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【#英语资源# 导语】书本中散发着熟悉的清香,校园里演奏起快乐的音响。尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学,汇聚一堂,共同追逐明天的梦想。开学日到了,愿你开始新的征程,扬帆远航!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《初中生开学第一天英语作文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.初中生开学第一天英语作文 篇一

  A person's life record is constantly updated. That is to say, there are many beginnings and endings in a person's life. Every year is a new beginning, every day is a new beginning, and even every minute and second is a new beginning. Faced with this rapidly changing world, we are destined to adapt to it with a new face.

  I have also ushered in a new beginning, as the new semester is about to begin. In the days before the start of school, I had to toss and turn every night. Is it because of excitement? Perhaps, after the start of school, I will meet many friends and have more interesting stories than during holidays... Is it because of my worries after the start of school? Perhaps, after the start of school, it will be the second year of junior high school, and the pressure and competition will definitely increase. Can you withstand it yourself Is it because of nostalgia for the holiday? Perhaps, life after the start of school is definitely not as easy as during the holidays, but time flows like water and never returns

  After a friend learned about it, he said, "Why do you need this? If you come, take it easy!" However, how can you calm down in the face of a new beginning? With a new beginning, one naturally wants to prepare and approach everything that comes with a new face. After spending a few days like this, the day of school finally arrived.

  With a new beginning, there will naturally be some changes. The original classroom no longer belongs to our class, we are in the second year of junior high school. So he willingly moved to Class 17, Grade 2, on the third floor of the Qinxue Building. The blackboard has changed from traditional black to dark green; The classroom is also brighter than before, with windows on both sides of the four walls; There are no longer rewards and learning sections on the wall that we used to be familiar with... Of course, the changes are not just about these. Two courses have changed teachers, with Teacher Yao and Teacher Ding replacing Teacher Feng and Teacher Qian. This means that we will have to start adapting to the teacher's teaching methods again, and all our previous habits will change.

  My classmates have also undergone significant changes. Of course, this not only means that the students have grown much taller. More importantly, due to various reasons such as high pressure and increasing psychological age, everyone no longer enjoys playing as much as they did in the first year of junior high school. But the habit of being talkative still hasn't changed. Everyone chatters incessantly, like friends they haven't seen in years. Some say where they went during the vacation, some complain about being too busy during the vacation, some inquire about how they do their homework... Some even say to me, "I finally heard your voice again!" It seems that although some issues have not changed, everyone is still ready to welcome the new academic period with a new face.

  The new semester has begun, and the life record has been updated again. Everything has become the past, why bother to remember? They are just old files. At the beginning of the new semester, facing everything that is about to begin with a new face, leaving no regrets, and challenging old records is what we should and will do. Come on, let's showcase a new self together!

2.初中生开学第一天英语作文 篇二

  The lively and happy summer vacation life has passed unnoticed, and everyone has ushered in a new semester. I'm really glad to meet my once familiar classmates again. Everyone has made some changes: some students have grown taller, some have gained weight, and some have put on new learning weapons - glasses... The change should be that I transferred to a new class - from Class 15 in Grade 1 to Class 3 in Grade 2. I found this class to be a very harmonious one.

  Facing the refreshing morning breeze, I stepped into this familiar and somewhat unfamiliar campus, filled with emotions in my heart. I heard the sound of Lang Lang reading, the singing of birds, and the crisp ringing of bells. What a beautiful campus! I am completely immersed in the beauty of the campus. I strode into the classroom with excitement. Wow! What a scholarly class! Each student is reading aloud with great emotion: some have a calm demeanor, some have a smile on their face, some are serious and serious, some are humble and humble, and some seem to be contemplating... all kinds of expressions are present, really nice!

  My classmates seem to have a strong curiosity about my arrival. As soon as class was over, they all eagerly crowded towards my desk, as if everyone had a hundred questions to ask. With every word you said, I kept asking me.

  On the first day of school, the memory is always fresh, and the excited heartbeat has not yet calmed down. This week will always be beautiful. It means that everyone has grown up again and should move towards new goals. Seeing the friendly smiling faces of classmates and teachers, ripples rippled in my heart. Looking at unfamiliar books, a curiosity sprouted from the bottom of my heart, and my interest in learning was somehow stronger than black coffee.

  I sincerely hope that every day of the new semester will be as beautiful as the first day of school, and continue to be exciting!

3.初中生开学第一天英语作文 篇三

  School has started, and the day that I both liked and disliked has finally arrived.

