

时间:2023-09-28 12:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  1. must/ may / might + have done,对已发生行为的推测。

  2.“ should + have done” “ ought to + have done”表示本来该做某事却未做,否定式“shouldn’t + have done” “ oughtn’t to + have done”本来不该做而做了的事。

  3.“ needn’t + have done”做了本来不必做的事,“本来不必”。

  2) He looks happy. He _________ (not know) this bad news.

  3) Where is my pen ? I _______________ (lose) it.

  4) He was late for work. He____________ ( not catch) the first bus.

  5) I didn’t see her in the meeting room. She_____________(not speak) at the meeting.

  6) She is two hours late. What__________________(happen) to her?

  7) The plant is dead . I ____________(water) it from time to time.

  8) Tom_____________ (not give away) the secret, but he meant no harm .

  9) It was a five-minute walk from our school. You _________ (not come) by taxi.

  (Keys: 2.can’t have known 3.may\might have lost 4. might not have caught

  5. can’t /couldn’t have spoken 6. could\can have happened 7.should have watered 8. shouln’t have given away 9.needn’t have come)

  ▲ 注意: could/might+have done:表示过去有可能发生,但实际没有发生.

  1) You were crazy to climb up that tree. You could have killed yourself.

  2) You might have made more progress, but you didn’t work hard.

