

时间:2023-09-28 12:23:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

must, can, may+动词的进行式,表示对进行中的事进行推测。例如:

  1)They must be waiting anxiously now. 他们此刻一定在焦急地等待着。

  2)Can they be working in the field now? 他们现在可能在地里劳动吗?

  八 He must be tired now, ___________?

  1) He must have been tired last night after a day’s work, ____________?

  2) He must have been to Hong Kong,___________?

  keys: 1. isn’t he 2. wasn’t he 3. hasn’t he


  1. Sorry, I’m late. I ____________ have turned off the alarm clock and gone to sleep again.

  A. might B. should C. can D. will

  2. --- He didn’t pass his English exam.

  --- So he ________ a good time during the Spring outing yesterday.

  A. can’t have B. shouldn’t have C. mustn’t have had D. couldn’t have had

  3. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack ________ be here at any moment.

  A. must B. need C. should D. can

  4. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _______ be so rude to a lady.

  A. might B. need C. should D. would

  5. The boy must be in the classroom, _______ he?

  A. mustn’t B. doesn’t C. hasn’t D. isn’t

  6. --- Could I borrow your dictionary?

  --- Yes, of course you ________.

  A. might B. will C. can D. could

  7. We wonder why Jim Green ______ say such things.

  A. dared not to B. doesn’t dare to C. dares not to D. not dares

  8. I talked a long time, and in the end I _____ make him believe me.

  A. could B. was able to C. may D. might

  Keys: ADCC(should表惊讶) DCBB