  Lazy pig wake up! Lazy pig wake up! "A piercing bell rang. Oh, it's so noisy. What's going on in the early morning? "I rolled on the bed, ready to continue playing chess with Duke Zhou for five minutes. Then I jumped up and reported today! I spent five minutes washing my face and mouth, changing clothes, and rushing towards the school at supersonic speed. The blue sky on the road seems no longer blue, and the white clouds seem no longer white. Finally, before the bell rang, I rushed into the closing gate of the school, but thought that the days ahead would be like this, alas

  However, this trace of sadness was quickly swept away by the immense joy, and I met my classmate whom I hadn't seen for over two months. I saw a new classroom, and in the bright classroom, I found that this classmate had grown taller again, that classmate had gained weight again. My good friends gathered together, discussing holiday anecdotes and interesting classes they attended during the summer vacation in twos and threes. At the same time, I distributed to my friends the treasures they found during the summer vacation: seashells, bracelets, picture albums... The blue sky seemed to turn blue again, and the white clouds seemed to turn white again.

  At night, I lie in bed and ask myself. Do I like or dislike it when school starts?

  Hate it? No, I met my long lost classmates, made new friends, moved into a new classroom, and even had fun with them to learn new knowledge. I don't hate the start of school.

  Like it? That's not right either. Thinking that the free summer vacation is over and we're going to start busy studying again, my mother is nagging in her ear and starting the same routine of life - going to school, eating, doing homework, sleeping, going to school! I don't like school either.

  But no matter what, I like or dislike the beginning of school, the new semester, the new starting point. I must strive to learn various subjects well, read more extracurricular books to enrich myself, and make every day full of color.

4.初中生开学第一天英语作文 篇四

  From the moment I stepped into the gate of the campus with my right foot, I was a sophomore student. I was familiar with my former classmates and friends, and unfamiliar with the environment. Perhaps I had become accustomed to staying in my previous dormitory, but this change made me feel a bit different. Several times when I go back to my dormitory, I don't feel like I'm heading in the same direction as I used to be. After all, I've been sleeping for almost a year and I still have some feelings, so I can't bear to part with it.

  Today, also the first day of the official start of school, I moved the pre prepared sheets and other items to the third floor, which is my new dormitory. At that time, there was only one classmate present, and the new dormitory looked particularly empty. I climbed the stairs with a slightly heavy box, thinking about the lady who was supposed to become gentler herself, but unfortunately, when this happened, I had to grit my head first.

  Although my luggage was heavy, I completed this seemingly difficult task with the help of 'I can do it, I can do it'. Without the companionship and help of my parents, I experienced in advance the feeling of leaving them to work in other places when I grew up. But I know that the Long March has only begun. This road is long, and you only took a few small steps.

  There are no stars at night, but fortunately, there are streetlights that provide some weak comfort to our hearts in the dark night where we can't see our fingers. This night was a bit bleak, but the dormitory building in the dark was bustling. People were coming and going in the hallway, some holding hands in parallel, while others were chatting outside the dormitory door. And I, on the other hand, hurriedly returned to that warm little nest, ready to wash my face and brush my teeth. Time was tight, and I didn't have time to spend more time doing anything else, so I went to bed early.

  For me, this day was tiring, but it was also a fulfilling one.

5.初中生开学第一天英语作文 篇五

  When the hot summer breeze quietly cools down and the autumn girl walks with her long skirt, the students are ready to move towards a new environment and welcome a new beginning.

  Looking forward, looking forward, this day has finally arrived!

  Entering the spacious teaching building, I couldn't help but see a bright light in front of me: the buildings are scattered and brightly colored, with visible public spaces, maze like corridors, towering stairs, courts and runways located in the clouds... There is the grandeur of museums, the aesthetics of art museums, and the magic of technology museums, which is simply wonderful!

  Unconsciously, we arrived at the fourth floor, where the environment remained unchanged, with friendly faces and bright smiling faces saying 'Long time no see' to each other. After nearly two months of separation, the Light Source Squadron of Divine Beasts gathered again.

  At the opening ceremony, a touch of emerald green was added to the original red and blue family. Looking at them, I couldn't help but think that we were the same way last year, with excitement and tension on our faces. Over the past year, with so much laughter and hard work, we have become senior students in the second grade of junior high school. We sincerely wish Little Green students the joy of middle school life while studying hard.

  The impassioned "March of the Volunteers" lifted a bright five star red flag and gazed at her, making us all proud of our motherland in our hearts.

  With a longing for the future, we listened to the speeches of the new student representatives and the messages from the teachers. In the new semester and new atmosphere, we will learn and grow together in the new year.

  The subsequent awards pushed the opening ceremony to another high point. The certificate in hand is not only a reward for past excellent performance, but also a promise for the future: we need to do better!

  The last part of the opening ceremony was particularly exciting. Under the brilliant sunshine, the young people held their heads high and were full of energy, and the recitation of "Young China Says" resounded through the sky. It is our longing for the future and our pride in youth.

  Create a youthful family, a youthful country, a youthful nation, a youthful humanity, a youthful Earth, and a youthful universe with a youthful self! Let's work together to conquer the sky and the moon! New semester, new start, lighting class, looking forward to you becoming better in the new semester!
