此药一天三次,每次两片,饭后服用。)

  I'll give you a prescri ption.(我给你开个药方吧。)

  This bottle of liquid medicine is for external application. (这瓶药水用以外涂。)


  D: Now would you lower your shorts?

  P: What's that?

  D: Just an injection.

  P: Will it hurt?

  D: Well, it won't hurt me,... There. Now, these pills.

  P: Do I need to stay in hospital?

  D: I'm afraid you have to.
